Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 165: Two minutes of hammering, recasting the glory of the pl on the list, it is my duty (5/5

"I want to ask, is this still human?!"


As Miller's slightly embarrassed + shocked voice fell, the entire Guangzhou Gymnasium went crazy in an instant!


"what happened?

"Jian Ji flashed and flashed herself to death?"

? I laughed when I saw this sentence. "

"No, what's going on? I'm stunned, I really don't know. Isn't Jian Ji flashing?"

"Nuoshou should have dodged with Q, and then killed Jianji.

"Qiu Dad!!"

"Shit, I got goosebumps!"


It's really shocking. The game between Nuo Shou and Jian Ji can be said to be the most vivid display of the word limit.

Both of them are blood lines of great disability, Jian Ji took the lead in launching the attack, Q flash ah.

Jian Ji's Q flash is too fast, almost to the point where there is no solution to "zero forty", otherwise the fist will not cut Jian Ji's Q flash in the end.

But it is this Q flash that someone can escape!

Perhaps, it wasn't to hide, Bai Qiu's counterattack was too fast, and everyone was now sure whether it was a pre-judgment or a real reaction speed.

But soon there will be an answer.

When I saw the close-up of the camera in the director's replay, I don't know how many times to slow down, Nuo Shou was obviously 0.1 second slower than Jian Ji's operation, and the audience was directly fried!

Really a reaction!

It's actually a reaction!

"My God, this..." The three LPL commentators who watched this scene didn't know what to say for a while, and were completely speechless.

After a long time, Miller exclaimed in amazement: "This is the reaction speed of a 17-year-old! It's the year of the fight! It's really the year of the fight!"

"Ahem, I remember that Cherish looks like nineteen years old." Doll wanted to play with his partner, but he couldn't help but remind him.

"This is just a metaphor." Miller exclaimed: "Just this reaction, I got goosebumps. It's too fast, it's an extreme reaction, I've never seen it before!"


The off-court madness is still to be continued, and the doll also nodded: "It's too exaggerated, this reaction, if it's outrageous, is the script so fast?"

"I don't think so!" Miller said, and his momentum suddenly rose: "Then this wave, Cuvee will die again!! In less than three minutes, before the first wave of soldiers died, Curve was already killed twice by Cherish. !"

Cherish, the most dazzling top laner in the LPL this year, is fully blooming himself on this stage!!

When the words fell, the scene cheered loudly, and the IG atmosphere just started, and it reached its peak!

Two solo kills in less than two minutes!

Even now, Nuo Shou and Jian Ji are only level 1!

When did the LPL top laner become so prestige in the S game?

You must know that the opponent on the opposite side this time is not those stinky fish and rotten shrimp, but Cuvee!

Samsung's Cuvee! Internationally recognized as the top orderer who likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

There was even a period of time when Cuvee was officially rated as the world's number one order.

The legendary World One, the first-level was killed twice by one-on-one, this can't be described as appalling, this is

It broke everyone's three views and shocked everyone's eyes!

Cherish. This player is really a weird player. Everyone underestimates him. Here, I am very serious about talking about this. Everyone underestimates this player. He is a veritable genius! Ben The biggest dark horse among the single players in the S tournament!"

The European commentator's face flushed with excitement, and he was not stingy with his admiration and praise for Bai Qiu.

at the same time.

in the game.

This wave of amazing solo show ended, and Nuoshousixue went back to the city directly.

After filling up the state, plus a long sword, it will be online again!

On the other side, Cuvee, who was still in a confused state, also returned to the line after being resurrected.

As a result, as soon as the two met, they saw the bright equipment on the equipment column of Nuo's hand: Dolan Sword, Dolan Sword, Long Sword Small.

Instantly shut down!

"Xiba, this is crazy, a promise hand actually produced this equipment!"

Cuvee's brow became a pimple.

For the hero of Nuo Shou, the most suitable equipment for him is the half-meat. Whether it is in the professional arena or the ordinary rank, this is the strongest equipment.

Half-meat builds, when developed, whether it's a group or 1v1, are also the most cost-effective set of build ideas.


What the hell is this double Dolan plus a small long sword?

Really pure output promise? Dare to play like this in the S competition?

Ordinary rank bureaus don't have such outrageous outfits!

"Cherish. Have you completely let go of yourself now?" Outside, after seeing the build of Nuo Shou, the world's major competition areas only felt a bloody smell coming towards them.

With Bai Qiu's strength, he naturally understands how to play Nuo's hand, but when he knows these things, there is only one reason for him to play like this--

He will continue to kill!

Or, do not treat the opposite person as a person.

"Too. Personality!" Miller held back for a long time, and Ye couldn't think of any words to describe it.

But I have to say, looking at the LPL division, a Chinese placed a single, and actually labeled Cuvee like this, and also released this equipment, that is really cool!

Too f*ck comfortable, this is the game, this is the road!

Only those who are alive are qualified to fill in the army!!

"Hey, how dare you stand so forward?"

Hit the road.

As soon as he arrived on the line, after replenishing two soldiers, Nuo Shou was directly promoted to the second level. With the experience of two heads, Jian Ji had lost the possibility of winning the second place with him.

As a result, he had just been promoted to the second level, and found that the opposite Jianji didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter, and even dared to step forward to replenish his troops.

This scene made Bai Qiu very angry, don't you treat me like a human?

Erhu does not say, walking up is an E.

Jian Ji was caught off guard, and was directly pulled over by Nuo's hand, and then tied A.

With just two clicks, the state of Jian Ji, who was full of blood, instantly dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Nuo 5.0 hand with luxurious "" equipment is now doing too much damage!

Cuvee reacted, and he didn't even have the mind to fight, so he hurriedly left.

Connaught hand E-use, no skills left, but still limit Q full, hit out in a circle.


Jian Ji was swept to the buttocks, and at the same time as the state dropped again, a green light flashed on Nuo's hand, and the state of the anti-troop consuming Jian Ji suddenly recovered.

Full of blood again!

Looking at Jian Ji, at this moment, a wave of consumption, the state has dropped from full blood to three-fifths.

I lost half my blood!

Is this still a haircut?

Whoops, "Go on the road, Jian Ji is autistic, Cuvee, is this completely blown up?" The North American commentator was astonished: "Who can tell me, who is this player Cherish? He can actually beat Cuvee Hammered?"

"Two minutes--hammer blast?!"

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