Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 112: Extreme greed, mindless pressure (2/5 for subscription!)

"Run! The prince really ran away this time!"

"OMG.TSM, Hauntzer and Svenskeren are like two monkeys being played by Cherish!!"


The boiling Wuhan Sports Center.

In the commentary seat, watching the prince finally managed to escape this wave, he still had a bright red buff on his body. Except for the drop in his state, there was almost no loss. The commentators in the major competition areas around the world were not calm.

The baby looked in disbelief: "Cherish's wave is too outrageous, is it possible to go? He took the red in front of his face, forced the opposite jungler to flash, and then successfully ran away?!"

"I look stupid, the two TSM Ueno brothers have been shown love this time!!"


When the words fell, the Wuhan Sports Center also burst into a shocking cheer, and every audience was shocked by the prince's strange operation.

"I'm going, what the hell?"

"This prince, has a radar in his hand?!"

"Show me people are stupid, this can run?"

"Qiu Dad!! This person is really too strong!"

"Circling around the field of vision to climax, opening perspective?!"

"My God, 666!"

As the prince left safely, the tens of thousands of spectators off the field also burst into a commotion, and the numbers of 666 on the barrage of the major live broadcast rooms also converged into a barrage ocean, filling the entire screen.

"Wow.. Miller nodded in amazement. He was about to continue to say something when he saw that the prince, who had already distanced himself from Shen, stopped chasing after him.

Then, turning back to Shen, who was bewildered, was stabbed with a Q skill.


Shen didn't react, and was hit on the spot!


"Go back and ask again!! This person actually turned back and asked carefully!!" Miller opened his mouth: "This. Cherish, it's open, this wave is too

"It's so weird~||" The doll next to him answered, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Murdering and a pig's heart?! It's not enough to steal the wild and force the flash, but you still want to stab me?"

"This wave--TSM's Ueno mentality exploded!"

The screaming went up again.

The prince has now walked to the upper route, completely safe, and the situation on the field has become quiet again.

But it was quiet on the field, but off the field, the atmosphere had already been stirred up by the prince's start with several waves of saucy manipulations.

"Cherish, this player is completely showing off, he is going to show off TSM Ueno this time round. He's really handsome!" Miller looked at Shen who had returned to the lane, and at this time there was already an extra one on the prince on the opposite side. Red buff, Shen's laning is also uncomfortable.

"Yes. Shen Chao nodded, and said: "But this wave of princes should go home. In this state, if you don't go home, you don't dare to fight with Shen, and the red on your body is meaningless.

in the game.

After the success of this celestial show of the prince, although he didn't lose anything, his state was still consumed by most of it. In this state, when the two of them were in melee combat, it was actually not taking advantage of him.

And more importantly, in the state of the prince, the blind man who has a grudge against him will definitely come to patronize him!

The best way is to go home to supply, and then TP online.

But after watching it for a while, Shen Chao made a wrong prediction this time.

The prince who was on the line with Shen didn't mean to go home, not only that, not only did he not go home, but after taking advantage of the experience of a red buff to take the lead and successfully grabbed the second level, the prince actually took the initiative!

A decisive light speed EQ, directly picked up the unexpected Shen, and then exchanged blood level A with the face and the opposite side.

After some consumption, most of the Shen state was not lost, and the prince himself fell to a small half of blood, and the medicine bottles on his body were all eaten up.

"Cherish, this is too ferocious, it's fine if you don't go home, you have to take the initiative to go up and fight the other side?" Outside, it was the first time everyone saw such a ferocious prince, and couldn't help but stammer.

"But this wave of consumption is still profitable. Cherish is looking for the position specially. Shen's reaction is too slow, and he can't react. The prince is almost not output by the soldiers, stuck at the limit distance and exchanged blood on the opposite side." Shen Chao couldn't help it Shaking his head: "The line is really strong, too thin!"


"However, the prince's own condition is still too bad. After this wave of blood has been exchanged, there must be another wave, or the blind man may come to catch him.

Having said that, the prince who has exchanged blood on the field still has no intention of going back. Seeing that, he wants to stay on the line to the end.

"Isn't it back yet?" On TSM's side, seeing this, Shen was also a little different.

To be honest, even though it was only a few minutes, he could still feel it.

This man is not weak.

But this is not weak in terms of laning strength. As for other things, such as this brainless and overwhelming style, it is a bit too contemptible.

Isn't this under arrest?

"There is a chance to hit the road, come on, the opposite side has a broken brain and has been pressing me, and the blood pressure is so far ahead." Greeting the blind man who had long wanted to take revenge, Shen's heart also had murderous intentions.

"OK! I'm here!"

Hearing the sound, the blind man immediately agreed and leaned towards Shanglu.

This bloody prince has not come home all the time, it is a matter of style outside the court, in their eyes, this is a provocation!

New hatred and old hatred, I was inexplicably robbed by the prince before, now I see the opportunity, why hesitate?

"You play it, and when I get there, I will go straight on, as long as I stick to him in this state, it will be gone!"

Needless to say, when Shen greeted the blind man, he had already begun to act calmly.

"Hey. Blind, this trend is really coming!"

Outside, Miller noticed the blind man's position immediately, and immediately became a little anxious: "Aren't you going yet? Prince, this wave is really bad!"

(Nono good)

"Didn't go, didn't realize..."

The doll looked at Shen, who had nothing on his face, "It's over, this Bo Shen has started to act, the blind man has come over, and this wave of TSM can't bear it anymore, they want to move this prince, move this and hit the road!"

Seeing this, the auditorium off the field was also in turmoil. Looking at the prince's position, waiting for the blind man to come over was a completely inevitable situation.

"It's still too greedy to play, Cherish, the rookie comes out, the sharp-edged baby shakes his head.

As a result, just halfway through the sentence, he suddenly froze for a moment: "Fuck!

"What's the situation? The prince is back!!"


On the field, when the blind man was about to approach, the prince who had never looked back suddenly turned around and retreated in the direction of his own defense tower.

This is

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