Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 162 : I am the only one, bloody start (2/5 please subscribe!)


This ". to be sure? Not kidding?"

Guangzhou Gymnasium.

As IG revealed the last player in the team, the commentators in the world's major competition areas were suddenly stunned.

The Hand of Noxus, also known as the Hand of Primary School Students.

Look at this nickname to know what kind of hero this is!

Similar to the previous Yasuo, the hero of Nuo Shou is very popular in the rank passers-by, but it is really rare in the professional arena.

It seems that in this year's S competition, except for one play-in appearance, no one was selected at all.

It's not that Nuo's hands are not strong, but that this hero is too afraid of being caught and is too "stupid".

Then he placed the order, or against Samsung, it feels no different from Baiji!

"It should just be a joke, you are targeting me like this, and you allow me to compete as a hero!!

Halfway through the baby's words, I saw that the fifth floor of IG did not hesitate, and it was already locked.

It's confirmed, it's Noah's order!


Tens of thousands of spectators went crazy.

They don't care what Nuo Shou is not suitable for playing professional games, they only know that Nuo Shou is a hero played by many people, and this is a very bloody butcher!

IG selected, this game is coming with the determination to kill one piece!

"Really locked!" The doll and Miller looked at each other.

"Maybe it's a big move?

"Anyway, it should have its own tactics." Miller's brain was a little messy, and at this time Samsung also determined his final unit.

Nothing else, it's also a hero that Bai Qiu is very familiar with--

Unparalleled Swordsman, Fiona!

Seeing this choice, everyone knows that this game will definitely be beaten into a dog's head on the road.

"What the hell, Jian Ji is locked, Samsung has confirmed Jian Ji!" The doll said: "Has it started? Is this match started?"

"Cuvee has begun." Miller took a breath: "This player, everyone should know about his ability to carry. It can be said that he is one of the most stable carry points in Samsung. The reason for choosing Jian Ji is to compete with Cherish. now!"

"It's going to be a fight. If I remember correctly, this should be the first time in this tournament, except for Cheirsh, that a player has taken out Jian Ji to play the top single." Doll couldn't help but said: "Cuvee is really confident.

"Confidence is certain. In fact, there is no one who is Conte or who is the sword girl. It all depends on the player's personal operation. The two heroes are very strong in the early stage." Shen Chao nodded, his tone was a little sigh.

Doll is right, this game is definitely the heaviest top-ranking game since the start of S7.

At this time, the lineup of both sides has been settled, and the game has officially started.

"Looking forward to the duel on the road, this may be an opportunity for our LPL top list to rectify the name. Then, the lineup of the two sides is settled, the game begins, let us enter the Summoner's Canyon together!"

After the words fell, the cheering sound of IG off the field instantly swept through, and the sound was rolling, stimulating everyone's eardrum nerves.

The game officially begins!

In this game, IG's lineup is actually quite strange. It's okay to say other positions. Clockwork and Xia are destined to have a period of development. From a single point of view, it can be regarded as a lineup that will exert its strength in the middle and late stages.

But the appearance of the hands made this lineup seem a bit nondescript--

Because the hands seem to be useless at all.

You can't take a single with a single, and it's too stupid to play in a group. If you don't flash, you may go in and disappear, and you won't be able to cut the opponent's C position.

On the other hand, Samsung, adhering to their usual style, the whole team is the main protection of the bottom lane, and the mid-laner Galio is much more flexible than the clockwork, and can be crazy after the sixth level.

Plus a sword girl, it can be single-handed and team-fighting.

Whether it is support, tactical variability, or all aspects, on the surface, SSG's choice is better.

"The early stage of this game will depend on the Ueno. The Uenos on both sides must take on the heavy responsibility of rhythm in the early stage.

Shen Chao couldn't help but smile: "It is said to be Ueno, but in fact it is still the top single, whether IG can play an effect or not may determine a victory in this game.

"Yes, this way, send it! It's a fight on the way?"

in the game.

As soon as he entered the game, a long line of snakes lined up on both sides, and within two seconds, the director's camera switched directly to the top lane.

I saw that at the river channel on the road at the moment, Nuo Shou and Jian Ji have already met in the river channel!

As soon as they met, neither of them let anyone else, and they just endured it together.

"It's so fierce, do you want to fight this wave directly? Jianji has made a flaw, but what I really want to learn is that Q.Q may not be able to fight."

Bai Qiu did learn Q at first level.

After meeting Jian Ji at this moment, both of them are only level 1, and they are both melee short-handed fighters, so there is absolutely no room for maneuvering.

In response to that sentence, meeting is just a word - do it!

Nuo Shou and Jian Ji are in full swing, and Jian Ji, who has flaws, has already cut down two flaws, but in the same way, Nuo Shou has also attacked Jian Ji three or four times.

In just a few seconds, the two real men who didn't talk nonsense lost most of their state.

It looked like they were evenly matched, but when these two fighters met, one was destined to fall.

in the game.

When the Nuo hand presses A- again, the whole body of Jian Ji turns into five black flames, and the dark beside the big screen of the Nuo hand becomes dark, and a passive five-layer bleeding occurs!

While increasing his attack power, Nuo's hand has already made his sixth shot.

Jian Ji's state instantly came to the big disabled.

Similarly, Jian Ji's third flaw has come out, precise and elegant.

The state of Nuo's hand is almost the same as that of Jian Ji.

But at this time, Cuvee had already sent out the medicine, and because of the flaws, his state had recovered a little.

The fourth flaw is refreshed, and it's on the side, and the hand can't beat it!

"Oops! It's open again, Jian Ji's flaws are great! Also, Nuo Shou learned Q at the first level, Cuvee has been sticking to Cherish all the time, and doesn't give him a chance to Q in the outer circle, this person is too experienced. "

Seeing this scene, Miller's eyelids jumped: (really) "This Bono hand may be gone.

"He's gone!"

At the same time, Cuvee saw the flaw and showed a confident smile on his face.

Nuo Shou and Jian Ji are originally level 1, whoever manages well will win, and if Jian Ji cuts four flaws, then whoever comes will be cold!

Without further ado, Q is not yet healed, Jian Ji directly turned to the side, and slashed towards the flaw with one knife!

But at this moment, I saw the Nuo Shou, who had not avoided it before, suddenly moved from the lower side, and Jian Ji slashed it with a knife, hitting the Nuo Shou, but there was no A's flaw!

On the contrary, he was also slashed with an axe by Nuo's hand, and the state he had just recovered dropped instantly.


Cuvee coughed lightly and continued to move towards the flaw almost subconsciously.

Noah's hand seemed to have been prepared, and once again shifted sideways--

Missed again!

"??!" Cuvee suddenly fell in love.

Is this a slot card flaw?!

Can you still play like this??.

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