Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 105: Start, 57 Legendary Battles, Global Powers, Gather in Wuhan (5/5 for subscription!)

half a month ago.

The shocking scene of the Wukesong scene, LPL everyone can not forget, nor dare to forget.

This year is the result that countless audiences have been looking forward to for seven years. It is not an exaggeration to say that we cannot lose.

Whoever loses is the sinner.

All the members of the three LPL teams, including the team management and owners, have a surprisingly unanimous attitude and unprecedented unity on this matter.

Playing together in scrims, eating and living together, and even going to the toilet, the three teams have to get along with each other!

This is really more than a brother's kiss. Everyone has the determination to win and the belief of winning!

Time flies by like this.

After the two teams of EDG and RNG arrived in Wuhan, every day after that, other teams that advanced to S7 arrived in the ancient city of Wuhan.

On the 19932nd day, the European Happy Family G2 took the lead in landing in Wuhan.

On the third day, the entire North American giant TSM met LPL in the Guanfang Hotel, and the two sides greeted each other friendly. Especially RNG and EDG, TSM is very enthusiastic.

In the days that followed, the champion teams and seed players from other divisions also arrived one by one.

And most of these teams who arrived will come to visit the LPL in person. After all, this year they are playing in China G, and they must greet the hosts after they come.

It was also in the past few days that Bai Qiu came into contact with the international superstar players for the first time.

For example, Ah P and Wang De from G2, Big Brother and Bilson from TSM, Casa Snake from FW

There are too many players that he had no contact with before, and the top stars who could only be seen on the stage of the S competition before, all appeared one by one these days.

It's a pity that everyone on IG is not familiar with them, even Rookie is familiar. These international stars came here to meet with their old friends from the S competitions such as RNG and EDG.

IG has made too few appearances in international competitions, and there are not many people who know or know it. Not only these teams, but countless audiences and commentators around the world have no great impression of IG.

A few play-ins, the force is still too low.

In this way, the few days of the offseason have become the last carnival time before the S7 main game starts.

Every team arrives and is photographed, and almost will be on the Weibo hot search list. Except for Weibo, national-level software such as Douyin, Station B, and Kuaishou are also on the hot list.

It's October 2nd.

Three days before the opening of the 2017 World Finals group stage, the LCK team that has not been seen for a long time finally arrived.

LCK was the last team to arrive this year. The three teams came together. After arriving at the hotel, they didn't say hello, and they all went to Wuhan Snack Street to play together.

After that, I even went to the Great Wall to take pictures, and the wild little peanut also went to the barber shop to have my hair done, which was almost like traveling.

These were photographed by the audience on the Internet, which inevitably led to a very big controversy.

ST starts right away, the LCK teams, the other two are fine, SKT. actually went to play?

The hot search of #SKT上大城# came directly to the first place, but most viewers felt that there was no big problem with these statements.

Because they are really strong!

Defending the title for two consecutive years, the first three-dynasty championship in history, to be honest, SKT in the S game, in the minds of everyone in the world, is almost no different from God.

No matter how happy people are, and there are excellent results, no one can say that one is not.

But SKT's attitude also made some LPL viewers feel extremely aggrieved, and there was a feeling that they were completely ignored.

This is our home ground.

Who are you showing this gesture to?

In any case, in the past few days before the start of the game, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, gods, snakes, and global powerhouses have gathered in Wuhan.

The blue sky seems to have become gloomy. Countless giants from all over the world are eagerly waiting for the opening of the S game to show their edge on the biggest stage of the year.

When the time came to October 5th, the atmosphere of the competition in the whole city of Wuhan gradually reached its peak as the time approached!

Because this day is the day the global audience has been looking forward to the start of the 2017 Global Finals group stage!

In the Guanfang Hotel, members of the three LPL teams got up early in the morning. Everyone was full of energy today. After a year, S7 came again, and everyone was nervous and looking forward to it.

This time is different from before. They used to play S matches abroad, but this time, they are all in China!

There is no reason to use jet lag, and countless domestic audiences will accompany them all the way!

With pressure comes unparalleled motivation...

After the meal, everyone on IG got on the bus to Wuhan Sports Center together with EDG and RNG.

The venue for the S7 group stage is also the Wuhan Sports Center.

However, the location is a location, and the people, atmosphere, as well as gold content and attention, are directly worse by more than one level.

Everyone on IG who felt the atmosphere of the play-in before thought that the scene and atmosphere at that time was enough to explode.

But on the day when the S competition came, I looked at the streets and alleys of Wuhan city, all kinds of blond foreigners, all kinds of fans wearing headdresses and holding the support items of the team..

Only to know that the play-in is really just an appetizer.

The real highlight of the S game always starts from the group stage, which is commonly known as the main game!

Seeing the crowd and atmosphere in Wuhan Sports Center more than doubled, everyone on IG looked complicated.

Bai Qiu asked Xiangguo: "Is the Group S stage so explosive before?"

"Before?" Xiangguo also looked at him in a trance: "Brother, don't talk about the past, count back 6 years, and it's all popular now!!"

"What the hell, how can there be so many people?

The rest of EDG and RNG4.9 also nodded in agreement.

Four of the five people in IG have never played the S game, so they may not know much about it, but they are the evergreens of the previous game, but they can feel the difference between the S7 and the previous S game more deeply.

It's simply not a level.

It seems that even if the scale of S7 was overestimated before the game, it is still found that the influence of S7 has been seriously underestimated!

"Huh. Let's go, so many people are making us very stressed." The puppy took a deep breath, and the others greeted him.

Together, everyone stepped into the Wuhan Sports Center.

Today, the first shot of the S7 Legendary Battle will be fired here!

S7, here we go!

PS: Thank you [Please call me the evil god h] for the 100 reward with my brother! Thank you for the tickets and flowers!


bang bang bang!

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