Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 138 : A man with no conscience, forgot it's time for your sister to support you? (3/5 f

"How about it? Think about it?" Principal Wang looked at Bai Qiu who was in deep thought, a little strange, and couldn't help but look at the handsome young man opposite him.

How should I put it, it is really good to be able to maintain restraint in the face of 10 million in this status.

You must know that some professional players have been used to being poor since childhood. After becoming famous in their careers, they were young and rich, and they did all kinds of strange things.

What about changing five girlfriends in a month.. Even betting on B, the bad habits are not too much, it is completely like a nouveau riche.

It is really rare that the person in front of him is so calm in the face of temptation.

Thinking of this, Principal Wang also said a few more words: "Of course, if you are confident that you can continue to maintain the state in the following games, or bet on the final result of our team, I can increase the price."

"increase price?"

"Yes, for example, IG entered the quarterfinals this year, I can add two million to your ten million!"

Bai Qiu asked curiously, "What if the top four?"

"Kiss?" Principal Wang was excellent and looked at Su Xiaoluo.

The meaning is obvious: this young man is very ambitious.

The LPL division has not broken through the top eight for several years. The magic of the top eight has become a famous stalk around the world to laugh at the LPL division. Even EDG and RNG breaking into the top eight are expected to burst into tears with excitement.

IG is a No. 3 seed 010.

"So confident?"

"Just ask."

"I entered the semi-finals and went to Shanghai, and each person is worth 20 million yuan!" This time, President Wang did not wait for Bai Qiu to speak, and continued: "If you enter the finals, ahem, I don't think you need to say more. Maybe you don't need me, your worth at that time is probably going to heaven."

"But the premise is that you have to be able to go in, haha.

After chatting for a long time in the room, when Bai Qiu came out, both Su Xiaoluo and the female assistant looked very complicated.

Starting today, another multi-millionaire who is young and rich is born.

Bai Qiu returned to his room, and after closing the door, Bai Zai Qiu couldn't help it and took a few breaths.

Ten million!

Ten million worth!

he made it!

Although I knew that I could definitely achieve this goal, I was very excited and happy when the reality really came.

When a person encounters something good, he immediately wants to tell the person he wants to tell the most

So, Bai Qiu picked up his mobile phone and called Tuantuan, who had not been in contact for a while.

"Crooked, bastard, finally remembering labor and capital?"

On the other end of the phone, Tuantuan's dissatisfied voice came, mixed with some keyboard and mouse sounds, Bai Qiu vaguely heard Tuantuan's words: "I'll answer the phone first, mute."

"Are you live streaming?"

"Yeah, how do I compensate for interrupting labor and management?" As soon as the silence was silent, Tuantuan revealed his true colors.

"I made money!

"Make money? What makes money?" Tuantuan was stunned: "How much?"

Bai Qiu whispered: "Ten million!"

"WC!!" After a few seconds of silence, Tuantuan screamed: "How much? - Ten million?"

No, "That's right, that is, the club offered me an annual salary of 5 million, and I can sign it at any time for two years. Although I haven't signed it yet, I'm already worth millions!"

"Wow... Tuantuan digested the news, she never imagined that in less than half a year, Bai Qiu is actually worth tens of millions.

Is it so profitable to be a professional?

"This. Qiuqiu, what do I usually do to you?"

Bai Qiu blinked: "It's alright, anyway, he bullied me a lot."


"Crooked, can you speak with your conscience? Do you have a conscience?" Tuantuan said angrily, "The labor and management usually take care of you, eat and drink, but you are almost taken care of, you actually said that to me!!

Well, "What do you want, buy it!" Bai Qiu gritted his teeth.

"You said, I don't have anything I want for the time being. I'll tell you when I think about it later," Tuantuan nodded with satisfaction.

The two chatted a few more times, knowing that Tuan Tuan was going to broadcast live, but Bai Qiu didn't say much.

Before hanging up the phone, Tuantuan exhorted: "Since S7 is so popular and you can earn 10 million in a few games, then you have to keep working hard (cgfa)!"

"I watched your game, but I didn't tell you, you... Come on, I'm waiting for you to enter the finals and win the championship!"

"Okay, if I win the championship, you will be the only prince of the alliance!


"get out!"

Hanging up the phone, Bai Qiu was lying on the bed with an extremely arrogant large font.

Suddenly I feel that the sky is so blue and white today.

"Well, he's handsome too!

The rest period is short. The IG offseason lasts for three days. The first day is off. From the second day, it officially enters the preparation stage.

In the first round of the group stage, IG only played two games, and the current record is not bad, but it is far from the point of sitting back and relax.

In fact, in the S game, there has always been a saying that is very popular: there is no underdog in the S game.

At any time, underestimating an opponent at the top global finals will pay an unimaginable price.

What's more, IG only played two games in the first round of the group stage. In the second round, they still have four games to play. Among them, MSF, an opponent who has not yet played against each other, is particularly difficult.

And just like that, time passed.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

On October 12th, the second round of the 2017 Global Finals group stage officially started!

The second round of the group stage will also be an important stage of the schedule to decide who can advance to the next round of the 16 top players in the world.

In this schedule, there are a total of four days, and each day is a special event for a group.

Also on this day, two teams will shed tears on the spot and leave with regret.

End their S competition career early.

It is full of joys and sorrows.

The same is true for the LPL crowd.

On the first day of the second round of the group stage, Group B started.

The results of the day were settled, LZ has no doubt won all three games and reached a terrifying record of 6/0 group stage wins!

Became the first team to advance to the quarter-finals in this year's S competition.

The remaining group B is second, which is a miracle. The first round of the group stage was 0/3 of FNC. In the second round, they were collectively upset. Three main matches, one extra match, a whole day, and finally ended with 3. /4, and successfully advanced to the quarter-finals.

This scene was so shocking that after the game, Ou Cheng burst into tears and trembled with excitement.

It also made countless LPL people who were originally dead in their hearts have more expectations for the promotion of EDG.

The same is the start of 0/3, maybe EDG. can also theoretically qualify?

These are not known for the time being, and the eyes of all LPL viewers and commentators are all focused on tomorrow.

On the 13th, the second round of the 2017 global finals group stage, the decisive battle of group D started!

Early this morning, everyone on IG went to the Wuhan Sports Center aggressively.

Whether they can advance to this year's quarterfinals depends on the results of today's game!

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