Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 108 : Those who commit crimes against China will be punished even if they are far away! (3/5

Wuhan Sports Center.

When RNG defeated FB and helped the LPL division get a good start in S7, the audience was happy!

At this moment, the prestige of the five RNG people reached their peak. With the cheers of tens of thousands of people throughout the venue, they went to greet their flowers and praise.

On the other side, backstage, everyone on IG also took a deep breath.

The scene in front was so explosive, even in the backstage lounge, you could hear it clearly.

RNG has won now, so the next team to represent the LPL division is IG!

For a time, everyone was excited and nervous, and the mood was complicated for a time.

When everyone on IG was in a complicated mood, the game continued.

The second game today, G2 vs Samsung, is equally eye-catching.

One side is the European giants G2, the other half is the LCK team, Samsung!

Two world powerhouses with countless fans all over the world, but nothing unexpected happened in the battle.

Even if Samsung is only the third seed of the LCK, but in the context of the LCK division domination, other divisions, in their opinion, are stinky fish and rotten shrimp!

G2 is no exception, Samsung's signature perfect operation, the whole game, G2 did not even take the 993 bit cheap.

After 30 minutes of the game, Samsung won the game. It is also the first victory of the LCK division in this year's S game!

For a time, Han G fans cheered, but the LPL people at the scene were a little depressed.

It's not a good idea to think like that, but they really want to see the LCK team get unlucky and fail...

There was another game after that. When FNC was upset by IMT, everyone in IG also stood up in the backstage.

"Brothers, come on!" The RNG people who had returned also stood up, and Xiang Guo patted Bai Qiu, who was following him.

Eyes with encouragement: "Let go and play, the group stage is actually similar to the play-in match, don't be nervous!"

That's right ", TSM's strength is just like that, just let it go and fight! Others" were also relieved.

Everyone knows that four of the five IG teams have never played an international tournament. This kind of occasion and scale, what kind of mood it was when they experienced it for the first time. Those who have come here are very empathetic!

"The second victory of the LPL, please!" Someone made a joke, and everyone in IG also had good equipment, and resolutely set foot on the stage.

The second victory.. RNG has already won, tens of thousands of spectators, and hundreds of millions of water friends outside are in high spirits. If they lose, they will not only go to the face of LPL, but will instantly fall into the bottomless abyss.

Can't lose!

"Welcome to the first day of the group stage of the 2017 World Finals. Hello everyone, I am the commentator of this game!"

"I'm Miller!

Everyone "Hello, I'm Shenchao!"

In front of the stage, on the commentary stand, three well-known LPL commentators appeared in front of the camera in formal suits.

At this moment, everyone had a smile on their faces, and it was obvious that RNG, representing LPL, had a good start for the first time, which made them very excited.

Seeing these three people, the cheers at the scene suddenly rose and fell one after another.

During the play-in, Baby Miller never appeared, because according to their level, they would only start commenting from the group stage.

This is also the difference between the play-in group stage, whether in terms of staffing, attention, scale and gold content, the two are said to be a series, but in fact they are different.

"Wow. The audience in Wuhan is really enthusiastic." The doll felt the cheers from the field and was moved.

"I felt it these days, and I really didn't say anything at the scene. Miller" nodded and smiled: "Also, the audience who bought tickets today should be happy, because the second seed RNG in our division is already in the first place. Won in the opener!

That's right"!" When I mentioned this, everyone was immediately excited, and the baby said: "Of course, it can't be too early to be happy, because today, in addition to RNG, the other two teams in our LPL division also have competitions. !"

"Yes, then this game, I believe everyone knows who (cgej) is." Miller took a deep breath: "IG! The third game, with the third seed IG in our LPL division, against the No. 1 seed in North America- -TSM!"

When the words fell, the LPL audience at the scene immediately burst into cheers.

"TSM. On the commentary table, the three looked at each other, and Shen Chao shook his head and said, "It's a strong enemy!"

"Rival!" Miller nodded: "TSM is the No. 1 seed in the North American division this year, and compared to IG, TSM is an evergreen in the S competition. This team has entered the S competition for the fifth time, right? ?"

"As for IG, we all know that this team is very young now. There are five starting members in the team, four of which are playing international competitions for the first time and have no experience in international competitions!"

Speaking of which, everyone's hearts are bound to be a little empty.

But when things come to an end, they must support their own team.

"That's what I said, but as the saying goes, there are talented people in the country, and IG's strength, I think everyone should not worry, I can only say that this first game of the group stage is a test for IG! You can only use one thousand percent of your strength!"

Speaking of which, the director in front of the broadcaster notified them, and several people looked at each other, and the baby said: "So, anyway, in the competition field, we still need to see the real chapter, the players in front are ready, let's enter the third game of today's group stage together. BO1's BP interface!"

The words fell, and the director's camera switched.

Come to the BP interface.

In this game, IG is on the blue side and TSM is on the red side.

Both teams obviously have research on their opponents.

As soon as they came up, TSM banned Bai Qiu, who played very hot Olaf in the group stage, and then mainly targeted Rookie. This is also a must for every team playing IG, banning Syndra and Spear of Vengeance.

IG's side is targeting TSM's thigh Bilson, the director of an orphanage with the same name as Rookie, banning Taliyah and Yaoji, and the strong version of Lulu.

In the first round of bans, both sides released the popular bot lane combination Xia Luo. Seeing this, IG immediately grabbed Xia, who is good at Konishi.

When it was TSM's turn, he also rudely helped Bilson get the signature clockwork.

After that, the two sides continued to choose, and they did a lot of preparation before the game, and the selection was very fast.

In the end, the first rounds of the two sides were settled respectively.

IG: Kasumi, Galio, Chien.

TSM: Lo, Clockwork, Blind.

All the choices are bot lane junglers and mid laners, but there is no choice about the top lane.

"Here. IG didn't choose the top lane in the first round. Do you want to see TSM's choice first and give Cheirsh a Conte position?" Miller sighed: "IG. really value the player Cherish."

"Yes, wrong, IG, I have chosen, are you sure?"

At this moment, the second round of bans was over, TSM determined the fourth hand, and when it was IG's turn, a top single hero was directly displayed.

A hero who makes everyone a little confused.

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