Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 137: Overnight, worth tens of millions (2/5 for subscription!)

"Send, Xiaoqiu!"

Seeing Bai Qiu, Su Xiaoluo immediately smiled and waved: "Come here and see who's coming to see you."

Bai Qiu reacted, walked over and greeted Principal Wang: "Hello, Principal."


Principal Wang looked a little more energetic than on the Internet, and was accompanied by a beautiful woman who looked like an assistant. He does have a very generous temperament.

This is the first time Bai Qiu has met Principal Wang in real life, and Su Xiaoluo is also solely responsible for signing the contract with IG.

When I heard Su Xiaoluo mention it by chance, the reason why IG would replace Ben with him was actually Principal Wang's last decision.

The original words are: WE can accept as long as it is not too outrageous.

Therefore, Bai Qiu is still very interested in Principal Wang, the behind-the-scenes boss who is a man of influence both online and in real life.

Unexpectedly, the first meeting came so unexpectedly.

"It's a good fight, brother." As soon as Principal Wang opened his mouth, he was very down-to-earth and patted Bai Qiu on the shoulder: "Go, go into the room and talk.

Bai Qiu nodded and followed into the room.

Su Xiaoluo smiled next to him: "Today, the principal took time to come here, just to see you,

Bai suspiciously looked at him.

"Brother, it's on fire, after a few S games, the price is going to rise." Su Xiaoluo reminded me very interestingly.

Now Bai Qiu understood.

Should we renegotiate the contract?

When I entered the house, there was no outsider present, the door was closed, and no one went out.

Principal Wang sat on the sofa, looked up and down the opposite Bai Qiu, and complained very bluntly: "Damn, it's too strong, buddy, I've been watching your games since the bubbling match, and your performance has been outstanding. Exceed my expectations!

Bai Qiu smiled and said, "It's okay, okay..

"Actually, when I signed you, I just valued your 85% win rate as the No. 1 player in both servers, and I have always had the habit of being the king of road warriors. I didn't expect that I found a treasure in the end!"

Principal Wang looked at Su Xiaoluo: "Xiao Luo, you have done a lot of credit."

"What you said, principal, isn't it all right to do things for the club?" Su Xiaoluo showed a very real smile.

Principal Wang also laughed, Su Xiaoluo glanced at Bai Qiu next to him, and answered at the right time: "Xiaoqiu, that's it. The principal has watched your games in the past few days and is very satisfied with your performance."

Bai Qiu nodded and waited for the next sentence.

"When we signed the contract, we gave you one million a year. Now Principal Wang is here in person to talk to you about the new treatment.

Although he had expected it, Bai Qiu was still a little surprised after hearing Su Xiaoluo say it himself.

As an insider, he knows that the S competition has always been the "best stage" for countless professional teams around the world to select players.

Here, as long as the performance is better, the value of a game has doubled, which is definitely not an exaggeration.

But after all, he had only played a few games, and even if he wanted to talk about new treatment, Bai Qiu was somewhat surprised that Principal Wang could come in person.

Does it matter so much?

"I probably won't be leaving soon." Principal Wang saw Bai Qiu's doubts and said with a smile: "S7. This kind of scene, seeing you in 7 years, should have come a long time ago. Some things were delayed before, today just arrived."

"How? Do you have any ideas of your own? You can say it.

Bai Qiu shook his head, he didn't know what to say about this situation, because he didn't know how much he was worth now.

He probably understood this. Principal Wang didn't talk nonsense and said with Erlang's legs crossed: "When I signed you, it was a one-year contract, and the annual salary we gave was the highest among the newcomers, right?"

Bai Qiu nodded, IG did win one million and signed him for one year.

For a rookie without any tournament experience, this price is already very sincere, and this is not even the Ben that IG gave away for nothing.

"It's just the group stage and the group stage is not over yet. To be honest, it's a little early to talk about this." Principal Wang said, "But I have always been a straight-forward person. I want to trust my own eyes again.”

"In this way, you don't have to wait until the end of the group stage to see if you can advance to the quarter-finals, and you don't have to delay. Now, I'll give you an annual salary of 5 million yuan and sign for two years, which is 10 million yuan. How about it, this annual salary will not change, what do you think?"

Ten million!

Bai Qiu's heart skipped a beat.

His face was a little dazed.

To be honest, after hearing this number, it greatly exceeded his expectations.

Originally thought it would be doubled at most, two million.

He believes that given him time, his worth of tens of millions can definitely reach 1. But not now, because he has not won any honors so far, and even the so-called performance in the S game is only a few games.

There are too many uncertain factors, and it is worth tens of millions at a time, which is simply a premium to the top.

Are you sure it's not a joke?

Su Xiaoluo swallowed beside him.

Ten million.

Guigui, as the person who excavated Bai Qiu with his own hands, watched helplessly as Bai Qiu went from being penniless to being worth tens of millions in less than a month.

He doesn't have such a high salary himself!

For a while, I was full of emotion, star player, what is a star player?

That's it!

"What? Too little?" Principal Wang asked with a smile.

"No." Bai Qiu came back to his senses, suppressed the fluctuations in his heart, and asked, "I don't quite understand."

Principal Wang saw Bai Qiu's doubts at a glance, and couldn't help laughing: "Didn't you say everything just now, I like to bet, even if you can't reach this value in the end, it's because of my own vision that I'm not good enough, so I recognize it. "

As soon as these words came out, Bai Qiu had to admit..

(Get it) Rich and willful!

Well, in fact, it is still a little touched by people's appreciation.

"10 million worth, to be honest, this has already reached the annual salary of an LPL first-line star player. You are also in the circle. I believe you don't need me to say more, and you know the sincerity of this price, right?"

Bai Qiu nodded.

Nowadays, the e-sports circle is developing rapidly, and the salary level of professional players is also rising.

In the news, it is often revealed that a certain player is worth more than 10 million yuan, the factory manager is worth more than 100 million yuan, and so on.

In fact, these are all nonsense, over 10 million, or at least two-year contracts, as for over 100 million. Bai Qiu has never been in contact with him, so he will not comment, but it is absolutely impossible that it is just an annual salary, impossible.

In other words, the price that Principal Wang gave to Bai Qiu was completely aimed at the long-established star players of the LPL.

10 million in two years, for a newcomer who has just entered the profession, it is really "a sky-high price".

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