Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 110: That winter, the man who surprised everyone (5/5 for subscription!)

in the game.

Seeing the blind man who suddenly turned around and rushed over to the upper half of the wild area, the audience instantly burst into an uproar.

"What's the situation? The blind man, the blind man is really here?!" The baby was also in love, he didn't expect that he still had the potential to be a prophet.

What does it mean?

Did the prince really prepare this blind man?

"It should be conscious! The prince hasn't left yet." Miller let out a long sigh and couldn't help exclaiming: "Cherish, the sense of smell is too keen, this person actually guessed that the blind man would come to red!"

"It's actually quite normal for a blind man to drive red, but if you drive alone, the opposing jungler will realize if it's too normal, so this wave of Cherish consciousness is really in place." Shen Chao nodded, but added: "But this wave Cherish shouldn't be able to squat because he can't beat it.

"Now he is alone in the upper half of the jungle, and the opposite Shen is on the upper route. If he disappears for too long, TSM will definitely be alert, and "Nine Nine Three" and Shen will also pack it, and then the first-level prince will send a blood instead. , Cherish can't scold this blind man. This wave should be simply to give Ning a vision,

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the prince who had been motionless still did not continue to squat down, and walked towards the position on the upper route.

At this time, the troops on the road had just arrived, and there was no delay.


Upon seeing this, the audience applauded heartily.

The spoiler-type commentary really lives up to its reputation, and Shen Chao watched the game much more thoroughly than other commentaries.

On the other side, the prince returned to the line after so long, and Shen was also a little confused on the other side.

After thinking about it, for the sake of safety, I still walked to the river and made an eye at the entrance of the wild area to prevent the gank from being ganked, and at the same time to help the jungler look at the wild area.

At the same time, the blind man also rushed to the red buff. He didn't expect that he already had eyes on his side, but as the top jungler, he subconsciously made an eye under the red buff pit before he started playing red.

Seeing this scene, the people on the field were okay, IG didn't know this, but the audience and commentators from God's perspective were all in an uproar.

"TSM. has a strong sense of defense. In this wave of singles against the upper and jungle, one person has one eye, and the upper half of the jungle is directly and invisiblely defended into an invisible castle!" Miller sighed: "This team is really better than those in the play-in match. The team is too strong!

"After all, the No. 1 seed in North America." The two next to him nodded.

The doll said with a pity: "In that case, Qian Jue can't come to invade the anti-wild in the early stage, and you will be seen when you invade."

"This wave can't go away." At the same time, King Ning was also very depressed.

"You go directly to Lan, and if you come down the other side, fight them directly." Bai Qiu said.

King Ning nodded, no matter what, this wave is there, grasping the opponent's jungle trend is the same as grasping the rhythm, which will make him more active.

A small storm just passed, and the three lanes and the jungler all returned to calm.

But just after everyone thought that the early stage would calm down, I saw that on the road, the prince and Shen, who had just added two soldiers on the road, fought a few times, and then walked towards the river.

This move was very open and aboveboard, and Shen did not chase after seeing it, because from this look, he knew that the prince wanted to be an eye, and then avoid being ganked later.

"This guy's consciousness is still quite sharp." TSM gave a single like, and then laughed: "But still too young, so direct, when I'm blind?"

"I've got an eye on the other side, and I'll pay attention to the eye position later." He said, reminding the blind man who was playing red.

The blind man is red, and he must be caught by a surprise second-level catch.

"OK." The blind man had already beaten the red buff to half of his blood and nodded.

Shen didn't take care of it anymore, and started to replenish his troops.

And what TSM Ueno thinks is "doing the eyes", in fact, it has caused a burst of air-conditioning in the outside world.

Prince "Why is the prince continuing to walk? This wave, it's not an eye! What does he want to do?!" Miller's eyes widened.

I saw that on the field at this moment, where did the prince who walked to the river do his eyes, his eyes were inserted into the red buff on the opposite side just now, the CD was not good, he was a ghost!

Make a U-turn and go straight to the top half of TSM!

"Are you still going to be anti-wild?! Prince! A top laner, but still obsessed with a red?!" The baby looked unbelievable: "This is not possible, TSM has a very strict defensive awareness, and the top half of this wave is all eye-level. !!"

"The prince has gone and may be left behind. Cherish didn't know TSM made eyes!"


There was already a commotion off the field.

Because looking at the movements of the prince on the field, there is no intention to turn back!

If you leave like this, you won't find out on the road now, but you will definitely find out later, isn't it the end of the prince?

Just when everyone was stunned, I saw the prince walking straight on the field. When he was approaching the entrance to the upper half of TSM, he suddenly turned around inexplicably, circled in place, then stuck to the wall and continued on !

This move looks very strange, but from the perspective of God, the prince directly bypassed the eyes of Shen Fang just now at the extreme distance!

He is circling the field of vision!!


"Oh my God, isn't it, Cherish! He actually knew that Shen had missed this wave? He's looking around!!" Miller's eyes widened when he saw it, "Go around! This wave has gone around!" ..."

"I drop a turtle, Chersih! Consciousness, consciousness again, this prince's consciousness is too terrifying!"

"No, there is still an eye in front, and the prince is about to finish his fight and turn red!!"

As soon as the baby's voice fell, he saw the prince who successfully walked around the field of vision into the upper half of the wild area of ​​TSM. After entering the opposite wild area, he kept turning left and right, sticking to the wall, as if he was drunk.

It looked funny from the front, but when it got to the back, when it was about to approach the red buff pit, the prince who was next to the wall was stuck in the blind man's field of vision again!


"Damn! It's going around again! This person has been going around! The blind man's eyes have also been bypassed!"

"No, this wave has been bypassed, TSM doesn't know, this red--has it?!"

On the field, the blind man who was pulling the red conscientiously to fight monsters had no idea that a prince who looked like a ghost had slipped in not far away, still doing 996, very dedicated.

At this time, there is only blood left in the red state, and it can be taken away with eyesight.

4.9" The time to leave on the opposite side is a bit long. Please pay attention, just at this moment, Shanglu Shen reminded me.

"OK, I Fake?!!"


A long flagpole pierced straight from the dark fog of war, like a demon from hell.

The next moment, the blood red buff fell directly to the ground.

The blind man's feet are empty. . . .


PS: Thank you [What did the years cover up? The 400 reward with my brother! Thank you [Yangchun Baixueti] [Broken Shenxin] [Yuyou] [] The four with brother 100 reward !

Thank you all for your support!


bang bang bang!!

PS: Cough, new January, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass

Love you cute (53) 5.

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