Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 125: Death is like the wind, always with me (5/5 for subscription!)

"Welcome to the third day of the 2017 Global Finals group stage. This is China G Wuhan. Hello everyone, I am the commentator of this game!"

"Hello everyone, I'm Miller!"

"I'm Rita!"

Commentary seat.

The three S7 commentators from LPL appeared with full smiles.

However, there was a hint of strong support in this smile.

Today's Wuhan Sports Center is extraordinarily lively. Seeing these three people appear, there is also a burst of crazy cheers from the field.

"Well, the audience in Wuhan is still as enthusiastic as ever.

Miller adjusted his emotions and continued: "Everyone has felt it these days, not only we have felt it, but I believe that audiences from all over the world should have felt it. The audience in Wuhan has been really powerful these days!

When the words fell, the crowd cheered.

Doll and Miller looked at each other, the latter said: "However, "Zero One Zero" can only say that it is a little sorry for the enthusiasm of the audience in the past few days.

Everyone knew what Miller meant when he said sorry.

In fact, after EDG lost the second time yesterday, Miller apologized to the audience on the spot.

No way, EDG lost and I'm sorry for the audience, and their commentaries are also a little sorry for the audience, and there is a big problem with emotions.

"Fortunately, we still have a chance to fight back today!" Doll cheered up: "I believe everyone knows that today's group stage opener, the first match, is played by the third-seeded representative team of our LPL division, IG!"

"IG vs. FW!" Miller couldn't help but said: "It's a tough battle, it can't be underestimated."

"For FW, it should be considered that B01 has a relatively high win rate in the global team." Miss Rita next to her interjected: "Didn't you say that FW has a title called the king of B01?"

"That's right." The doll nodded: "The king of B01! FW Lightning Wolf, the No. 1 seed in the LMS division this year. Also, I believe everyone is very familiar with this team, their style, not to mention the winning percentage of B05, in B01, SKT They have lost to them many times!"

"IG can't be careless when it comes to FW, you must be careful!"

"Of course, we don't need to boost other people's morale too much. Judging from the few games in the play-in group stage, IG's current state is no problem."

Miller said: "Especially the top laner Cherish, this player should be the one who surprised me the most in S7 so far.

"The operation is really sharp." The doll also meant to be transformed into Qiu Xiaozi, and nodded: "Cherish's personal ability is definitely not weak, and I am looking forward to Cheirsh's performance today."

At this moment, the director reminded in the headset.

Miller said: "Yes, speaking of Cherish. Today their opponent, FW, also has something to say, let's listen to it together.

After the words fell, the director's camera switched and came to the big screen.

FW's top road MMD appeared in front of the camera in a team uniform.

He said with a smile: "Cheirsh's words, I have seen a few of his games, his laning style is very aggressive, similar to mine, so I am looking forward to his laning."

"But here's the thing, if Cherish continues to maintain such an aggressive style, our team's jungler won't just watch.

The director asked about the odds and opinions of today's game.

MMD laughed: "About IG. Because IG is only the third seed in the LPL division this year. So we didn't worry too much before the game, and the team as a whole is very confident!"

Just two simple sentences, after finishing speaking, the pre-match trash talk is over.

But there has been a commotion at the Wuhan Sports Center.

"Wow, MMD, I can see that FW is also very confident about today's game."

Miller nodded and said, "The smell of gunpowder is very strong."

"Yes, and we still have an impression of the player MMD." Doll smiled: "This is also a very aggressive top laner in the LMS division, and he is better at carry-type top laners such as Jayce and Crocodile. !"

"A top laner with a similar style to Cherish.."

"So the matchup on the road in this game is also very interesting. Then the players in front are ready. In this game, who will be killed? Let's enter the first B01 BP today!"

The words fell, the scene cheered, and the director's camera switched.

Come to the BP interface.

In this game, IG is on the blue side and FW is on the red side.

FW obviously did a lot of research on IG. After all, IG had already decided to advance to Group D. Under the same group, they were their biggest opponents.

So as soon as he came up, FW didn't have any embarrassment for the newcomers. He directly banned Bai Qiu's outstanding prince a few days ago, and instantly added a hand of Jess.

Then comes the spear of revenge that the version must ban.

On the other hand, IG is also very targeted, directly banning three heroes, Galio, Lulu and Feng Nu,

"FW. The first round of bans actually directly banned two top laners. Outside, everyone was a little weird when they saw FW's target.

The red side naturally has one less ban in this version.

In this case, FW still needs two bans to place the order, which is actually equivalent to giving Bai Qiu all the ban positions in the first round.

"_FW, respect." After a long time, Miller shook his head and sighed: "To be honest, I didn't expect this.

"After all, Cheirsh doesn't actually play many games. When playing IG, most teams target the mid lane and jungler. In terms of top lane, FW is still the first."

The doll couldn't help laughing and said, "This...Cherish is this also considered to be famous?"

"It's out, it's out, in that case, it's actually a bit difficult to choose, after all, Jess and the prince are both signature heroes that Cherish is very good at, let's see what IG-snatchs,

Talking, the IG of the blue side has also made a decision.

One grab directly to help Xiaoxi get Xia.

When FW saw this, he immediately grabbed Luo and the wine barrel

After that, it was 1G's turn, and the second and third hands respectively got the jungler blind and the mid-laner clockwork.

FW then takes the ADC cannon.

The first round of selection is over, and then the second round of bans is over.

FW grabbed the mid laner Syndra first, and it was IG's turn to make the final choice. After discussing for a moment, he helped Baolan get the powerful hero of the Taurus.

This time, it is only the last time to get the unit. 5.0

"IG. chose Niu Tou, it's not bad. When Lulu and Fengnu are both banned, Niu Tou is also a good choice."

"I'm about to take the unit for the last time now, and I've left Cherish's choice to the end. What do I get?"

Miller frowned and looked at it: "There are actually not many top orders released outside. The FW game is still very aimed at Cherish... Huh?!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

But seeing IG's final selection at the moment, an avatar that no one could have imagined appeared impressively.

It is also an avatar that global players will go crazy whenever they see it--

"Death is like the wind, always with me!"


"Yasuo! Are you sure?! IG, what do you mean? The clockwork has been confirmed, is Yasuo on the order?!"

Miller's eyes widened, his brain a little confused.

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