Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 163: Stunning the audience, he is like a robot (3/5 for subscription!)

"Hey.. Nuo Shou! Jian Ji missed two flaws!?"

Outside, the doll was shocked: "What's the situation??"

"This wave is wrong!"

in the game.

Cuvee's heart skipped a beat and suddenly felt something was wrong.

This man deliberately blocked his flaws!

He has seen Kajianji's flaws, but the best way is to back against the wall.

This operation is very dependent on the position where Jian Ji's flaws are refreshed.

But, what the hell is this now?

This person's flaw is clearly in front of him, but he is forced to use his position in the card!


Cuvee was very stunned in his heart, but his strong strength still made him respond quickly.

No matter if you are stuck or not, you will die in this wave!

If you move around, you can get a flaw, but can you get a flash?

Cuvee's finger has been placed on the flash, and the next second is ready to flash past A's flaws.

But he was still a little negligent, the damage of the first-level slashing blood rage Nuo's hand is very high.

Moreover, everyone didn't notice that after the fatal flaw of Jian Ji was stuck twice before, the position of Nuo's hand had unknowingly pulled away from Jian Ji.

Although this position is tiny, it is enough for Nuo Shou!

The Q skill started a long time ago, and when Jian Ji just wanted to mention the flash, the axe turned down.


Before he had time to flash past A's flaws, the Great Remnant Sword Ji 040, who had already been beaten with blood and rage, was directly slapped by Nuo with an axe!

"IGCherish killed SSGCuvee!


first drop of blood!

"Single kill!! Nuo Shou, single kill Jian Ji, get the first blood of this game!!"

"My God, this wave of swordsmen actually died first!"


The sound of a blood sound came, and the commentaries of the competition areas around the world instantly boiled, and the entire Guangzhou Gymnasium also broke out with terrifying cheers.

No one expected that the first drop of blood in this game would erupt so quickly.


Baby Miller looked at each other and couldn't help but ask in astonishment, "No, who can tell me what the two movements of Nuo's hand just now mean?"

"Is it possible to block Jian Ji's flaws even when you move? Jian Ji almost had to face him when he first came out!!

The other two were speechless.

This wave of solo kills was sensational, but the two positions that most people didn't pay attention to just now were the real core.

If not for those two stutters, it is estimated that he would be dead now.

Most of the audience outside didn't notice this, they only saw Nuo Shou (cgfa) and Jian Ji go shopping, and in the end Nuo Shou won.

It was not until the director replayed it in slow motion that everyone clearly felt how thrilling the first-level game on both sides was.

From the beginning to the end, he frantically sticks to his face and promises his hands, guarding against the opponent's Q's sword princess.

At the last moment of life and death, the Nuo hand, which was stuck in the position of Jian Ji's flaws, was forcibly stuck twice.

Slow down, everyone sees the scalp is numb.

"I'm going, this Nuo's position is too scary, this wave of swordsmen has already been cut down visually, but there is no flaw in the cut!" The doll said: "This is too outrageous?"

"It's too extreme." Shen Chao couldn't help but said: "If you play like this, if you feel bad luck, it may be gone.

"No, I don't think it's luck, because Cherish seems to be calm the whole time, and this person's expression hasn't changed!"


Everyone was puzzled, and only then did they see the director's playback, the operation was over, and Bai Qiu's close-up was replaced at that time.

His face was stern, without the slightest smile, and his eyes were focused and serious.

Where there is a little bit of panic or nervousness, it is completely as if the hand of Noah who was almost killed with blood on the field was not operated by him.

Calm down like a robot!

"Wow, maybe this is a big contestant." Miller opened his mouth, his face flushed a little: "Then this wave, we got the first drop of blood in this game at the beginning, blood earned!!

"made money!"



"Qiu Dad!!

"Qiu Daddy, I love you! Too strong!"

The voice fell, and the scene suddenly burst into cheers one after another.

In the competition, even if you are ahead of a pawn, it will make people scream, not to mention such a wonderful wave of single blood kills?

"what happened?"

At the same time, Samsung didn't expect the blood to break out so quickly on the road, and it was its own order that died.

"I'm careless, this guy on the other side was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger just now." Cuvee shook his head, but didn't care too much.

Now that he knows the details of the opponent, he is confident that with his strength, he can fight back through the line.

"Stay steady, Cherish is not that weak." The head of Ambition is wily, and he witnessed the whole process just now, and said: "Just now, in fact, he has been holding the flash. If you flash A, the other side flashes, and then give it to him. If you ask a question, do you feel more uncomfortable?"

Hearing the sound, Cuvee was startled.

"So, don't underestimate any opponent, our goal is to win the championship and show your true strength, so that he will not be your opponent!"

Sometimes it's like this. There may be many reasons why a strong team is a strong team, but the same thing is that they always correct their mistakes and don't underestimate anyone.

This time, after being single-killed, Jian Ji TP returned to the line.

The Nuo Shou on the other side also went home to replenish his state, and after making up for a Dolan sword that was not fierce, the same TP went online.

On the line again, there is no meaning to stop on the road.

Bai Qiu has a Dolan sword more than the opponent, how could it be possible for Cuvee to make up for the line?

Going up is a Q skill, and the outer ring accurately hits Jian Ji.

Seeing this, Cuvee looked at the position of the hand of the promise, and he must not have any thoughts. Similarly, Q passed, and A lost a flaw.

Then the two of them worked again!

It's just that Nuo's hand is fighting against a few soldiers, and Jian Ji perfectly avoided the hatred of the enemy's soldiers, and this time Cuvee put away his heart of a small country, and the flaw is -A-.

In the duel of top players, there are not so many opportunities for Tianxiu, and Bai Qiu has been stuck a few times, but he has not passed.

However, Nuo Shou also took the lead with a Dolan sword. The two really fought together. It could be called a comet hitting the earth, the tip of the needle facing the Maimang, sparks and lightning all the way.

In just a moment of effort, the state of Nuo's hand has reached two-fifths again, and Jian Ji's side is similar.

In this state, no one dared to continue fighting.

Can go back and not reconciled.

Bai Qiu took the lead in Q, but Jian Ji's Q escaped the outer circle, but at the same time, Bai Qiu himself finally took a position to catch Jian Ji's flaw.

Neither of the two hit the other, and each of them showed a wave, and Jian Ji also attracted the hatred of the soldiers.

When they separated again, the state of the two went directly to a very terrifying state of great disability.

"Oh my God...

Seeing this scene, audiences around the world were dumbfounded.

Is this really the way to go?

Is it too bloody to play?.

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