Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 106: Heroes, Aspire to Legend! (1/5 for subscription!)

PS: This chapter suggests that it is better to watch with BGM, and BGM is recommended (Netease Cloud Search: The legend never goes out!)

LPL-Everyone entered the Wuhan Sports Center and officially started preparations.

At the same time, the tycoons from all over the world also showed up. Today, on the opening day of the 2017 global finals, no one was late.

time flies.

It was in the morning when everyone arrived at the venue. After noon, no one was eating. The on-site director pulled several teams to rehearse constantly, for fear of any unexpected mistakes in the opening ceremony later.

After all, today's attention is too high, S7 is held in China for the first time, if there is any accident, it will be a joke.

Until 1:30 in the afternoon, more and more spectators gathered outside the Wuhan Sports Center, to the point where the venue had to be opened in advance.

Seeing this, the official decided to open it up in advance.

Countless spectators who could not wait for a long time filed in. In less than half an hour, the entire venue had tens of thousands of seats, and the seats were full!

The noise and clamor instantly brought the atmosphere of the Wuhan Sports Center to its peak unconsciously.

Compared with the play-in period, the Wuhan Sports Center in the group stage has also opened several areas that have not been opened for the play-in.

The entire venue can accommodate up to 20,000 spectators. At a glance, the crowd was full of people, and the momentum and scale alone had already won the play-in match.

At the same time as the audience entered the venue, the major live broadcast platforms around the world finally connected to the live 26 live broadcast.

Dousha, Maoya, Panda, Zhanqi and other well-known domestic first-line platforms, the room popularity soared at an exaggerated speed as soon as it was connected, and instantly exceeded 5000W.

Half an hour later, Douwang's popularity surpassed 200 million first, and it is still increasing!

With such a terrifying popularity and popularity, everyone who watched it was heartbroken, and the official Dou Shark himself was both surprised and delighted.

Because during the play-in period, the highest popularity reached 100 million. At that time, everyone was shocked enough, thinking that the popularity of S7 was almost the same.

But now, before the group stage begins, 200 million has already reached the bottom.

Once the real fight starts, it is unimaginable.

How many people have to watch S7!

With this shock, the time came to exactly three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Why doesn't Qiuqiu come out?

On one of the back seats of the Wuhan Sports Center, Tuantuan, who "bought" tickets at a high price from scalpers, felt the atmosphere like an explosion at the scene.

"Sister, are you also a fan of Cherish?" At this time, a young lady next to him asked kindly when she saw the "Cherish" aid in Tuantuan's hand.

"Ah" The group was stunned, and realized who Cherish was: "Yeah...

"Wow, there are so few Qiu Daddy fans today. Maybe there are too many people. I didn't expect to meet one next to me!" The young lady was immediately excited. Seeing that she was wearing an anime headgear with Cheerish cheering on her head, it was also true at first glance. Fan of Bai Qiu.

"You, you are also a Qiu.Cherish fan?" Tuantuan blinked.

"That's right!" Miss Sister didn't know what to think, and said angrily: "The official is true, other players and teams have specially planned gathering areas, our IG side is too scattered, and no one has come to take care of it. !"

"IG is only the third seed, it's understandable." Tuantuan comforted others.

"Hey, I'm just angry anyway. Father Qiu is so powerful. Hmph, the official will definitely regret it later!" The young lady muttered. Just when she was about to pull Tuantuan to say a few more words, the bright venue suddenly turned dark.


The next moment, the noise of the scene also fell silent.

But it was only silent for a second. When the big screen in the center of the venue suddenly lit up the Arabic numeral of 10, the audience went crazy instantly.

Following the beating countdown, we shouted wildly together:











The classic fist logo was smashed heavily, and the scene was full of applause and cheers one after another.

At this time, the 365-degree big screen in the center of the venue with no dead ends lit up again, and a BGM sounded that made everyone goosebumps -- the theme song of the 2017 global finals, the legend will never go out!

The clouds are high, and the peaks are stacked bees.

The river view of the ancient city of Wuhan, the red banners hanging high on the Yangtze River Bridge, with the words "LPLS7 Come on" written in big letters, are all over the corner of Wuhan city.

