Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 131: Extreme Operation Show, Great Artist (1/5 for subscription!)


"Is this all right?!" The doll said with a stunned expression: "This is not dead?!"

Wuhan Sports Center.

Looking at the 3-level tower successfully climbed, there is still blood and Yasuo who was not killed in battle.

There was instant applause at the scene.

"It's too showy!! Cherish, this wave of level 3 jumping the tower! Successfully killed Qinggang Ying!!"

"Q interrupts E to refresh the wind shield turtles seamlessly. After this set, Cherish has used everything that can be used.

"Oh my God.

At the LPL commentary seat, the doll's voice excitedly said: "I want to know now, whether the line of troops and the wind shield have been calculated in advance?! If so, this person is really terrible!



"Qiu Dad!!

"How long has it been since it started? You look stupid to me

"Level 3 half-blood crossing the tower?!

"It's outrageous!"

The field was boiling, and everyone was excited by Bai Qiu's forcible leap over the tower.

Too exaggerated, this is only level three!

You may not be able to go beyond the jungle, but Yasuo alone, not full of blood, forcibly jumped the tower and killed Qinggangying alone!

Regardless of the details of the operation, this act alone is enough to shock everyone.

"It's really a bit exaggerated, this is the S game." Shen Chao couldn't help saying next to him: "Yasuo is playing like this, jumping over the tower at level 3, it feels like he is bullying children at a high rank."

Several people were saying this, and the dead MMD also reacted, blushing with a thick neck, can't wait to find a crack to burrow in.

"Don't panic, I'm here! Avenge you!"

At this time, Kasa, who had been rushing towards the road for a long time, finally came over.

Hearing the sound, MDD was startled and gritted his teeth: "Kill him!!"

"The barrels! The barrels are here!"

Outside, watching the wine barrels come around from the river, the expressions of the LPL commentators suddenly stagnated.

"The support is so fast, Kasa, in that case, Yasuo should be replaced." Miller looked at Yasuo's position.

At this moment, Yasuo was behind the sound of a tower on the red side. The wine barrel was afraid that Yasuo would escape, so he walked directly into a tower from the river. Although Kasa's state was only half, it was obvious that he came to provide temporary support in a hurry.

But looking at Yasuo's more crippled bloodline, it's basically over.

"It's also acceptable. This wave of Qinggangying has lost two waves of soldiers, and Yasuo also made a profit by changing one." Shen Chao calmly said: "The only thing FW can do now is stop loss."

"Yeah, hey, Yasuo actually turned back to replenish his troops, is he trying to replenish one more before he dies?"

in the game.

After seeing the wine barrel approaching, Bai Qiu, who was only left with blood, did not run away, but rose up to face a long-range soldier.

After the Q is good, a Q is stabbed to death.

A flash of white light on the body--upgrade!

The state of the residual blood has recovered a bit, but it does not have much effect.

"This brother knows current affairs." Kasa couldn't help but be happy when he saw this, and then he no longer hesitated, the wine barrel had come to a tower, looked at the wine barrel not far away, and threw a Q skill directly out .

Look back confidently, without looking, Yasuo is already dead.


But just when Casa turned back, he saw Yasuo, who seemed to be making up for the economy before he died and was ready to die. The moment the barrel Q started, a wall of wind was released.

smell, taste.

The barrel Q skill was directly blocked by the wind wall and then exploded.

Yasuo didn't blow up!

The wind wall blocks the Q!


"Huh?" Kasa was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly, turned around immediately, and an E skill collided directly.


Seeing this, Bai Qiu's hand speed reached the limit, and he went out with hatred towards a soldier he had deliberately attracted by the reinforcement just now!

This creep is also one of the two creeps that didn't arrive when he seamlessly connected E!

With a bang, Yasuo's hand speed was too fast, and in an instant, he had returned to the bottom of the defense tower.

The E skill of the wine barrel hit me, and I hit a loneliness directly!

Dodged again!


"Yasuo!! Move! E skill! Dodged! This wave of wine barrels Q and E are actually empty?!"

The doll stared, and everyone was dumbfounded.

The next moment, the voice suddenly became excited: "I'm going, no, can this wave go?! Cheirsh!!"

can go?

At this moment, Yasuo has just upgraded, his state has recovered a lot, and he has been taking medicine, and it is no longer bloody.

After being shown twice, Kasa's scalp became a little bit, and when he turned around, he went straight to Yasuo under the defensive tower.

Killing people, showing me off, and wanting to run away?

What about dreaming?

But Bai Qiu was able to leave. When the barrel just turned back, he had already shot again. In the previous wave of soldiers, the second soldier had come to the edge of the defense tower. Yasuo had a skill that directly used the soldier as a medium. Successfully exit the tower!

And the barrel opened a flashing distance!


"Run! Really run! My god, what the hell is this, Cherish, can it all go?!" Miller's eyes widened, sweating profusely: "Kasa's mentality exploded. what!"

"To chase, Kasa wants to chase, this wave can't let this Yasuo leave!"

On the field, Kasa was just stunned when he saw Yasuo coming for the second time, but he still chose to continue the pursuit without hesitation.

Yasuo's state has recovered a lot, but for him, if the next skill is good, or if he flashes directly, he can stick to the opponent!

Yasuo, must die!

Just thinking about it, the wine barrel just walked out of the defense tower, and saw the shadow of the wild area above the field of vision, a sound wave like a divine help, stuck in the field of vision, and hit it directly!


"The blind man is here! King Ning also came to support! This Bo Yasuo is safe!!"

"Help me! Ning!"

On the sidelines, watching the blind man who suddenly appeared, all LPL viewers let out a sigh of relief.

So scary.

If this wave of blind people is not reached, Yasuo, who has no skills and troops, will really die.

Now that the blind man is here, a half-blooded wine barrel must not go past, or even if Flash kills Yasuo, he will be replaced by 010.

At that time, it will not be a stop loss, it will make it worse!

Casa also understands this truth, so even if he is unwilling, the moment he sees the blind Tian Yinbo, he knows that it is useless.

Just as he was about to turn around and go back, King Ning's blind men were reckless. When they saw that they had hit a Q in the first paragraph, they immediately lifted the Q in the second paragraph.

Flying to the face of the wine barrel, a set of QQAEA burst out perfectly.

In an instant, the state of the half-blood wine barrel dropped again.

Look like this.

It's dangerous!


"Wori!" Kasa was also stunned, he didn't expect the blind man's damage to be so high.

Now Yasuo has completely distanced himself from him, and he can't change if he wants to.

Under extreme humiliation, Casa almost vomited blood, gritted his teeth and tried to flash.

The wine barrel chased and killed others, and finally was forced to flash out and return to the bottom of his own defense tower.

"Flashed! This wave of wine barrels flashed on their own initiative!"

"Wow. G, this wave of blood has earned!"

"But it's a pity, if the wine barrel didn't flash, this wave should be able to kill it, alas" Seeing this, the doll got a bargain, but it hasn't been used yet.

Miller couldn't help but laugh a little. He was about to make fun of the other party, but the next moment, he saw the barrel of wine flashed over, and before he took a few steps, a hurricane of extreme distance blew over!

Arrived almost at the same time as the barrels!

Is this Yasuo's prediction style?!


"Fuck! Yasuo.Q! Anticipate Q!! Hammer the barrel!"

"This Bokassa is going to die?!"


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