Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 148 : Win the victory, the number one big brother is hammered (3/5 for subscription!)

Policewoman Jess pushes the stream system quickly.

To put it bluntly, just like what the outside world has seen on the surface, it is relying on the strong period of Jess and the policewoman in the early stage, plus the advantage of long hands, and crazily pressing the line from the very beginning.

On the way of pressing the line, it is natural to touch the tower.

It is not obvious once or twice. After a few minutes, the blood line of the upper and lower defense towers will be obvious.

This system actually has a lot of drawbacks. For example, once you push the lane too far, the jungler on the opposite side can't watch it, and you will definitely have to come over and arrest people.

Therefore, under the premise of using this system, the awareness of the upper and lower line pressing players is very high, and the requirements for their own junglers are even higher!

IG's top road satisfies this condition. As for the bottom road, because MSF was involved too much energy by Jayce in this game, he actually helped the bottom road curve to save the country in disguise, and secretly resisted many ganks.

When Jess was madly targeted during this period, the blood line of MSF's bottom defense tower was unknowingly removed by the policewoman.

The policewomen of S7 are too strong, and with the cooperation of Feng Nu, this combination is actually very incomprehensible under the long hands.

In this case, after Jess hit the road, it was no longer difficult to restrain the rising trend.

After Jess went online again, instead of controlling the line, he began to frantically press the line, and King Ning's blind man began to guard around the top of the road like a conjoined baby.

For IG's style of play, MSF has absolutely nothing to do, and they didn't realize anything at the beginning.

In the early six minutes, when Jess was about to drop the defense tower on the top lane, he saw that the bottom lane tower also had only half of the bloodline left, and MSF suddenly woke up.

Everyone outside was also surprised.

"My God, what's the situation. I can understand that MSF's top lane defense tower drops blood, but what the hell is it in the bottom lane?"

The doll pointed at the big screen, and was stunned by the Jess policewoman system who appeared for the first time: "The policewoman cooperated with Fengnv, and I touched it casually online. There seems to be nothing to do on the opposite side!"

"MSF's jungler has been in the upper half of the jungle for a while, it's too rhythm, and IG's bot lane is such a comfortable game...

"IGCherish destroyed a tower!"

At this time, the top road also took the lead in leveling the first tower of the game.

After that, Bai Qiu went home without hesitation, and the bot duo who had just pushed the line in the bot lane also went home together.

The full-blooded Galio, who had just launched in the middle lane, had his vision blocked, and after pushing the lane, he directly approached the top lane.

After several actions, the three IG lines and four people, including the jungler Ning Wang, all moved.

The strange thing is that these actions are not for teamfights or fights, but simply walking.

But soon, this kind of walking pushed MSF into a corner.

Jayce, who pushed down the top tower, went home and switched to the bottom lane, and the IG bottom lane duo went directly to the middle lane.

Rookie's Galio came to the top road with his vision smeared all the way.

When Galio appeared in front of Shen alone, the MSF group was stunned.

"I'm going, why did the opposite side change lanes? All three lanes changed together?" The MSF jungler prince looked stunned, but as the world's top professional player, after the shock, he immediately saw 1G's intentions.

"Fake, we have to switch back this wave, otherwise the three towers may be gone soon.

"I can't go back. The opposite side was calculated in advance. Now there are too many lines, it's too much to change all three lines at the same time." Shang Lu Shen also realized something, but if they changed with IG, all three of their lines would lose blood.

It's not really changing, and it's not changing.

"IG. My God, did all the members of IG change their lanes this time around? If they do, it seems like something is wrong." On the other hand, everyone outside was also stunned.

In the end, MSF did not choose to change with IG in this wave, and soon they felt the breathlessness and despair of the push-pull system.

Jess, who was naturally fat, changed to the bottom lane, even against the MSF bottom lane duo, he was able to play with ease.

More importantly, when IG's bot lane changed lanes, they were already pushing down MSF's bot lane.

After Bai came to Qiuxia Road, he seized a wave of opportunities to directly crippled the opponent's small cannons and forced them to go home. After that, he was directly in front of the assistant. The three-shot cannons were flat A, and the small cannonballs even Under the hair, the next tower fell in response.

"(cgfa) IGCherish destroyed a tower.

Then, within two minutes, at the beginning of 8 minutes of the game time, under the crazy towering of the IG bottom duo, MSF's middle defense tower finally couldn't support it, and the blood volume was emptied.

"IGWest destroyed a tower!"

So far, the competition time is less than ten minutes, and the three outer towers of MSF have all fallen!

The speed is so fast that in normal competitions, even a tower can't even touch half of the blood, but now, the horror of the IG speed push streaming system is completely revealed!

In the face of this system, MSF was completely unable to guard against it, and was sweating profusely.

"It's gone! The middle tower is also gone!! IG, this lineup. I can only see now that this is a speed-pushing system that completely dismantles the tower. MSF can't defend against this system at all!!"

At this time, the commentators and audiences in various competition areas around the world have also gone crazy. Several commentators in the LPL competition area have gradually raised their emotions, and their tone is full of surprise and excitement.

"This is a big move! No one has used this system before, and the ability to push towers in the early stage is really strong!

Miller excitedly said: "It's less than ten minutes now, IG has a four-head lead, but the economy is three thousand more than MSF!"

"Most of it comes from the economy of defense towers. If it continues like this, MSF will not be able to fight...

"It's about to explode, now this Jess and the policewoman have developed, especially Jess, the defense tower has three heads, whoever stops it will die!

on the field.

The game has been played so far, in fact, for MSF, it has already collapsed.

The importance of the defensive towers in the early stage is self-evident, whether it is vision, or blocking the opponent's line, it is an essential existence.

In less than ten minutes now, all three of their outer towers have fallen, and what they have to face next is the continuous pressure of the army line.

Not one line, but three lines!

And Jess and the policewoman who are the core of the IG lineup have fully grown up.

As long as JG doesn't make mistakes, how can they fight?

Ten minutes later, IG, who pushed down the three outer towers of MSF, took the initiative to attack. King Ning found a wave of opportunities and immediately started to return to the small cannon. The MSF small cannon was instantly melted by Jess, and then the team battle naturally presented a one-sided situation. .

IG, who won the team battle, successfully got the Canyon Pioneer, and in 12 minutes, he directly pushed down the second tower in the middle of MSF.

Jace started desperate for a single belt.

When the time comes to nineteen minutes, the time when the dragon is about to refresh, there are six outer towers of MSF, and now only the second tower on the road is left!

The map was dark, and just dealing with the pressure of the army line was already too busy.

IG successfully got the dragon, and five people pushed forward in several waves. In the final game time of 25 minutes, a wave of perfect highland group ended, and the group destroyed MSF.

Win the game successfully!

In this battle of the number one big brother in Group D, they won!

Crazy all over the place!,

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