Cars come and go, beside the river, EDG is playing wild, and the factory manager who is also one of the LPL division cards has his back to the camera.

"If I play in Wuhan, there will definitely be a lot of Wuhan fans coming to support me. Then, it will make me play better and better!"

"Then, I will also be the pride of many Wuhan players."

The tone is firm, Wuhan is his hometown, if this is the home field of the LPL team, then for him, this is the home field of the home field!

The Oriental Pearl Tower, the peak at the top of the bead, the stream under Xiao Chuan, the FNC star player, and the internationally renowned Ou Cheng put his hands in his pockets and looked at the calm lake, but his mood was not calm.

"I always think that the best thing about the global finals is that no matter what happened before, you have to use the current results to speak..."

High-altitude eagles swept past, and beasts howled.

On the green grass, the puppy's voiceover came: "From the first time I entered the World Championship to the present, it has been four times in total...

In the square outside the Wuhan Sports Center, people come and go in the background, the puppy holds his arms and looks directly at the camera. He has failed countless times and won the runner-up countless times. This time he is determined to win!

"I won the runner-up twice. Then I felt that each time it was a little bit worse, so I thought I could win the championship, but every time it was a little bit worse..

The crowds quickened and the blue sky darkened.

The first climax of BGM comes, the ancient tower in the dark, the lights are bright, and the beauty is enchanting.

TSM star player Bjergsen stepped up to the ancient tower step by step, "I have no achievements in international competitions, which is a knot in my heart. Some people commented. Bjergsen is not a legendary player, because he has not proved in international competitions. I can't argue with myself."

In the profile of the camera, under the light, Bilson looked lonely, with tears running from the corners of his eyes.

The style of the camera changed, and under the domineering plaque of "swallowing mountains and rivers", it was known as the most popular super team to win the S7 championship this year.

"I feel like Pray and I have always been the foil to SKT's stellar record because we always lost to them. I've been underwhelming these days, so we have to bite the bullet,

Greila smiled: "Not only myself, but I also want to keep the entire team fighting spirit and do my best to strive for this year's championship!"

The rat king Greila stared at the camera with a persistent gaze and full of paranoia.


The climax of the BGM falls, the sound becomes smaller, and the bright ancient pagoda gradually shrinks.

Camera cut, day and blue sky.

The ever-flowing road, the colorful bridge lights with dazzling beauty.

On the bank of the river, a close-up shot of a Summoner trophy that all professional players around the world dreamed of and went crazy for appeared.

"Being a legend in esports means your name will be remembered."

The top laner Cherish, who performed very well in the IG team's play-in match, appeared, with a high face and a little hope: "If you perform very well, continue to maintain a very high level and maintain that state, everyone will remember you later. name."

"Being this kind of player is my goal...

Turning around, above the steps, a player who has ruled the world for several years and is now recognized as the world's No. 1 player, the Great Demon King Faker, has walked over slowly, his eyes falling on the steps.

He seemed to be looking at Bai Qiu, but he actually ignored him and landed on the Summoner's trophy placed by the river bank.

He has won this trophy for three years, but he still loves it.

"People say if you beat me, you can become a legend. I don't think so."

"I've held the No. 1 spot for a long time since I beat Ambition on my first appearance, and that's why people see me as a legend.

People have passed through Bai Qiu and came to the summoner, seemingly responding to what Bai Qiu just said:

"So, to be a legend, you have to beat players like me many times!"

Domineering is prominent, and the two stand one high and one low, which has already indicated their status.

Who is sitting on the throne being challenged, and who is challenging the Demon King, at a glance!

The last climax of the BGM appeared, the shots were switched quickly, and the shots of the major players in the world that appeared in the previous promotional video appeared one by one.

Or a flash in the pan, or debut.

Until, BGM gradually ends and disappears.

The last shot of 7 sauce appeared, staring at the camera and said: "In the global finals, my definition of legend is...

"A person has accomplished something that others can't accomplish, I think, this is a legend!


The words are over, the 2017 global finals promotional video is over.

Hero, chasing legend.

The game officially begins!

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