Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 107: Next, we will defend the honor of ipl (2/5 for subscription!)

PS: This chapter suggests that it is better to watch it with BGM, and BGM is recommended [Netease Cloud Search: 2017 Global Finals Login Interface Music!)

Wuhan Sports Center.

With the end of the 2017 global finals promotional video, the fist logo fell, and the scene broke out with shocking cheers.

On the big screen, the Yangtze River reappeared, and traffic flowed through the crowd. On the big square outside the Wuhan Sports Center, the official big screen outside the stadium had been set up to broadcast live simultaneously.

The camera passed by, and the number of spectators who did not buy tickets outside the venue was only a lot more than in the venue.

Countless audience members with red LPL stickers on their faces waved their cheering sticks and greeted the camera.

There is also a young lady wearing a Teemo headdress and laughing softly.

Back in the venue, the stage spotlights flickered, and the scene was fiery.

"Welcome to CG Wuhan!

A male middle school speaker that LPL audiences are very familiar with rang out. The LPL host, the first brother, the indestructible grip, Ren Dong, walked onto the stage with a smile on his face.

"Here is the scene of the 2017 global finals, everyone, I'm Ren Dong!!

After finishing speaking, he shouted enthusiastically to the audience: "The summoner at the scene, let the whole world feel the enthusiasm of the Wuhan audience?!"




"LPL cattle batch!"

The audience responded enthusiastically, and there were countless fans shouting RNG to cheer.

"Wow, the scene is really burning." Ren Dong nodded with a smile, and then went straight to the theme: "So, after a whole year of battles and competitions, the sixteen top giants from all over the world are now all ready. ready.

"In the next month or so, they will set foot on the most anticipated stage in the world. Now, let's welcome the team!

"The first to appear are the four teams from Group A..."

The first "team, has won the global finals three times, the strongest team in history, the triple crown dynasty - SKT!!"

When the words fell, terrifying cheers broke out at the Wuhan Sports Center.

SKT, even in the home field of China G, has a terrifying popularity that ordinary teams cannot match.

A group of SKT wearing handsome black and white uniforms came out, the audience saw them, and their screams suddenly rose--

It's not that SKT really turned this place into a home, but they are holding a Summoner's trophy in their hands!

A world championship trophy that all audiences around the world dream of!

Brother Li took the trophy, and at the moment of returning the trophy, he still raised the trophy with one hand and raised it towards the bottom of the stage.


The field was instantly boiling, and the cheers of "Faker" resounded in everyone's ears and hearts at this moment.

Really young spirit, unparalleled appearance, even overshadowed the LPL star players.

Later, Brother Li put it back with a little reluctance in the lively music.

The trophy has become an unowned thing again!

Whoever is stronger can have it again and have this global supreme honor!

Next, the other teams in Group A also played in turn. When it came to EDG, Ren Dong deliberately emphasized his tone: "The last team in Group A is our hometown.

Before he finished speaking, the crazy "EDG" shouts had already sounded at the scene.

"Wow." Ren Dong paused and emphasized his tone again: "That's right, they are from the local LPL region, who have been shortlisted to the global finals four times and won the LPL regional championship five times--EDG!!~


All EDG members appeared in the madness of the audience, and the big screen of EDG Xia Jue was chasing two and three to win the cup, explaining the excited voice and the tense picture of the game.

Everything happens at this moment.

EDG is the No. 1 team in the world under the home court of Wuhan, and its popularity is really too high.

All the teams from Group A have played out, followed by Group B.2.

For every team that played, the audience in Wuhan showed the demeanor of a big country, but when the three LPL teams appeared, the cheers were still the most violent, enthusiastic and craziest.

It's nothing but home field advantage!

When Group D IG came on stage, Ren Dong took a deep breath: "Then, the last team in Group D, also an ancient giant from the LPL division, returned to the world stage after two years, and played well in the play-in- -1~G!!"

In the home introduction, I really tried my best, and there was even a broken sound.


"Qiu Dad! Handsome! Handsome!!"

"Ahhh!! Little JG rushes to duck!

Everyone from IG came to the main stage together and felt the terrifying noise from all directions on the scene. The momentum at this moment directly overwhelmed the other three teams in Group D.

It also allowed everyone on IG to experience a feeling and treatment that they had never experienced before. It was so explosive!

They all have B numbers in their hearts. When it comes to fans, there are definitely not so many people who support them, but now, they represent the LPL division!

These people off the court are all LPL viewers and fans!

However, compared to the popularity, EDG and RNG are actually much higher than IG, especially RNG, the All-China class played in the local S competition, and the attention and support they received were beyond everyone's imagination.

After IG's appearance, the sixteen teams from the four groups have all made their debut.

Returning under the direction of the director, the music on the stage has also become exciting.

Ren Dong took a deep breath, knowing that what should come is still coming.

"The music that symbolizes the battle has sounded, heroes, and legends, I announce that the 2017 World Finals, now, officially begins!!"


With cheers from the audience, Ren Dong exited the stage.

The S game officially begins!

The 2017 global finals group stage adopts the double round-robin B01 competition system within the group, and each team must play two full games against the other three teams in the group. The top two finalists will advance to the quarterfinals.

Today's first-day opener is the RNG, the most popular and prestigious All-China class in the LPL local division, against 1907 Fenerbahce FB.

EDG is the final game today.

As for IG. in the middle of the show.

The world's attention S game, in one day, the opening and closing are the most important (Nuo Nuo good), the official gave these two places to EDG and RNG, which is understandable, after all, these two teams are the LPL today The strongest team in the region.

Pack up your preparations, and the first opener will begin soon.

For this game, everyone thinks that RNG can easily win. After all, FB is promoted from the play-in round, and it is still a wild card. Compared with the second seed RNG of LPL, it is not enough to watch.

The fact is as everyone expected, the opening game was very beautiful, and the official arrangement is also to give a good luck to their own division.

RNG did not disappoint everyone, and in 25 minutes, they crushed and won and defeated FB.

Help the LPL division to get a good start in this year's S7 group stage and fire the first shot!

In the background, with the victory of RNG, everyone in IG took a deep breath.

Next, the representatives of the LPL division will be replaced by them.

By them, continue to defend the glory of the LPL division at home! Shop,

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