Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 144: Fancy show, the ultimate personal ability (4/5 for subscription!)

Alphari was far from realizing the seriousness of the matter after Jess took the second.

He even felt that he would survive this stress-resistant period, and he would be much better when he got up to level.

But Bai Qiu didn't give him this time and opportunity.

Just after Jess was promoted to the second level, he showed players around the world what the tortured king was.

Compared to Shen, Jace's hands are really too long.

Taking advantage of his hand length, Bai Qiu continued his previous suppression after the promotion to the second, but it was even more excessive than before.

Just after making up for a long-range soldier in front of him, he didn't give Shen any time to react, and the quick QE pair shot out.

Shen Geng, who was replenishing his troops, had nowhere to hide, and was directly hit by the enhanced version of the QE cannon.

The state dropped again and again with a lousy sound, and Shen was so frightened that he immediately took a few steps back.

But this is just the beginning. Jace's QE position was very tricky just now. It only affected one small soldier. When he saw Shen retreating, he immediately stopped replenishing his soldiers - he took control of the front line!

This time, it takes Shen's life.

As soon as Jess controls the line, let's not say how long he can control it. If Shen wants to make up for the knife, he must - go!

But once he came over, Jace would find an opportunity to steal some of the other party.

But if it doesn't come, experience and economy will be lost.

What is the extreme of the long hand breaking the hand?

That's it!

Alphari's temper was gone, and he finally chose experience.

On this line, the economy may not be needed, but the experience is too late to die.

Otherwise, one or two levels behind the other side, it is really possible to ride on your face shit.

In this way, the sad Alphari snorted the medicine, and then Jace's beating, forced him to the third level, and learned all the skills.

I thought my life would be better, but Alphari soon discovered that he couldn't beat it.

Shen W can avoid damage, but Jace's hands are too long!

And after using it carefully, Jess will immediately shoot W+R to change the hammer form to Q to forcibly exchange blood.

A set of Jace's almost invincible burst damage in the early stage instantly hit Shen's bloodline to two-fifths.

When Shen thought about the E damage, he had already opened Shen with a hammer in advance, and although he was fighting a pawn, he completely shut himself off by hammering Shen!

This is the most invincible part of Jess as a hero. In terms of outbreaks, on the top route, Jess is really not the strongest.

His strongest point is his unparalleled agility and the transition between long and short hands, as well as his hammer form E, a magical technique that prevents all dashes.

This function, in Bai Qiu's hands, has been brought to the extreme.

After this time, Alphari has not dared to go up, because his condition is very poor, and once or twice, Jace can even eat him online!

"Hey, on the road, what's the situation on the road? This wave, why is Shen dying?!"

At this time, the director's lens was given to the road, and the global audience immediately saw this scene.

The doll said a little differently: "Is the lead of one blood so terrifying?"

"No, it's not a one-blood lead." Miller glanced at it: "Jace has never been home, this is completely based on personal ability!"

At this time, when Jess saw that Shenbu was coming to fill up his troops, he immediately took an inch, took the initiative to cross the line of troops, and began to "show off his strength".

"Wow, this is a bit too much, isn't it bro?" said the doll, but his face became excited: "Cherish is really fierce!"

"But won't something happen to be so fierce? It's only been a few minutes, so pressing Shen, Jace himself is not in a good state. Isn't the MSF prince coming to arrest him?" Miller understood much more than the doll game.

Watching Jayce, who will not appear in his own division for a hundred years, is pressing the top laner in other divisions, this picture is very exciting.

But, this title defense is too fierce, right?

MSF is not one of those weak teams. It can be seen from their frantic actions against Jayce at the beginning. This team's thinking is very clear, and they know who to target in the IG lineup.

"Maxlore, come and help me, the opponent's long hand is too bullying." On the field, at this time, Shen Ya was tortured by Jace's style of play, and called out to the wild father.

"OK, I have red on me, I'll be there soon!

In fact, there is no need for Alphari to say, the prince looks at the situation on the road and will look for opportunities to come and catch it.

To beat a hero like Jess, you must be caught to death, commonly known as military training.

Otherwise, when Jess really gets up, no one will be afraid, and the jungler will just give him an extra head.

"Come on, the prince really wants to move. It's impossible to watch Jess press his top order like this. Outside, watching the prince gradually approach the top lane, Miller is a little nervous: "Cherish, take a step back? Can you realize it?"

…for flowers…0

"This wave, I didn't look at it, I probably didn't know it...

in the game.

Jess is still pressing very forward, and there are no eyes on the river, which also gives the prince a great opportunity.

Touching all the way, looking at Jess who has no intention of retreating, even as a jungler, the prince can't stand it anymore.

"I'm going straight up?!"

Shen was already ready to move, and if it wasn't for acting, he would have rushed up and stabbed Jace in the face just now!

"Okay, just look for a chance!"

The prince looked at the location, responded decisively, and walked out directly at the same time!

"Come out! This Bogers is pressing too far forward and is completely blocked!" Seeing this, the doll was a little autistic: "Cherish may be gone."


"Why don't you put your eyes aside, in that case, send it away? Shen doesn't seem to have enough distance from E?"

in the game.


When Bai Qiu saw the prince, he uttered a foul language, then immediately retreated, and the distance from Shen Zhizhi was very precise.

On the opposite side, Shen originally wanted to go after the prince came out, but the distance was not enough.

There was no immediate damage, and MSF Ueno didn't care.

Because of the current situation, Jess himself only has a small blood line, so he doesn't need to control skills, and the prince will die after the EQ arrives.

"It's alright, save your flash, don't waste it, he will die in this wave." After speaking, the prince has already found a place.

His hand speed is very fast, and his goal is clear, pointing directly at Jace who is retreating frantically!

"Give me a chance!"

But almost at the same time, Bai Qiu had a clear idea in his mind when he saw Shen who had no immediate control.

At the moment of the prince's EQ, I saw that the retreating Jace also moved!

With fast hands and quick response, Jess instantly changed his hammer form and made a leap of the sky, heading towards a red square pawn hammer directly behind him.


The next moment, the prince's QE crossed, but the figure of Jess jumped high - using the small soldier as a medium, directly forced the displacement of the Q skill, returned to the soldier line, and avoided the simultaneous EQ at the same time!



The prince was stunned for a moment. and,

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