Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 166: Killing wanton, the cuvee trembling under Bai Qiu Qiu's feet (1/5 for subscription

"It was only two minutes into the game, and Cuvee was hammered?!"

This title is so catchy.

At the beginning of the first level, he died twice, and the hammer is not hammered for the time being, but for Cuvee, the laning is really difficult to play.

Jian Ji and Nuo Shou were originally heroes based on their own abilities. If they had to say it, before the sixth level, Jian Ji was the inferior. After reaching the sixth level, under normal development, Nuo Shou could not be a sword concubine.

Originally, Cuvee's idea was to drag it to level 6, so that the choice of the opponent's promise would basically be abolished.

But he never imagined that at this level, he would die twice.

Now, in this situation, how can you delay?

It can only take advantage of the fact that the equipment level is backward, even Cuvee can't make up for this gap with operations in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Cuvee's hard power is indeed very strong.

The most interesting thing about this player is not only his ability to carry, but his ability to withstand pressure is also amazing, and his teamfighting performance is often very terrifying.

After Jian Ji's anger, Bai Qiu's previous hand that had the advantage of controlling the line didn't have much effect.

The main reason is that Cuvee is not like the opponents Bai Qiu met before. This person always takes the opportunity to make up the knife. Adding 26 to the sword is too flexible. After a few attempts, Bai Qiu simply gave up the control line and started to push the line. .

At the same time, I have to admit that Cuvee is indeed the strongest top laner he has ever encountered since he started playing professionally.

Whether it's line details or awareness, it's all full.

During this period of time, the jungler King Ning wanted to come and help more than once. It was the consensus of all junglers to help the good or bad.

But after these few waves, all of them were avoided in advance by Cuvee's precise awareness. After a few times, even the outside world couldn't help but admire.

"Cuvee, the consciousness is very good, even if this person is disadvantaged and resistant to pressure, he is not too far behind in making up the knife!" The doll smacked his tongue: "If it were someone else, I feel like I would have been pushed out of the experience zone by Cherish.

"This is the horror of Cuvee. I always feel that during the LCK period, Samsung has been playing, and Cuvee is one of the best actors. Every year in the S game, this person will surprise you." Miller joked.

"Yes, but, even if you are strong, you have to tremble under my Cherish's feet now. As a hero, Jian Ji must be chosen to have an advantage. You have been resisting pressure now, how do you play?!"

The doll's imposing manner is high: "Now Jianji is in this state, she is going home!"

in the game.

Cuvee's ability to withstand pressure is amazing, but unfortunately Bai Qiu is not a dry eater, and he can't kill the opponent alone, but after a few waves, Nuo Shou has also consumed Jian Ji to the residual blood.

Once again, when Q arrived at Jian Ji, Jian Ji's state was only about two-fifths left.

And Bai Qiu has a detail here, he only found the opportunity to completely crippled Jian Ji after he praised two or three waves of soldiers.

In this way, CuveeTP has just been used, and if you go back now, you will lose two or three waves of soldiers.

If he doesn't go back, he will immediately reach level 6, and he will be able to jump over the tower!

This is the game of the top players. Bai Qiu has completely killed Jian Ji by taking advantage of his online advantage.

"No way, brother, come and help me, as soon as this wave of soldiers is lost, I'll blow up." Cuvee didn't know how many times he called for help from Ambrose.

In fact, Ambition Sect had been here a few times before, but Cuvee had a good sense, Bai Qiu was not bad, and he was not caught, and Wang Ning was still wandering around in the wild area of ​​work.

"Have you returned to the jungler on the other side?" An Sect head looked at the situation on the road, and knew that this wave had to be caught once, and he had to catch the dead hand, or the road would collapse sooner or later.

"I came here just now, and the state is very bad. I don't think I'm here. Even if I'm here, we're not afraid of blind people with residual blood!" Cuvee's thoughts are clear.


When the words fell, the pig girl who had been prepared for a long time began to approach the road.

King Ning had indeed just been here before, but he didn't catch anyone, and when he was retreating, he met with Andang Gate in the wild area. After the battle broke out between the two sides, King Ning was severely disabled.

In fact, others don't know it, but Samsung itself knows that this wave is all calculated by the head of An, and it is to suppress King Ning back.

The previous arrests failed several times, but Sect Master An was fully prepared for this arrest.

And with the move of the pig girl, the audience also moved.

"Pig girl, the head of An is going to catch this wave." Doll looked at the hands of Nuo who were frantically pressing on the line: "This is the hands of Bono who are pressing very forward."

"An Sect Leader still doesn't want to give up on the road. He has been caught twice just now, but he hasn't caught it. This wave is coming again!" Miller frowned: "But it's a bit dangerous this time. King Ning has just returned home, IG On the road, Noah is the only one."

"Also, Cherish's eyes just disappeared, isn't this all calculated by Samsung?" The doll suddenly took a breath and looked at the other two with a bit of horror.

"Well, this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, Ambrose's style of play has always been to win with stability, and his awareness and tactics are definitely the best in the jungle."

A few people were talking, and the pig sister had also come to the upper half of the wild area. She didn't mean to go around the field of vision at all, and walked on the river in an upright manner.

In this scene, Samsung is almost a stone hammer to calculate the 1G field of view.

Can not help but make people uproar.

"Then this wave, it's not right, Cherish is still pressing, in this position, Nuo Shou's own state is only half, and if he is caught by the pig girl, he may die!" Miller's tone was a little eager: "Can you withdraw?"

Of course it can't be cast.

Let's not say whether Bai Qiu will let such a good chance 040 meet, it is very scary not to be caught twice in a row to meet the head of Ambition, you can't realize it every time, otherwise you will become a fairy. .

At this moment, after Bai Qiu communicated with King Ning, he looked at Jian Ji's state and felt that he was sure to cross the tower and clear the last soldier, and a large wave of soldiers began to advance.

Nuo's hand continued to press forward.

"You can go!" Seeing this, Cuvee greeted him immediately.

You can't run away with this gesture of the hand on the opposite side!

Needless to say, with the experience of Sect Master An, I also know that this great opportunity cannot be missed. Pig Girl directly rushed out of the fog of war, detoured to the upper route, behind Jian Ji!


"Wori, come again?"

Seeing this, Bai Qiu was stunned for a moment, and after scolding, he felt that it was a bit difficult to leave.

The main reason is that he pressed too far ahead and did not leave himself a retreat. This is also his consistent style of play after releasing himself.

"It's over, the pig sister came out directly, then this wave, the position of Nuo's hand is so high, it should be dead."

"Oh, it's still the head of the Ambition, the experience is too old, let's take a lesson, after this wave dies, IG's advantage in the road is not so great, and Jianji can also slow down a wave, eh?!"

Before the baby could finish speaking, he was suddenly stunned, "Nuo Shou! What is he going to do?!"

"Fuck, I'm stupid, what is this operation?!!

Seeing what happened next on the field, the audience was stunned.

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