Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 164: Global shock, is this still human? (4/5 for subscription!)

Dumbfounded is really dumbfounded.

Most of the audience at the Guangzhou Gymnasium were local audiences from China, and they came here to support IG fans today.

As a spectator in the LPL division, we have always had a self-consciousness - as long as we don't die violently, we will win.

In a slogan, it is:

Marin: This proves that we are the No. 1 producer in the world.

Smeb: Because I am Smeb.

Cuvee: Say, I will keep everything that is listed on the LCK.

Khan: It is my duty to recast the glory of the top single!

LPL Division Order: As long as the line does not collapse, you will win...


Real and cruel, except for the few rises before S4, the LPL division, whether it is a civil war or an outside station, has always been a derogatory term.

At 57, everyone has degenerated to only mastering three heroes: Big Tree, Maokai, and Twisted Dryad

You can take a look at the two teams that are ranked higher than IG in the LPL division. The top laners are all Aguang Rangdi. From this point of view, it can be seen that this kind of inferiority complex of the top laner is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, after seeing such a fierce and bloody high-level fight on the road, all the audience at the scene, including the commentators of the competition areas around the world, were stunned.

Bai Qiu was also very aggressive when he played in other regions, and everyone thought it was nothing at that time.

It can be replaced with LCK. That's really a bit of a shock.

Cehrish, it's too fierce to hit the road, is it really that you don't make up for it? Just go up and do it?" The doll saw his blood boil instantly: "It's too bloody?!"

"A bit of a lifeless trend..

Even Shen Chao, a former professional top orderer, couldn't help but twitch his lips a few times at the moment: "Well, are you sure there won't be a problem with this?"

"The state of both sides of this wave is very poor, but Jian Ji Binuo is much more flexible!"

in the game.

On the road, it seems that the fight against each other is extremely ferocious, and it is divided into five and five.

Under normal circumstances, the summoner skills of Noah are required to sprint, and it is also for this reason.

But in the professional arena, if you rush with a sprint, then you will really be caught in the early stage, and you will collapse before the start.

So Bai Qiu's game brought flashes. It is very bulky by itself.

On the other hand, Jianji, who has Q, is much more flexible than Nuohand.

This wave of duel is over, and when the two of them are in a bad state, as long as Jian Ji seizes an opportunity, it is completely impossible to prevent him from rushing in and knocking off his hand in seconds.

Everyone has no doubt that Cuvee has this strength.

"It's really a bit dangerous. This wave can actually be returned, but now it's a bit of a loss. When I go back, I will stop pressing the other side." Miller took a breath: "It seems to be really reckless."

"I feel like something has happened. How will Noah's hand line up next? Looking at Cherish's movement, he has no intention of going home."

Hit the road.

The top laners on both sides naturally understand what the outside world can see.

But I understand, I came to the first level and the fight was over. If I went home now, it would be a big loss for Bai Qiu, so he did not choose to go back to the city.

The same goes for Jian Ji on the other side.

He is not even afraid of Nuo Shou, what is he afraid of?

Not only is he not afraid, but.

"This person is dead." Cuvee couldn't help laughing when he looked at Nuo's hand who was still making up the knife: "It's too greedy, this wave of opponents is fighting against me, and now I'm making myself bad for the line. beat."

"Fight back once and keep pressing until level 6. After 6, Nuo Shou is basically unable to play, and you have to be your son for the whole game." The leader of Ambition, who was playing wild, also laughed.

This was the situation he wanted to see, and Cuvee had to use his full strength to win this game.


Cuvee-Zhang Xiaopang's face also bloomed with a smile, but soon his eyes focused and he began to stare at the big screen without blinking.

Look for opportunities.

With the experience of being overcast last time, he won't be careless this time.

"Really didn't return! The outside world, looking at Nuo Shou who really didn't go home, even though they had expected it, the LPL-people were still a little anxious.

It's really too dangerous if this wave doesn't come back.

"Cuvee is not the opponents that Cherish met before. This person is very exaggerated to show off. Are you sure that the hand will not return?"

"He's using Q to replenish his troops, and he probably doesn't plan to return this wave.

On the field, Nuo Shou just stepped forward and used the underground Q skill that he didn't care about at all.


"If that's the case, Cuvee may be moving!! The sword girl just flashed!!"

The voice just fell, but see the field.

Cuvee, who had been looking for an opportunity, lit up after seeing Nuo Shou approaching the Q soldiers without knowing what to do, and finally moved!

The Q skill starts instantly, aiming at the flaw in the Nuo hand to refresh the side, and the next moment, it flashes directly in seconds!

Sword Princess Q flash!

At this time, Jian Ji can still do Q flash, her speed is fast, and with Cuvee's hand speed, she has reached the peak!


Under the visual effect, even Jian Ji didn't even show Q's picture skills, and appeared in front of him in an instant.


The visual effect is almost invisible, but Bai Qiu, who has been staring at Jian Ji's movements, sees it!


I saw that almost at the moment when Sword Princess Q started to move, Cuvee's fingers were already about to flash down, and at the same time, he clicked and used Q, and the hand that did not fall also took off his flash!

Not to the front, nor to the left, but - to the side and back.

The next moment, two successive yellow rays of light lit up.

Sword Princess Q crossed, but directly stabbed Lonely, and Cuvee's expected picture of Nuo's hand being dropped in seconds did not appear.



Under the limit of distance and time from the outer ring of Nuo's hand, he instantly slashed over the top of Jian Ji's head.

Sword Princess Okayama County, who was in the same crippled state, came over and didn't even have time to react, and the blood line was instantly cleared.

Instant death!

"IGCheirsh killed SSGCuvee!"

Noah's limit response Q flashes - seconds!!


"Fuck!! No hand! No hand!!

"Jianji was directly smashed!! Nuo hand Q flashed, and Jianji who flashed Q was seconded?!"


The prompt sound that shook the entire canyon sounded, and the commentators of the competition areas around the world were instantly stunned.

The doll widened her eyes and shouted with horror: "My God! What's the situation, who can tell me, what happened?! How did Jian Ji die?!"

"My god, Miller has been completely dumbfounded: "Cherish! What the hell kind of reaction is this?! He actually reacted to Jian Ji's Q flash, is this still a human?!" And.

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