Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 145: Look at the silly world and fully bloom your Bai Qiu autumn (5/5 for subscription!)

Q!! Dodged! Jess, this wave of hammer Q directly dodged the prince's EQ!"

"My God, it's a reaction again! A reaction again!!!


Seeing that Jace's Q skill almost synchronized the prince's forcible displacement, the fancy show operation, the scene that was silent just now, instantly boiled.

The doll stared and shouted excitedly: "Cheirsh, he's so handsome! This wave has avoided the prince EQ, can he go?!"

"The prince is still chasing! This wave of MSF doesn't want to give up!

on the field.

The stunned prince came back to his senses, looked at the prince who had already distanced himself with his Q skill, and under his anger, he chose to pursue without hesitation.

Jace's position was actually not good when he Q just now, because Bai Qiu's operation was a temporary move, and he didn't intentionally block the enemy line just now, so although Jace escaped the prince's EQ, his position was still very close to the prince.

There were three soldiers stuck in the pile of soldiers, "02", and after detouring a few times, the prince quickly caught up, facing Jace's buttocks with a mess of A.

Jace's state began to decline, but he continued to run forward without looking back.

"The prince is stuck, this wave of princes is red, and Jess is in a bad state, won't he still die?"

Seeing this scene, the Sichuan Opera immediately changed his face outside the venue, and Miller stared at the big screen nervously: "Is R all right? Jess, you can make a big move and increase the speed!"

"Hey, I can't kill him." At the same time, the prince chased after him for a while, and he already knew in his heart that he couldn't kill this Jess.

Because Jess R will get better soon, and because the distance behind him is too far, he can't make up the output at all!

A moment later, Prince A gave his last shot, and Jace's state had reached one-fifth, and he was completely disabled.

But the ultimate move had just turned around, Bai Qiu decisively changed his form, his movement speed increased, and he instantly threw off the prince who was following behind him.

"Run! Great move! This wave of Cherish successfully escaped with blood!!"


At the Wuhan Sports Center, watching Jess escape with blood, terrifying cheers broke out at the scene.

"It's so showy, Chersih, it's only been a few minutes, this person has given MSF to the show star!"

"Xiu is dizzy, this person's reaction is too fast, he actually used Q to dodge the prince's EQ. This is the first time I see Jace dodging skills like this, what a fast reaction speed. Miller is also a little small next to him. excited.

I have to say, watching Jess, who is so good at the top of the LPL, appear in the stage of the S game, and several LPL commentators have an unreal sense of illusion now.

"It turns out that the top laners in our LPL division also have top laners who can play Jayce well!

When the words fall, the scene cheers loudly!

The atmosphere burst!

"But to be honest, this wave of MSF actually gave me a chance. Shen didn't meet Jess in the whole process. It shouldn't be. Otherwise, if this wave has more A's, maybe there will be a head." MSF Ueno teamwork is not good.

Shen didn't give him control immediately, if he flashed directly, even if Bai Qiu could fly, this wave would definitely kill him.

It can only be said that in international competitions, everyone has a heart that wants to show off, and it is not uncommon to save skill mistakes.

But you have to admit, this wave of Cherish played well, this guy seems to be pressing you, but in fact he doesn't give you a chance to E, you want to use E to dodge, when the jungler is coming, hesitation is also a human being Common sense. " Miller said.

"There's nothing wrong with saying that. After this wave, although I didn't get anything, but the position of the prince was exposed, King Ning can go to the anti-wild and arrest people. The rhythm is very beneficial to us!"

in the game.

The failure of the MSF-wave to cooperate leads to a further loss of the early rhythm.

"This wave is mine."

Seeing Jace fleeing to the bottom of the defensive tower, Shen also knew that this wave was a bit of a mouthful.

"It's okay, I'm also blamed for not letting you dodge." The prince is a good brother, and the Rabbit Team, as a super tycoon who has gone from unknown to today's global audience, the team atmosphere in the team is first-class. Great.

Without much to blame, he glanced at the opposite defensive tower in the darkness, gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up and push the line."

"Huh?" Shen was a little different: "Won't this wave come back?"

"The opposite side must be going against the wild, pay attention to the bottom road, this wave... overtakes him!"

"Huh?" Shen was stunned.

The prince's decision was not actually from the top, but because Jace was in a really bad state just now.

Silky blood, if it wasn't for his flash failure, where would he look at the opposite and run back?

In this state, as long as Jace dares to return to the city under a tower, he will dare to go beyond it!

As an opponent who has studied Bai Qiu many times, the prince feels that with this person's waves, returning to the city with one tower is enough to lift him up. If there is a chance, this B can even go home at the gate of your spring.

"Send, prince, won't this wave go away?"

In the outside world, the doll who just blew a wave of Jace was a little surprised to see that the prince didn't leave...

Miller looked at the location where Jace returned to the city, and thought for a moment: "Cherish. This wave is not in the right place, why did he return to the city under a tower?"


"This position is very dangerous, Jess is now bloody, and it may be more difficult to return to the prince under a tower!"

As soon as the words fell, the prince on the field had already walked around the blue square field.

After filling up a few soldiers, he found that he couldn't push past them for the time being, so he gave up, and walked straight to the blue side defense tower.

In doing so, he was clearly telling Jace that he was going to come after him.

"Fuck, Ning!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Qiu immediately cursed and greeted King Ning.

"I'm here, but it's too late, can you hold on?" Wang Ning was sweating profusely, and he was about to go to the wild, but Bai Qiu greeted him, and he gave up playing the wild without hesitation.

"The opposite is too disgusting." Bai Qiu complained, looking at the time to return to the city, he knew that it wasn't enough.

The prince started to burn when he accelerated his ultimate move, and now it is estimated that he has almost reached the toad's side. Even if he cancels the return trip to the second tower now, he will meet the prince on the spot.

"This... military training!"

Outside, looking at this scene, the scene that was still boiling just now was a little bit choked.

The situation on the field changed too quickly, but MSF's military training on the road has come to the point of being undisguised.

The prince "has come around, can this Bogers go back?"

"5.0 was not enough when I went back to the city.. Oops, Cherish, this wave is a bit rough, and the location under a tower is too deadly!"

Miller was talking autistically, and the prince on the field had also been spared from the back of the tower, and stayed directly behind Jess.

Shen in the front, the prince in the rear, and Jace's return to the city to read the article has not been cancelled, but there is no time.

"I'm up!"

As soon as the prince came out, he was afraid that Jace would succeed in returning to the city. Without hesitation, a light-speed EQ rushed into the defense tower in an instant!

This EQ, there are no minions, how do you hide this time?

God damn it!!

The prince rolled his eyes and started to laugh.

But at this moment, I saw that he seemed to want to win his luck and bet that he could go back to Jess first, so he moved!

This move immediately made all the audiences around the world look stupid!

"Fuck! What did I see?!"

"Jace!! What the hell?!"

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