Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 174: People show, what kind of monster is this (4/5 please subscribe!)

"Xiba, who asked you to flash?!"

at the same time.

The head of Ambrose, who was shown a face, recovered, looked at the teammates who rushed up together, and almost vomited blood on the spot: "Retreat, quickly retreat, everyone on the opposite side is here!"

The rest of Samsung nodded their heads just now, but it was too late to withdraw when they heard the sound.

Clockwork and Blind, who were already very close to here, were the first to enter, the Blind's Q skill accurately hit the promise, and Rookie smashed the Bull's head with a Q.

And within a few seconds, the IG bot lane duo also rushed over and joined the battle group directly!

This time, the first-level regiment fought completely.

It's a pity that this wave of first-level regiments has already ended since the beginning.

Because the Samsung wave rushed too far, the wine barrel did not come, and there were only four people on the frontal battlefield.

Moreover, the skills of the bull's head have been handed in, the wine barrel is gone, and none of the remaining three people have learned control skills!

In the face of five people who are like wolves like tigers in IG, there is absolutely no way.

IG five people caught no flash and skills, and focused fire on the bullhead closest to their side.

Under five people's concentrated fire, in just a few seconds, the state of the first-level bull head dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sold, withdraw immediately!

The head of Ambrose increased his tone, and everyone in Samsung finally made a decision.

Syndra and the little gunner decisively sold the bull's head that was being set on fire, and turned around and ran into the field.

When everyone on IG saw this, Bingbing and Clockwork immediately went to pursue them, but the three of them were all in good condition and had skills, so it was impossible to chase them to death.

After chasing the last Nuo hand, he clicked a few times, and Han Bing and Clockwork turned back and continued to output to the bull's head.

A few seconds later, CJJ fell to the ground in despair.

"IGWest killed SSGCoreJJ!"


first drop of blood!

"Dead! The bull's head is dead!! Konishi got a blood!!"

"OMG! IG! We won this first-tier regiment! SSG is defeated!"

As the reminder sounded, the Guangzhou Gymnasium also burst into terrifying cheers. The doll stared and shouted: "Cherish! It's so beautiful!! In this wave, IG actually turned from defeat to victory, and the fight was so beautiful!!"


There was thunderous applause, no one expected that the first blood of this game was born like this.

"It's terrifying, this sword girl." Miller excitedly said: "This wave of Cherish was aware of SSG's ambush in advance, and finally used Q to dodge the E flash of the wine barrel!! My God, what is this, this People are too strong!"

At this time, Shen Chao shook his head and said: "No, it's not Q to dodge, this wave should be to hide from the barrel E first, Ambush Sect reacted and received the flash, and then Cheirsh used Q to dodge...

Woolen cloth?

To be honest, the game between Jian Ji and the wine barrel was too fast just now. From God's perspective, it was Jian Ji Q hiding the wine barrel E and dodging, and there was nothing more to be seen.

However, as a former professional player, Shen Chao had a much stronger vision than others, and he saw clearly what others didn't notice.

Because of this, he felt his scalp tingling even more.

What kind of monster is this Cherish.

At this time, the director shouted and replayed, and the people who were confused at first, after watching the details of the game between Jianji and the wine barrel, suddenly exploded!

Sure enough, as Shen Chao said, this wave of sword princesses and wine barrels have actually fought secretly many times!

"My mother." The doll couldn't help but said: "Is this still a human?"

"Ambien is also showy. He flashed at the limit time of E, and the reaction was too fast." Miller smiled bitterly: "But you are fast, and I, Cherish, react faster!"

"It's scary, this reaction speed is already a bit scary, move around and twist E, Q and then dodge...Cherish, at the beginning of this game, he's full of consciousness manipulations!


"IG! IG!

“IG beef batch!! IG red duck!”

"Fuck, this sword girl looks stupid to me, what level is this?"

"Sect Master An is numb.

Ambition is really numb.

At this moment, Mi's first-level regiment was ended after a wave of stealing chickens failed, and the head of the team almost scolded in the team's voice.

Han G's team is different from LPL.

In the LCK, what matters in the team is not strength, but seniority!

A person of higher rank is really the eldest brother among the eldest brothers.

For example, Ambrose, his status in Samsung, even the management of the club has to give three points politely, and other starters see him as if they saw their father.

Now that the team has lost so much at the start due to a wave of top-level operations that shouldn't be there, how can Sect Leader An not be angry?

…… ask for flowers…… 0

"Brother, I was wrong." CJJ bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"Huh.. Ambition took a deep breath and suppressed his dissatisfaction. After all, the game has to continue, and this game is too important to them.

"It's okay, once the blood is gone, it's gone, let's fight well next."

"The main reason is that we can't see it. The person on the other side is too arrogant to show you so much," Cuvee couldn't help adding.

"Huh?" Andangmen glanced at him sideways.

The meaning is obvious:

Do you think there is something wrong with your decision?

Are you questioning brother's authority?

"" Cuvee scratched his head: "Okay, that's all right."

"Fight well, don't get blown up by the opponent again, don't forget, you are Cuvee, and the opponent is just a nobody." The head of Ambition retorted.


Did you just get a show on the face of a nobody?

Cuvee complained and nodded, "Okay, I see."

In fact, he was holding his breath.

As a world-class top star who has been famous for a long time and has had a brilliant history, how can he be willing to be given a hammer by a person who has never heard of ID before?

He made a blunder in the last game, he must fight back this time!

It is not without this reason that the contestants chose the nominee!

After the battle on both sides was over, they went home respectively. Everyone in IG didn't need to escape, and they returned faster.

At this moment, the line of troops was almost on the line, Bai Qiu returned to the city to replenish his state, and his TP went online immediately.

Cuvee on the other side was much slower, mainly because he was afraid of IG chasing after him. He ran to a safe position before returning home and then TP.

When they landed, the top lane was just on the same line.

"Fortunately, there is no loss of line."

Cuvee breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the defense tower, and was ready to make up for the knife.

But as soon as he walked out, he found that the imaginary Jianji was not in sight.


Cuvee coughed lightly, vigilance in his heart.

"Jianji, what does this mean? Cheirsh is not online to replenish troops? How did he get to this place?"

at the same time.

Outside, looking at Jian Ji who suddenly ran to the river, everyone was stunned.

Miller looked at the situation on the court, and snorted in his heart: "My God, no, does he want to

"Murder?!" and.

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