Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 120: Bai Qiuqiu, the master of pretending, the famous mvp (5/5 please subscribe!)

"Let's shout out that long-awaited sentence - congratulations IG!"

"Congratulations to IG for winning this game!

"Congratulations IG!!"


The scene of Wuhan Sports Center.

With the IG five menacingly destroying ISM and leveling the opponent's crystal base, there was an earth-shattering cheers from the field.

Countless LPL viewers were flushed and excited.


This is the second win in the LPL division today!

"Wow." The commentator seat, the three LPL commentators felt the same way.

Looking at each other, the doll is still immersed in the wave of heavenly show of the prince before the dragon.

It can be said that without the prince's EQ flash, the outcome of this game is estimated to be a question mark.

This game of IG is really beautiful!" The baby said: "Nine Nine Three", especially the prince, Cheirsh, and the last wave of god-level EQ flashes, God, it looks stupid to me."

"It turns out that the prince, you can still play like this!"

When the words fell, the audience cheered loudly, Miller nodded beside him, and said with emotion: "It's really too showy, after watching this game, the most correct decision IG made this year may be to sign Cheirsh!"

"Yes, then if we win this game, IG also helped us in the LPL division and won the second victory on the first day of the S game!"

"Impressive like a rainbow, I believe that all LPL audiences are very happy now. Then there is only one team left! Let's look forward to the final EDG performance together!"


"Win, win."

"I'm going, I'm numb."

On the other side, the competition room.

Everyone on IG took off their headphones and felt the crazy scene that the soundproof room couldn't stop. They looked at each other and let out a heavy sigh.

Finally won.

Live up to expectations!

With RNG Zhuyu in front, if they lose the second game today, what they will face later is probably the consequences of losing dozens of times in the play-in match.

If they don't say this, they will look down on themselves in their hearts.

Fortunately, everything is going well now, they successfully won this game, and they also won their "first victory" in the S game!

"Let's go."

Bai Qiu and Ning Wang shook hands as usual, and everyone from IG walked out of the competition room, greeted the crazy cheers of the audience, and bowed together in front of the stage.



IG beef batch!"

"Ahhh!! Father Qiu!!

Seeing this from below the stadium, the screams suddenly rose, as if to overturn the roof of the stadium.

Being in the center of the storm, everyone on IG also felt a surging feeling when they were hit by this sound wave.

This is the S race, this is the S7!

Compared with the previous play-in match and today's group match, it was simply weak!

With excitement, the crowd shook hands with TSM and returned to the backstage.

"It's been hard work.

As soon as they came back, the IG management team and the coaching staff gathered around them. The entire coaching staff looked at them, stretched their necks one by one, and their faces flushed.

"It's a great fight, Xiao Qiu!" Su Xiaoluo caught Bai Qiu deliberately and decided to get close to him.

"Everyone played well. Bai Qiu said modestly."

"Don't say, the last wave scared me, how did you do that EQ flash?" King Ning came over, and until now, he was still amazed at the previous prince's EQ flash.

It's too fast, and everyone else is numb.

As a jungler, he is too familiar with the hero of the prince, and EQ can do it too, but if he were to come, he would not be able to do Bai Qiu's level 100%.

From this moment on, King Ning really admired his partner.

After a few greetings, the MVP of this game was given. Unsurprisingly, Bai Qiu's prince drove the rhythm in the early stage, and the EQ flash at the critical moment in the later stage decided the ownership of this MVP.

Looking at Bai Qiu's handsome makeup photos on the big screen, all the teammates are a little like lemons.

"Oh, why is it you again." Ah Shui also pouted his head: "It's embarrassing for us!"

"It's normal, if I were a prince, if I didn't give me the MVP, I would smash the director's family!" King Ning said bluntly.

"However, today's host is Yu Shuang, I haven't seen Auntie for a long time, I want to be interviewed." Xiaoxi regretted: "I haven't felt what it's like to be interviewed at home in the S game.


Hearing his words, even Rookie was a little envious.

Because of the interview in the .s game, he seems to have never been interviewed. During the S5 period, he played so badly, and he was eliminated in the top 16. He had no experience at all!

As for the play-in match. Today, the gap between the two has been seen by everyone, and the main game is the focus of everyone's attention!

Bai Qiu didn't talk nonsense with these Bs, and the director soon informed him that it was the MVP who was invited to the LPL home interview booth.

All the way to the interview booth, the aunt in white peony cheongsam has been waiting here for a long time.

"Hello, we meet again, congratulations!" As soon as they met, the aunt smiled and said hello.

Yu Shuang actually became famous in this year's S7 finals, because of the sweetness of the person, plus the bilingual host, the English skills are very good, and the temperament is also very prominent.

Now is the most beautiful age of Auntie. After close contact, Bai Qiu has to admit that it is not unreasonable for Auntie to be popular this year.


"Today's fight was really good." Auntie looked at Bai Qiu with a particularly full look: "Your prince is so strong, next time you have time to teach me?"

Bai Qiu nodded, and at this time the director came over.

Auntie put on a professional smile: "Welcome to the post-match interview. This time we are inviting the top laners of the IG team, Cheirsh, Cheirsh. Say hello to everyone?"

"Hello everyone, I'm the top order on IG, Cheirsh." Bai Qiu greeted the camera and the audience.


"Qiu Dad!!

"Dad look here!! I love you!"

OMG ", too strong! Cheirsh, 4.9 forever god!"

"Strong strong! The prince is strong!"

The audience responded enthusiastically and the atmosphere was very explosive.

"Then. It can be seen that Cherish players are very popular." Auntie smiled: "Let's first ask, and everyone is most concerned about it, that is the last wave of this game, your prince-EQ flashed to the end. How did you do it so fast?"

Hearing the sound, Bai Qiu was stunned, thought for a while before saying, "This is the .EQ flash.


Auntie's eyes widened, what the hell was this answer.

"So, that means it's just an ordinary operation, nothing special?"

Bai Qiu said embarrassedly, "I can't say the same thing. It's just that your hands should be quicker and your reactions should be quicker. It's a basic operation."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was stunned.

Basic operation, okay?

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