Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 111: The audience exploded, killing people and killing hearts (1/5 for subscription!)

"Get it!! Cherish, prince, got this red!!

"OMG.Cherish!! How did you do it! The prince actually grabbed it, he bypassed two visions, God, did this man open the eyes of God?!"

The scene of Wuhan Sports Center.

Watching the prince walk over, directly stuck in the field of vision, stabbed against the wall with -Q, and accurately took away the red buff that was beaten to blood by the blind man, a scream suddenly sounded at the scene.

The commentaries of the competitions around the world were also dumbfounded.

This wave of the prince's anti-popularity is really too "alternative", which can be called twists and turns.

The most outrageous thing is that people still got it!

After reacting, Miller swept the situation: "How can the prince get the red, can this wave go? Shen has already come to pack, this position. Even if cheirsh gets the red, it is not easy to leave!"

on the field.

The layout of the prince's robbery is very amazing, but unfortunately this is in the depths of the TSM wild area. If it is robbed, will TSM let him leave?

Shen, who was on the road, had already rushed towards this side for the first time. The blind man's forehead was congested with anger, and he rushed straight to the prince.

This wave, how to go?

"Go on, you continue to fight, this blind man is on his way!" Bai Qiu and Ning Wang complained, the prince on the field actually did not retreat but advanced, and directly scuffled with the blind man who rushed towards him!

did not run!

straight up!


"Prince! Ouch. What do you mean? Don't you run away this wave? Everyone outside was stunned for a moment, and the doll said with a stunned face: "This wave, this, I rely on it!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

Because on the field, the prince who scuffled with the blind man is actually an advantage!

No matter how much the blind man pulls on the red drive alone, the state is always not as comfortable as the next way to help him call. In addition, TSM did not realize that the prince was coming, and the state of the blind man was not as good as expected.

Of course, more importantly, the prince got the red one!

Blind skill CD, both of them are level 1, but the prince has a red buff bonus damage!

The state is even more full of blood, and now it is 1v1 with the blind man, but after a while, the prince's state has dropped to half, but the blind man's state has also become more disabled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I rely on!!

When TSM jungler Svenskeren saw this, he couldn't hold back and uttered a foul language.

"I can't beat him?!"

"You pull first, I'll be there soon, and then he'll be dead!" The top laner Hauntzer said quickly.

Hearing the sound, the blind man also felt that it was reasonable, and wanted to turn around to avoid the edge for a while.

But he wanted to leave, but he forgot that the prince stole the red!

When the red buf is stuck, the blind man is slowed down and cannot move!


At this time, Shen had already walked under the red buff pit, and he would definitely be able to come over within three seconds.

But even these three or four seconds have become a reminder for the blind at this moment, and they can't afford to delay even a second!

"I flashed! I'll quiz him later!!" The state has dropped to one fifth, and the blind man dare not hesitate, otherwise, he will flash again, and it is very likely that his head will be replaced by the opposite flash.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he thought of his own flash directly ahead!


The yellow light lit up, and the blind man was forced to flash out in his wild area!


"Cross flash!! Blind man, dodge away. Cherish!! This wave in TSM's jungle area actually forced the opposing jungler's flash to - force it out?!"

Miller was stunned: "I'm going, what the hell is this, can you still play like this?"

"But there's nothing wrong with this wave. If the blind man goes away, the prince will have no chance to replace the head. Shen has already arrived, and the blind man will be healed soon. This wave...Cherish may still be dead." Shen Chao calmly analyzed.

On the field, after the blind man flashed, the prince had already lost the chance to replace the head.

Shen had already rushed behind him, and there was a blind man in front of him.

There were people blocking one after another, and the prince was wrapped in a small space in his wild area by TSM.

"I'll control him first, you directly ask, Fake, I must let him spit out everything he eats!" Shen looked at the fresh and hot red dad at the prince's feet, thinking that this person was under his nose He grabbed Hong and shouted a little angrily.

"OK!" The blind man nodded.

"I'm up!"

When the words fell, Shen was already close to the prince, and without saying a word, he directly sneered at the prince with a single skill.

This E was specially reserved for him to learn. It was too early to go online just now, and the skills have been kept for a while. I didn't expect it to be released now.

Laugh at it, the prince can't escape with his wings!

"Death to the Lord!"

"So upright?" At the same time, Bai Qiu had been paying attention to Shen who was behind him after the blind man flashed, and when the opponent had just started his hand, he swayed to the right.

The next moment, Shen skill directly swiped, and the prince passed by!

Move away, twist away!

"Fake?!" Shen was taken aback for a moment.

But before he could react, he saw that after he had just turned off Shen's E skill on the field, the prince did not have any stagnation.


The next moment, the blind man's Q skill, Tian Yinbo, hit from the top of the side, hitting the position before the prince with precision.

Now, of course, nothing is hit!

Dodged 993 again!


"Let's move! Another move! Prince! Hide again!! My God!" The doll was completely dumbfounded.

Miller next to him reacted quickly and said with ecstasy on his face: "Then this wave can go away! Can the prince run? TSM's two skills - are all empty!!"


At this time, there was a shocking cheer from the field.

At the same time, the prince who was hiding two deadly skills on the field had already walked out of the wild area by the way.

TSM Ueno looked at his back with a bewildered expression, and everyone was blown away by the show.

"Chase! Kill him! Kill him!!

Shen reacted, and immediately wanted to chase after him.

But Prince Nai He has always kept a small distance from him, this distance seems very close, but only a first-level Shen, there is no way for him to reach the other side!

And look at the prince's current state, although it is very disabled, but flashing the past should not kill the opponent.

"I can't catch up." Shen sighed, and the blind man farther behind also looked aggrieved.

This wave, the prince really ran away!

"Run away!! TSM is not chasing, oh my god!"

Looking at the back of the prince leaving calmly on the field, it is now certain that he can leave.

The commentators from the world's major competition areas looked at each other.

Then. fried!,

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