Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 147: Shocking the audience, the super system that belongs to the Ipl division (2/5 for subsc

in the game.

The sudden death of the prince was so sudden.

From EQ entering the tower, to being beaten to death by the tower when Jess smashed the EQ with a slap in the face, because the operation during the period was too unbelievable, all MSF members were a bit confused.

How did he die?

Isn't it good to say that the tower is jumping, who is it that jumps over who?

You are full of blood, bro!

Shen, who was still standing outside the defensive tower, was a little bit blown away by the wind.

He didn't react until the prince's miserable howl came.

But what can you do in response?

Shen Ke is no better than the prince, although he flashed again, but since the wave just now, he has never returned home, and he has always been in a state of great disability.

great disability

Alphari's heart skipped a beat.

Holy crap, the other side won't...

As soon as the thought came up, I saw Silkblood Jace, who had completed the god-level counter-kill in the defense tower just now, actually turned around and walked towards the outside of the defense tower!


Alphari was instantly stunned.

How dare you come out?!

"The jungler on the opposite side may have gone! The opposite side is trying to stick to you, hurry up, you will die if you don't go this wave!" The bot lane assistant eldest brother hurriedly reminded.

Shen suddenly realized that if Jace dared to bleed out so much, he knew with his heel that the blind man on the opposite side must be coming!

Thinking of this, Shen immediately retreated without hesitation.

"What's going on? Jace! Jace is out! This wave of Cehrish still wants to kill?!"

"Shen actually turned around and ran away, this time, was he scared away by a bloody Jess?" Outside, the doll stared at what was happening on the field.

The previous wave of god-level counter-kills had not had time to blow, and now it has started again?

The rhythm has been uneven and the rhythm has risen again and again. Cherish is not fighting, but is on the way to fight!

The place is crazy!

"But this Bogers is in a bad state, are you sure you want to continue chasing it? Shen E flash can directly kill Cheirhs!" Miller remained calm, and the blood lines of Jess's bright blood on the field were really disturbing. People panic.

At this moment, Jace, who walked out of the defense tower, killed a minion with AA.

Rise up the white light and shine - upgraded!

The state recovered in an instant, plus the bloodline recovered from the anti-killing prince before, Jace's state has come from silk blood to a little more than one-fifth.

In this state, it still looks very disabled, but Shen can't kill him in seconds!


"It's over!" Seeing this scene, Shen already had a very bad premonition in his heart.

The next moment, Jace, who had just been upgraded, didn't say a word, just raised his hand and fired a QE cannon.

The target was extremely precise, and under the acceleration, the shells flew very fast, and instantly bombarded Shen's body fiercely!


The damage of the enhanced version of the cannon exploded, and the state of prudence and disability suddenly dropped a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Totally bloody!!



"Can kill! This Bogers can kill!!"


On the field, Jess saw the QE cannon hit, took off the cannon form W a few steps before running, and directly switched to the hammer form. With the acceleration effect of the acceleration and the big move, he took a few steps and took a few steps to close the distance between Shen and Shen. .

A skill Q leap of the sky fell over!


The next moment, Jace pressed his face to his waist, and the golden hammer in his hand rose and fell three times rapidly. Jace's strongest damage burst, the combination of gun form and hammer form skills, in an instant, the state of Shen was emptied and fell to the ground one by one!

"IGCherish killed MSFAlphari!



Double kill, big kill and special kill!!


At the same time, hurried over, the blind man who wanted to pull the head just hit with a Q skill.

It's a pity that Shen happened to fall to the ground at this time, and the blind man Q was empty.

The jungler came, and without participating in the battle, Shen died like this!

"??!" Ning looked confused: "Brother, what are you doing?!"

"Cherish! Counter-kill! Shenya is dead, get a double kill, get this Doublekill!!"

"OMG. Jie, this wave looks stupid to me, can this be a double kill? A bloody Jace, this wave actually killed the MSF's Ueno!!"

Blind "It's too late, the jungler of the blind came, and he didn't even have the chance to participate in the battle. Jace alone has completed this wave of Tianxiu!"

"Oh my God!"

The continuous sound of prompts sounded, and the scene of Wuhan Sports Center broke out with earth-shattering cheers.

The commentators of the world's major competition areas are also shouting wildly at this moment, with various exclamations and screams one after another.

It's too shocking, this Bo Jies bloody show two, complete the double kill, it's stupid to see everyone!

Where have they seen such a fierce Jayce in the S game!


"Ning came over and was very puzzled, because the blind man didn't even set foot on Miller for an assist. He exclaimed: "Wow..Cherish, this wave is really too showy!"

"Xiuma, okay? Brother, this Jie first interrupted the prince's EQ with a flash E. Forcibly not letting the prince out of the tower, not to mention the rest, just this wave of operations, I want to ask, who has seen such a Jie Sir, who has seen this kind of operation?!"

The doll's words were loud, and they landed on the scene through the microphone, and the whole scene seemed to be set on fire.

"Show, it's just a word, show is a world-shaking." Miller smacked his tongue and shook his head: "Cherish is a player who really has a good handle and personal ability."

"Wow, in that case, after this wave, the rhythm of MSF in the early stage exploded, and now this Jace has three people!

in the game.

The failure of this wave of rhythm is undoubtedly fatal for the MSF team.

The purpose of their life in this game is not to let IG top the list, and not to let this Jayce get fat.

Therefore, they will go from draft to opening, again and again against Bai Qiu's Jayce.

But he never expected that, after a series of countermeasures, instead of receiving losses, Jace became more and more fat.

Up to now (it's good), the game time has not been less than five minutes, and there are already three heads!

Not to mention other roads, how to play on the road?

It can't be over, MSF doesn't realize how terrible Jess is after he has an advantage.

It's not that Jayce is scary, but the horror of the .G lineup!

Jess + female police style female speed push system.

No one has ever come up with this system before.

When everyone saw the IG lineup before the game, they were very puzzled. They felt that the choice of the IG lineup did not have much advantage in team play or other aspects.

Even to put it bluntly, this lineup does not seem to cooperate at all, except that there will be some strength in the online and offline two lanes in the early stage.

But now, when Jess gets fat, Jess' policewoman's speed-push system is terrifyingly revealed.

A unique super system unique to the LPL division was finally revealed to the global audience at the end of the S group stage!

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