Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 119: Congratulations ig, perfect debut (4/5 for subscription!)

"You can fight back!! This wave of IG is going to fight back!"


The voice of the explanation fell, and the scene of Wuhan Sports Center also broke out in shocking cheers.

The situation on the court reversed too quickly, beyond everyone's expectations, so that until now, many audience members are clapping their faces in confusion.

But in the game, the battle has already arrived - the most intense part.

All three of TSM were framed by the prince's big move, and the prince stepped on the Thresh lantern and came out, leaving only the three big brothers.

Among the three, except for Luo, the flashes of the other two were not good!

The blind man just used W in order to rush over to collect the thousand!

In other words, in TSM at the moment, both of them can't make the prince's ultimate move for the time being!

IG's counterattack was very decisive. Upon seeing this, King Ning took advantage of his hand length without hesitation. Qian directly separated the prince's big move and began to frantically output against the three TSM in the circle.

Luo looked at the bloody prince, and immediately flashed out to get a head.

But he was immediately watched by Thresh, who successfully received the prince, a Q skill accurately hit, auxiliary to auxiliary, completely controlled!

On the other hand, Kindred's output also exploded.

In this game, except for the prince who is the fattest on IG, the second fattest is King Ning's Qian.

There is no way, in the early stage, I followed the big brother on the order and took a lot of advantages.

As for the hero Qian, everyone who has played it knows that after it develops, the range is far away, and the damage to the kite is definitely at the T1 level.

Seeing King Ning's Thousand Crazy Level A, the state of the two TSMs in the prince's ultimate move continued to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And TSM's Ueno duo tried to go out several times, but they were trapped by the prince's big move and couldn't get out of this small area!

Outside of them, among the IG three, the prince and Qian Ping are all bloody!

For a time, the scene was very shocking and funny.

"Thousand! What a terrifying output! This wave of TSM is completely trapped! Luo is also controlled by Thresh! This wave can be counterattacked! We can counterattack!" At this time, the atmosphere of the whole scene has been thoroughly .

The momentum of several LPL commentators has also reached its peak.

Miller stared at the big screen: "Can I have a little more A? The prince's ultimate move will soon be gone. Thousand damage is very high, but it can't be seconds!"


The next moment, the prince's big move finally ended.

The wall like a cage collapsed, and the TSM Ueno duo rushed towards the prince like crazy!

They even ignored Qian and just wanted to kill the prince who "humiliated" them several times!

After the consumption of the prince's big move and Qianfeng just now, although the two of them are only half of their state, they still robbed too much compared to IG's current silk blood Ueno!

"Big move! Are you ready?!"

Right at this moment, Bai Qiu finally shouted, watching the two TSM rushing frantically.

Ning Wang, who had been waiting for the CD, also breathed a sigh of relief at this time: "Okay!"

Under R skills.

Yu, secluded.

Thousands of great moves appeared, and in the aperture, they directly and accurately covered Prince Qianhe and the TSM duo who had just entered!

At the same time, Rookie's Galio finally leaned over, and gave a big move to the bloody prince.

If it weren't for the fact that the thousand big moves were not good just now, he could even give the prince a big move directly, but unfortunately the CD was a little short, but it's not too late now!


"Big move! Thousands of big moves are ready! Galio is also big! This wave is invincible!! IG!!" Seeing this scene, Miller shouted proudly in an instant, completely crazy!

With "!!We won!"

On the field, one thousand great moves appeared, and the battle had already come to an end.

Everyone in the big move is all invincible. The prince and Qian are originally invincible, and they can be directly invincible, and the two TSM who come in will only have invincibility when they reach 10% of the blood line.

Before that, IG beat them to lose blood, and they beat JG, but they didn't lose blood!

Moreover, Galio's ultimate move is also down!

Qian continued to output to the two people, and Bai Qiu's prince had already walked over.

As soon as the prince joined the battle group, he immediately showed what a big brother was. Before, Qian Jue dealt two people alone, and the damage was evenly divided, and he couldn't lose anyone in seconds.

But as soon as the prince came, Bai Qiu, who was leading the entire game, was simply flat A, and with the damage of the Hydra, in an instant, the blind man who approached him was already bleeding.

A few more times, the blind man is directly invincible, and the blood line is locked at 10%!

On the other hand, Qianye will lively point Shen to one-fifth of the state.

At the same time, Rookie's ultimate move fell.

With a quiet sound, the two people TSM was stuck with, plus one Luo who was with Thresh, were all knocked into the air!

Before he could react, Rookie was already accumulating W and letting go, and the three TSM people continued to be ridiculed.


Seeing this scene, the three TSM's brains went blank and their heads buzzed.

They know that this wave is gone!

Qian Jue's big move was over, everyone in the big move returned a mouthful of blood together, and the blood line returned to a horizontal line.

…for flowers…

However, IG has already gathered four people, but TSM has three people.

And they are still three weak people, in front of the prince, they are really weak!

When Prince Bai Qiu finished his thousand big moves, his EQ had already turned for the better.

Without saying a word at this moment, a lightspeed EQ shot instantly!

ah, cack

Among the three people who had turned around and escaped from TSM, the blind man and Luo directly flew away from this EQ, and the terrifying damage broke out.

The most brittle Luo blood strips are emptied directly.

"IGCherish kills TSMBiofrost!



Double kill, big kill special kill!

On the other side, Qianye made a few draws to level A, and the blind man who was bloodied by the prince's EQ was taken away.

"IGNing killed TSMSvenskeren!"

The last one left, Shen, the prince turned around, AA twice, a critical attack appeared, and he died instantly!

"IGCheirshit? TSMHauntzer!



Three kills, runaway!

"Dead!! All dead!! The prince got three kills! Triplekill!!"

"Cherish! IG, this wave won!! We won!"



With the sound of one after another, the Wuhan Sports Center also fell into complete madness.

The commentators in the competition areas around the world were screaming wildly, and everyone's faces were still filled with incredible shock.


"It's over! It's over! IG, this wave can get the big dragon, all four TSM people are killed in battle, this is a wave of small profit and group destruction!"

"We can congratulate IG in advance!!"

in the game.

A wave of pseudo-group destruction is over, and this game has also ended ahead of schedule.

IG-Everyone went to the big dragon pit to get the big dragon, and there was only one TSM in Bilson that could not stop it, and there was no chance to grab it.

After successfully getting the Tianlong, I went home for a wave of supplies. Five people from IG gathered to advance. IG, whose economy had been completely crushed, was already unstoppable. Finally, a wave of classic prince Galio on the highland started a group and fought TSM-wave group destruction.

A minute later, the TSM crystal base shattered.

The screen freezes.

The game time was 23 minutes, IG, won the game!

It is also their first victory in the true sense of the S game! Fan,

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