Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 124: Rising winds and clouds, appearing in armor (4/5 for subscription!)

"Oh, it's hard.

Hearing Ah Shui's complaints, the rest of IG also felt the same way.

EDG lost a game yesterday, and the outside already exploded. Today, if we have another game and kneel for two consecutive times at the beginning, then the outside world is not an explosion, but a nuclear bomb explosion!

The RNG people sitting next to each other looked at IG with sympathy.

The third seed of this year's LPL team was originally the youngest brother, but now EDG has lost, two defeats, and the emotions accumulated by the audience, once IG also plays like this tomorrow, it is estimated that it will really be sprayed. .

But it can't blame the audience and the official.

Who would have thought that EDG had a No. 1 seed and f*ck started a two-game losing streak?

Really outrageous.

Everyone on IG only had a wry smile on their faces.

This situation is not under human control. Now, they can only hope that their state will not go wrong tomorrow.

There is a lot of pressure, but since I represent the LPL division, no matter how big the pressure is, I will bear the pressure.

This is the crown, the honor, the shackles brought by the honor of the expedition!

Soon, all EDG members came back.

This time, they didn't have the smile they had yesterday. They couldn't even squeeze out a reluctant smile. They all looked guilty and closed themselves. They came in and said sorry to the management and the other two teams.

Meiko even almost cried: "I don't know, how can I lose with such a big advantage in the early stage, it's all my fault, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry"

Looking at them like this, who can scold them now, can only care about each other silently.

The game after that continued, but the audience and commentators in the LPL division were no longer in the mood to watch.

Yes, EDG's two-game losing streak, not only the audience, but even the on-site commentators are autistic, looking weak, it makes people feel distressed.

The game ended in a hurry. On the second day of the group stage, other divisions had their own advantages and disadvantages. Only the LCK division still maintained an invincible posture.

The score in the LCK division has come to 4/0, and among the three representative teams, none of them are leading the way!

The appearance of the limelight is unparalleled, compared with the current LPL division with low morale, the global audience is full of emotion.

What about home field advantage, LCK is still the same LCK.

In the S competition, no one can beat them!

The game was all over, the group stage ended on the second day, and the LPL people returned to the hotel in silence.

This day, for everyone in LPL, is a dark and helpless day.

Even the No. 1 seed and the No. 1 eldest brother, EDG, both kneeled twice. Could it be that this year, there are three quarter-finals at home?

7 years of anticipation, no one wants to face the cold reality.

EDG has been sprayed into the sky, and everyone is not in the mood to care.

the next day.

Early in the morning, the three LPL teams assembled and headed to the Wuhan Sports Center again.

All the way silent, no one answered.

It wasn't until the square outside Wuhan Sports Center that Aguang, the top EDG leader, who was sitting in the back row, came over deliberately, patted everyone on IG on the shoulders one after another, held it back for a long time, and just said, "Come on!"

There are so many people today.

The 2017 global finals will be held for a total of six days. Today is the third day, and the competition is halfway through.

After the events of the first two days, the LPL audience went from ecstasy on the first day to madness, and finally came to today.

The crowd outside the venue is full of people.

After the launch of the S7, in three days, the popularity has been higher than that at the beginning by more than one grade.

Today's EDG will still have games, but the first game, IG starts!

Looking at the crowds coming and going outside the venue, almost 80% of these audiences are local LPL audiences.

Everyone on IG suddenly felt a lot of pressure. Standing here, they could clearly see the hopes and expectations in the eyes of these audiences.

Hopefully no more bad news today.

"Brothers, let's go."

Rookie said hello, and everyone entered the venue together.

But just when they first appeared, someone suddenly screamed in the distance, and then a few young ladies trotted over here excitedly.

While running, he was still shouting: "Cherish! Qiu Daddy!!"


Everyone in LPL was stunned.

Bai Qiu, who was called Dad in public, was even more embarrassed.

At this time, a few young ladies also ran to the front, and the moment they saw Bai Qiu, their little face turned red, and they looked very cute.

The staff had already blocked the fans, but the long-legged lady in the lead was still waving the aid with the "Cheirsh" ID printed on her hand, and shouted to Bai Qiu: "Cherish! Come on! Carry today too! We Waiting for your MVP!!


"Cherish come on!

"Qiu Daddy rush rush!"

This group of fans is very enthusiastic. Although there are few people, and all of them are female fans, they must have no cards compared to other players, but to be honest, Bai Qiu is still moved at this moment.

This is the first time he has had close contact with his fans off the court.

The low-pitched cheers gave Bai Qiu an unprecedented feeling and motivation.

"Okay, brother, let's fly."

Someone teased next to them, Bai Qiu wanted to sign their names, but now everyone is playing together, and they are going to enter the arena. There is no chance, so I can only write down the looks of these people, and if I meet them in the future, I will make up for them.


Walk into the venue together.

They arrived very early today, and the game will not start until the afternoon, but IG, who played for the first time, has already started intense preparations.

Time passed, and at two o'clock in the afternoon, the competition venue opened.

The world's major live broadcast platforms have also connected live broadcast channels. In just a short time, the number of several well-known first-line platforms has directly exceeded 100 million, and it is still rising!

At 2:30, the commentators and hosts of the competition areas around the world were all ready.

At three o'clock, the opening ceremony is over, and the game officially begins!

The IG people who had been prepared for a long time in the backstage stood up.

"Come on, cheer yourself up!" Su Xiaoluo stopped him.

The IG crowd gathered together, with their hands folded together like an Arhat, and raised them up high: "Come on!

"come on!"

The RNG people next to them also shouted, Xiangguo said: "FW's strength is just like that, kill them, we are waiting to shout IG Niu Piao Ao!

"IG cattle batch!" Others had already shouted in advance.

Everyone on IG couldn't help it, beckoned, and stepped onto the grand stage that was watched by hundreds of millions.

Today, IG will represent the LPL division for the first time and start the opening game, which is also a battle to revive morale!

Day 3 of the group stage of the 2017 World Finals.

first battle.

1G vs. FW, start! And,

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