Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 123: Ipl are of the same mind, big brother is down (3/5 for subscription!)

"come on!

"No. 1 seed, big brother, fuck them!"

"AHQ son, this is a sure win."

"Today we should have won it all, haha, it's comfortable..."


With the end of the fifth game today, it is time for the EDG crowd to appear, stand up and prepare to go to the grand stage ahead.

Before leaving, the team members from 1G and RNG-Zhong came here to cheer on them one by one.

EDG is the No. 1 seed in this year's LPL, and the No. 1 big brother.

In the eyes of global audiences and players, EDG actually represents the cards of the LPL division.

Today, the official arrangement of the EDG game in the final game is obviously also for this reason, which can be said to have high hopes for EDG.

IG, RNG and others now also have the most sincere wishes to them.

"Don't worry, you can win." Assistant Meiko said confidently.

In Group A, SKT and the others will definitely not be able to beat them, but similar to AHQ and C9. There is really no reason to beat them.

One is the same as IG, who was promoted from the play-in, and the other is the designated son of EDG in previous S competitions.

EDG has lost the wild card, but AHQ is really a hit and miss.

So 010, now everyone is confident.

With this confidence, all EDG members stepped onto the stage.

Far in the background, everyone on IG can also hear the boiling and frenzy of Wuhan Sports Center at the moment.

After all, the hometown of the director of EDG is Wuhan!

It's really a home court within a home court.

The game started with millions of people watching.

But as the game went on, the frenetic atmosphere of the crazy Wuhan Sports Center gradually became silent as time passed.

In this game, EDG played very well in the early stage, especially the mid laner Lucian, Scout's laning strength is strong, and he even single-killed the opposite AHQ mid laner twice during the laning period.

But when it came to the mid-term, after several mistakes by EDG, the AHQ lineup gradually exerted its strength. In the late stage, it was another wave of big mistakes.

AHQ, won the final battle today!

AHQ wins!

This result simply shocked the eyes of the ground.

A team that is most unlikely to lose today lost, and even the official was stunned.

After all, the reason why EDG was arranged to face (cgfa) AHQ on the first day of the final battle was to draw a perfect end to the first day of the LPL division.

But you tell me now, EDG actually lost?

Who can stand this?

The home game of the home game, winning is more happy, and losing, the consequences are so serious, everyone can't believe it.

Because EDG is the No. 1 seed in the LPL, but lost to Wanwan.

More because, this game is the first defeat in the LPL division today!

For a time, the entire Wuhan Sports Center was silent, the storm on the Internet broke out instantly, and countless scolding public opinions and swept the EDG in an instant.

It was just a game of less than an hour, and EDG's reputation was already stinking on the streets, and the black material from a few years ago was turned over.

"Why did you lose, obviously you have such a big advantage in the early stage.

Backstage, everyone on IG and RNG also saw their faces speechless.

This loses.

So inexplicable.

It's over." Now it's fried, it's at home!" RNG's Xiangguo said with a complicated expression: "EDG. Now it has to be sprayed, right?"


The failure of EDG is not a good thing for IG and RNG.

Not only the long-awaited first day of the LPL division was ruined, but more importantly, .EDG-lose, if IG and RNG did not perform well in the next, they would definitely be angered by countless audiences.

In the outside world, the LPL division is one!

With this kind of complicated mood, it took a long time for everyone in EDG to return to the backstage.

After returning, although they looked lost, they barely had a smile. It seemed that they just made a mistake. They should adjust their state and they should be able to call back tomorrow.

The crowd didn't say much. Today's games were all over, and everyone took the bus back together.

Silent all night.

This night, they didn't know what happened to the outside world, because they didn't dare to watch it, especially the EDG people, they didn't have to think about it, the five starting horses were probably sprayed out.

Because of this, tomorrow's game is very important!

the next day.

The three LPL teams got up early in the morning, took the official bus early, and arrived at the Wuhan Sports Center.

A grand opening ceremony.

The 2017 global finals group stage officially started on the second day.

Today, IG and RNG are not scheduled, and EDG is scheduled to play in the opener.

The first battle of the day, the attention can be said to have been completely full.

After the public opinion attack last night, the news of EDG's loss has been known to the world, and countless LPL viewers and players in China have sprayed and cursed. To EDG can counterattack.

I was careless yesterday, I have to call back today!

Everyone in EDG thinks so too, losing to AHQ is not a glorious thing.

In their first game today, they played against C9. C9 was a team that advanced from the play-in round, and their strength was also very low in the outside world.

The game started, and as expected, EDG gained a huge advantage in the early stage. Lucian in the middle, like yesterday, played aggressively and single-killed online. It can be said that one person is in charge, and the C9 can't lift his head.

Just when everyone thought that EDG could regain a city today and restore its reputation and LPL dignity, the accident appeared again.

It seems to be exactly the same story as yesterday. In the mid-term, there was a small dragon team battle. C9 perfectly caught the EDG-wave mistake.

It was followed by AD on the bottom lane, and after that, EDG lost the teamfight.

The counterattack begins, and the familiar taste returns, and when the game time is in the early 30s, C9 levelled EDG's crystal base.

Win the game!

So far, the picture of the EDG counterattack that the outside world had been expecting for a whole day did not appear, and they were given one loud slap after another.

Shame, despair, anger!

In an instant, the whole network exploded!

EDG started two consecutive kneels, this is no longer a question of honor or disgrace in the LPL division, this is

Is f*ck going to be eliminated in the top sixteen?!

at the same time.

Just when EDG was being madly sprayed, everyone on IG in the backstage also looked autistic.

"Fuck, how is the official schedule arranged, EDG is doing this, how will we play tomorrow?" Ah Shui couldn't help but complain.

Everyone else on IG was speechless.

Because tomorrow's first match will be played by IG!

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