Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 130: The whole house is shocked, crazy scene (5/5 please subscribe!)

Hit the road.

MMD, who was pressed and closed down, finally looked forward to his own dawn.

Watching a large wave of plump soldiers enter the tower, MMD was so moved that he almost cried.

Finally, I can eat the wave line well, and I don't have to be frightened when I am replenishing troops. I am afraid that the opposite person is in a bad mood, so I will come up and slash him a few times...

Just when Qinggangying was about to step forward to take the line, he saw Qinggangying entering the tower with the soldiers.

"Want to touch the tower?" MMD was stunned, then didn't care.

If you have an advantage, you will definitely take advantage. If you change him, you will also touch the opposite defensive tower when there are many troops.

Just as this thought arose, MMD was about to step forward to replenish his troops, and suddenly found that something was not right.

Because this blue steel shadow doesn't seem to be close to the defense tower at all, but went straight to him!


What does "zero one zero" mean?! Qinggangying, this wave is not trying to touch the tower, does Cheirsh have an idea for this Qinggangying?!"

At the same time, the outside world also saw Qinggangying's thoughts.

The scene suddenly became noisy.

It seemed like "I really have an idea!" Miller frowned while facing the big screen: "This wave, there is no chance."

"Although the state of Qinggang Shadow is poor, Yasuo is also in a bad state now, and he is still in his defense tower...

"The most important thing is, it's only three minutes now!" The doll's eyes widened: "Qinggangying E has been pinching, if this wave of Cherish wants to go beyond, he may be killed by the tower!"

Hearing the sound, the noise on the scene was raised.

Because Yasuo has moved directly towards Qinggang Shadow on the field!

The goal couldn't be more obvious.

This wave is to move this blue steel shadow!

"Move, move, really move!

"This... all the commentators looked at each other, speechless.

On the other side, on the field.

Seeing Yasuo approaching gradually, MMD has also reacted, panic is not there, and murderous intentions are everywhere!

"Can you come over? Overtake me on the opposite side!"


"I was in the past, but maybe a little too late," Casar said.

"It's alright, on the opposite side of Shi Lezhi, level 3 jumping the tower, I can fight back!" After MMD finished, Yasuo was already close to the blue steel shadow, and AQA cut him down with three swords in an instant.

Under the suppression of double Dolan and level, the output burst, and the state of Qinggang shadow dropped a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in the same way, as soon as Yasuo shot, the red defense tower area immediately turned red, and the hatred of the defense tower instantly locked the outsider Yasuo!


The first defensive tower laser has fallen, and Yasuo's situation has become a little dangerous.

However, Bai Qiu did not panic, and continued to walk A towards Qinggangying.

Qinggang Ying, who used to be bloody, was in a low state after being stabbed a few times by Yasuo.

But this is still the Q skill has been improved, kicked out, the damage is played at the same time, the shield appears!


At the same time, the first laser from the tower hit Yasuo.

The half-blooded Yasuo's state immediately lost half of it.

Come again, without the output of the blue steel shadow, Yasuo will be killed by the defense tower!!

"Yasuo! Oh, it's going to die! This wave of green steel shadows is coming!" The doll wailed: "Cherish, this wave is too urgent!!"

"Death to the Lord!" On the field, MMD saw Yasuo's blood line, and his forehead was instantly congested.

The E, who had been holding it, resolutely shot, a hook and lock hooked the wall, the hand speed reached the extreme, and the second E directly moved towards Yasuo's Damn it's face!

But almost at the moment when Qinggangying's E started to move, he saw Yasuo, who had been crippled by the defensive tower, also moved!

There is no sign, no matter the timing or the skill CD, the shooting is just right!

A fully-charged Q skill is shot straight up to the side!

Hasa give!!

The hurricane gathered from the Yasuo sword and quickly blew in the direction that was temporarily empty.

Yep, it's empty right now

The next moment, a blue steel shadow on the way to the second E section slammed into it!

With a loud bang, it was like a storm in the sky, like the blue steel shadow of a roc spreading its wings and fluttering, and people in the air--

Crashed straight away!!

Yasuo predicts Q to interrupt Qinggang Shadow skill E!


"Whoops!! Cherish! This net! Actually scraped the Qinggang shadow from the air?! Seeing" this scene, the commentators of the world's competition areas were instantly stunned.

In the game, the shadow of Qinggang was scratched by the hurricane of Yasuo Q, and the person shivered several times in the air, and the state of residual blood completely came to the blood......

Before the person fell, Yasuo, who was already E after Q went out, has already arrived!

Directly stick to the face of the blue steel shadow, and then cut it with a knife!


The blood line of blood, steel, shadow and blood was emptied, and the sudden death was on the spot!

"IGCherish killed FWMMD!

Solo kill!!

"Dead, dead!! Qing Gangying was hacked to death by Yasuo!" The doll said with a look of shock: "Cherish, I have completed this wave of single kills!!"

"Yes, but what does Yasuo say? The turret laser has also come down, is this wave going to be replaced?"

"The line! There is a line, and the red line is just coming out! Yasuo can go straight out!"

Under the defensive tower.

After slashing Qinggang Ying with a knife, the second laser from the defense tower was about to fall. Bai Qiu was now in the center of the defense tower, and his flashing was not good. It was reasonable to say that he had to be replaced.

But at this moment, I don't know if it's good luck or good luck, the red army line just came over.

Bai Qiu's operation was not affected at all. In his eyes, he seemed to be full of blood.

The seamless connection E played a vital role in this moment.

After seeing Yasuo E reaching the first minion, the smooth and fast to the extreme seamless connection of E, in an instant, Yasuo directly rushed out of the top tower on the red side, and the man 5.0 came to the outside of the minion.

Because the hand speed was too fast, the tower laser did not land immediately, but went straight to chase Yasuo out of the tower.

Just as he was about to fall, a white wind shield finally appeared on Bai Qiu's body.


The laser fell completely.

The residual blood Yasuo's state was instantly cleared, and the visual effect seemed to be dead.

But in fact, Bai Qiu's screen is still bright, only Yasuo is left with blood, the wind shield is gone, and the blood bar has dropped to the bottom, but the person is still alive!



"Not dead! Wind shield! It's wind shield, this Bo Yasuo wind shield just refreshed!!

Seeing this, all the spectators at the Wuhan Sports Center and the world's major competition areas commented, including the hundreds of millions of viewers around the world who are watching the live broadcast.

It's all crazy!

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