Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 173: Gorgeous techniques, stunning four (3/5 for subscription!)

in the game.

Five people from Samsung have a perfect and wonderful vision, and they sneaked into the lower half of IG without knowing it. The terrifying consciousness of the head of Ambrose, a start, made countless people's scalp numb.

Samsung people are also ready, ready to let IG explode!

IG is really going to explode, they have no idea that the five Samsung people are not far from them.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the three of IG are obviously completely unaware that in the next second, they are about to enter Samsung's ambush.

"It's over, as soon as this wave of IG's three people passes, it may be about to start the hell mode!" The doll wailed: "This, Samsung's wave is too crap?!"

Before he finished speaking, Jian Ji, who was walking at the front of the IG three people who were about to enter the Samsung five-person ambush, suddenly put an eye behind the wall.


The free yellow eyes fell, instantly dispelling the dark fog of war, revealing the original landforms behind the walls,

Then, the five Samsung members who were preparing to move were all stunned.


what's the situation?

How do you have eyes?!

Did you find us on the opposite side of Road 057?!

"Jianji!! Jianji took a look! I saw this wave! I saw five people from Samsung!"

"This eye position! Help! Help!"

The commentators in the competition areas around the world were also stunned. After reacting, they went crazy!

The doll said emotionally: "Cheirsh, Jian Ji is aware of this! Cheirsh, realized it! He realized it! It's terrifying!!

"Can this wave run? IG has a chance to leave!"

in the game.

After seeing the five big treasures that suddenly appeared behind the wall, everyone on IG instantly regretted it.

Even Bai Qiu is stupid.

Heaven and earth conscience, this wave is not a consciousness, it is completely after communicating with Ning Wang, helping the other party to be an eye in the wild area,

Unexpectedly, this eye position directly showed five people!


"Run! Withdraw!"

"Damn, how did the other side get in?"

In a burst of exclamations, the three of IG quickly retreated, and Rookie and Ning Wang, who had been left behind, withdrew smoothly.


"Worge, I can't go, it's too close!"

Bai Qiu burst out (cgfa) with a foul language, this time he was at the front, and after Samsung saw that he was found, he reacted very quickly, and went straight to the side, already sticking to Jian Ji!

"Let's go, even the blind can go after the clockwork, but it seems that Cheish can't go?"

"It's stuck! Samsung is going to kill this Jian Ji, and their resentment against Cheirsh is deep!!"

"Kill him! Kill him!!"

On the field, Samsung Eye was about to drive IG into the bottomless abyss, and as a result, it was lightly resolved by Jian Ji's eye position, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

In addition, the distance between Jian Ji is so close, and the five Samsung people have long been glued to it.

When they were separated by a wall, Xiaopao and Syndra's long hands had already started outputting through the wall, and Jianji had nowhere to run.

When Bai Qiu wanted to leave, the rest of Samsung also came over.

The head of Ambrose, who was at the forefront, saw the position of Jian Ji, and the next moment, the E skill, which had not hesitated, slammed into it!


Bai Qiu scolded bad luck in his heart, but his attention was always focused. From the moment he saw the five three-star people in his field of vision, he actually knew that he was not going to leave.

So almost at the same time as the barrel, Bai Qiu moved!

There was no sign of looking back and twisting, the position was tricky, and it was extremely abrupt.


The next moment, An Sect Master An's E-skill with a mortal heart collided, settled on the position where Jian Ji was before, but just passed by the twisted Jian Ji!


Hide away?!

Sect Master An's pupils shrank. At this moment, he didn't have time to react at all. It was almost a conditioned reflex. The barrel skill under the visual effect had even been settled, but he knew that it was only a few tenths of a second away!


Flash mention.

Moving forward, the barrel of wine that was about to be settled instantly reversed, and the whole person appeared out of thin air in the position where Jian Ji was walking!

But now, the place is empty!


Jian Ji's Q skill was brought down almost at the same time as the barrel's E flash, and the whole person flew out and instantly moved away from the previous position.

The wine barrel collided, and it was empty!

Q dodge the barrel flash!!


"Fuck! Sword Princess! Sword Princess!!"

"Hidden away! The barrel E-dodge was actually dodged!!

The commentators in various competition areas around the world went crazy in an instant, and the baby was stunned: "My God. Cherish, this sword girl, what's the speed of reaction, the barrel E flash was avoided by his Q!!"

"Xiu is stupid! The head of An is stupid by Xiu, this wave of swordsmen can go!!"



On the field, Ambrose's E-dodge for a limited time was unexpectedly avoided by Jian Ji's prediction Q, which was indeed a bit silly by Xiu.

E flash!

The E flash of the wine barrel, even if he received the flash at the last time, but the reason why the flash is called flash is because it is too fast, it is smooth!

How could you dodge this?!

Sect Leader An was stunned, but the wine barrel stopped moving for a while.


He didn't move, it didn't mean that his teammates didn't move.

Looking at Jian Ji, who showed the team's eldest brother, the head of the sect, and thinking that the three pieces of fat that had already reached his mouth before flew away like this, the rest of Samsung - the top!

Auxiliary Niu Tau saw that Jian Ji was ready to reconcile with his teammates after Q, and in a hurry, he directly Q flashed over!

The bull's head Q flash was very sudden, and there was no logic at all. Bai Qiu thought with his heel, but he never thought that such a move would come from the opposite side.

Jian Ji, who had just escaped, was instantly hit by the bull's head!

Seeing this, the others at Samsung were stunned for less than a second, and immediately rushed over like crazy, focusing fire on Jian Ji!

Jian Ji's state dropped rapidly, and within a few seconds, most of her blood was gone!


"Niu Tau! CJJ's direct Q flash! I'm going, Samsung, does this have to kill Jian Ji?"

What a murderous intention this is, the wine barrel flashes, the bull head Q flashes.

Two flashes continue, even if Jian Ji dies this wave, will Samsung earn?

I don't know if Samsung makes money, but Jian Ji can't die!

Because after discovering Samsung just now, IG rushed over before returning to the online bot duo.

At this moment, Bai QiuQ's skill has shifted, and he has drawn closer to his teammates.

When a few people from Samsung came to set fire to him, the others on IG--also arrived!


"Everyone else in IG is here!! This wave can be fought! The two of Samsung didn't flash, and the control skills are almost the same! IG can fight back in this wave!!

The doll shouted excitedly: "This Q flash from Niutou, this wave from Samsung -- exploded!!"

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