Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 132: The first in the group, who else is mine (2/5 for subscription!)

"Kegs! Blown up, Cherish predicts Q! This Bokassa--Dangerous!!"


Wuhan Sports Center.

Looking at the wine barrel that was blown up by Yasuo as soon as it flashed, the audience burst into exclamations.

Too fast, too accurate!

It is almost synchronized with the barrel, and it is even unclear whether this is a prediction or a reaction.

Originally, Casa was able to flash and escape smoothly, but this wave of residual blood was blown up by the wine barrel, which would be dangerous!

The wine barrel in this state, even if it flashed into its own defense tower, and the blue side has so many lines, it is still useless!


King Ning shouted, the next moment, the blind monk had not hesitated to touch his eyes and ran straight into the defense tower, facing the wine barrel and facing A!

Defense towers turn red, hatred locks the blind, but in comparison, the barrels will die faster!

"I'm gone!"

Seeing this, Casa let out a wailing sound. The wine barrel was not ready yet. Blink was also used, and he didn't have a single skill.

You can take your hands off the keyboard.

Two seconds later, the blind man slammed A twice and directly took away the barrel of residual blood.

"IGNing killed FW Karsa!

"Dead! Wine barrels, blind people get heads! This wave of IG--big profits!"


The system prompt sounded throughout the Summoner's Rift, followed by frantic cheers and screams on the spot.

Every LPL audience is crazy at the moment, the original wave of shocking level 3 tower jumping, but it evolved to the end, and both FW Ueno and Ye were killed in action!

Is there anything more outrageous than this?

"My God, this wave of Cherish is too beautiful!" The commentator, Doll saw that everything was over, and said in disbelief: "Is Yasuo playing like this? Brother, tell me, Yasuo is play like this?

"...the two of them were silent.

Indeed, Bai Qiu's wave is really outrageous.

Level 3 is enough to pass the tower, and there is not much to say about the final escape with residual blood.

But f*ck, what the hell is this pre-judgment Q?

Kasa came over and didn't catch anyone, but in the end, he flashed and the head was gone..

Who's to make sense of this?

Who can stand this f*ck?

"Xiu is stupid." For a long time, Miller looked at the FW Ueno duo in the director's close-up. One couldn't hold back and laughed: "This wave of FW Ueno is stupid by Xiu!"

Really "It's a bit exaggerated, I've never seen such a beautiful Yasuo, this is only level three, is this person going to heaven?"

Shen Chao calmly analyzed: "Then after this wave, FW will be completely disadvantaged in the top lane, and even the rhythm of the jungler will be affected by heroes. FW, this game is not easy to play."

Bad fight.

Needless to say, all FW members already have a B number in their hearts at this moment.

The worst time for a jungler to fail is when he fails to catch someone and loses his head. This is the most rhythmical action in the league.

Moreover, now is the early stage, IG has already taken the lead so much, how will they play in the next games?

How to play?

FW chose to give up on the road.

When MMD went online again, people were already a little autistic.

Because Yasuo now has two heads in his body, and both his supplementary knife and experience have crushed Qinggangying.

If at the beginning, MMD was able to have a fight with Yasuo, then now, if you go to the fight, you will be courting death by yourself.

In desperation, MMD had no choice but to shrink the defense tower.

Even so, if Yasuo got wind, it would blow over.

It's acceptable to blow it in the past, the problem is that this person's Q is the same as f*ck's eyes, and he can blow it three times when he blows it five times.

When Qinggang couldn't see the tower, it didn't take long for the blood line to disappear inexplicably!

This scene not only closed MMD autistic, but also the audience who paid special attention to the situation on the road and laning.

"Cherish. This is really no way to survive. This Yasuo has been fully opened." Miller couldn't help but said: "MMD is too uncomfortable now."

"Sorry to die brother." Doll pointed to the big screen: "If I encounter this kind of Yasuo in the qualifying, really, after fifteen shots, not to mention winning or losing, the laning experience would be zero."

Shen Chao suddenly said quietly: "No, is it a negative number?"


IG is ahead so much in the early stage, and the atmosphere outside the field has become relaxed and happy, and the mood of several commentators is not as depressed as when the game first started.

In this good state, the game continues.

In fact, after the wave on the road, FW on the road has collapsed a bit.

At the beginning of the game, he died twice, plus the suppression of the reinforcements. When the game time was 6 minutes, Yasuo was already level 6, and his MMD was only level 4.

In the S game, the laning line was directly crushed by two levels.

This is no longer a mistake or disadvantage to explain.

If you have a disadvantage or make a mistake, you can go to squat for experience, but you can't have no experience at all, right?

Now this is the case, everyone can see it...

Cherish and MMD, the laning strength gap between these two is too big!

The former almost crushed the latter, and this game has completely started to drop the hammer.

When the game time came to ten minutes, the timing was just right, and Yasuo on the top had already eaten FW's top tower by himself.

It is also the first blood tower of this game.

Then, without stopping, taking advantage of the pressure of the top lane, and cooperating with King Ning of the jungle, he directly took the Canyon Pioneer, who was not long after birth, into his pocket.

At this point, the rhythm of the whole game began to completely tilt towards IG.

After getting the canyon pioneer, IG chose to put it in the middle without hesitation. Yasuo and the blind man came together, obviously to force the tower.

Knowing that this is the case, FW can't stop it. Rookie's clockwork didn't have much advantage in this game, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't have an advantage, his teammates are here to give him an advantage!

The canyon pioneer collided head-on, and not long after, the first tower in the middle of the FW also announced that it was broken.

This time, the original lineup is very biased towards the FW in the early stage, and there is absolutely no need to play. (obtained)

An early lineup was actually given such a big advantage by the opponent, especially the fattest Yasuo. Anyone who has played this hero knows that once the lineup is smooth, there is really no solution to the level of power leveling.

All IG members are in this kind of momentum, and the more they fight, the better.

Even the bot lane duo who have been pulling their nerves played well in this game.

When the big dragon refreshed, Tianfei Yasuo entered the field with a flash E, came to the FW crowd, and Rookie pulled the clockwork and pulled it directly to five people.

Fw group off.

The victory of this game also completely lost the suspense.

The game time stopped at twenty-five minutes.

IG, strongly flattened FW's crystal base.

Got their second win in the s game.

After this game, the 1G points also came to the first place in Group D.

Ranked first in the group!

The third seed, the first in the group, this is a feat that no one thought of before the game!,

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