Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 175: Extreme pulling, the audience is crazy (5/5 for subscription!)

"Cherish isn't trying to kill people, is he?!"

in the game.

Jian Ji is the first to TP to the line before the hands of Nuo.

Everyone didn't care about Bai QiuTP's actions after he came down, but now that the top lane is online, Jian Ji still has no intention of coming back, which has to make everyone puzzled.

Because of carefully looking at the position of Jian Ji, at this moment, she was wandering in the grass at the river channel below the upper road,

At this position, the line of soldiers will not come back, this is obviously an idea!

And the whole road is like an orphan's road, there is no one else except the promise!

"No way.. What are you doing? Everyone is first-level and full of blood." The doll couldn't help shaking his head and said, "It shouldn't be killing people, could it be that you want to go to the river to have a vision?"

"Does it take so long to do vision?" Miller stared at the big screen, his tone "057 suddenly" raised: "Nuo hand is coming! This wave of Cuvee has become suspicious, and wants to come over to do vision!!


in the game.

On the road, Cuvee really panicked after finding out that Jian Ji had not appeared for a long time.

He was afraid that the opposite jungler would smack him together.

The professional arena! A little bit of trouble will make people all over the place, especially the top players, they are all trained from the sea of ​​real gold and fire!

But if this wave goes back like this, it is obviously impossible. Go back as soon as you go online and stop playing games?

So all in all, Cuvee decided to make a vision to make himself feel at ease.

So Nuo Shou approached the river cautiously.

The location will not be too dangerous, nor will it go deep, Cuvee just wants to put an eye in the grass, even if the jungler on the opposite side is, he is sure to escape successfully.

Nothing happened along the way, Cuvee breathed a sigh of relief, and directly inserted his yellow eyes.

The eyes light up, lighting up the dark grass.


I saw a sword girl quietly looking at him in the grass.


Cuvee was immediately stunned.

Jian Ji was not surprised by him.

But what about the jungler?

Why is Jian Ji alone?

Just as he was in shock, he saw that Jian Ji in the grass walked out of the grass after seeing Nuo Shou coming, and slapped a flaw in front of Nuo Shou's body.


The flaw was eliminated, and the state of Nuo's hand declined.

"Xihachi, it's just you?!" Cuvee felt that his brain was messed up.

"Go! Jian Ji went straight up!" Outside, Miller was stunned: "This wave actually has an idea for the promise, and Cherish is squatting on the promise!"

"But, this wave of swordsmen is only one person, and the first-level swordsmen of Nuo Shou are not false. Is this Cherish going to fight Nuo Shou 1v1 one-on-one?"

The doll said: "Brother, why can't I understand this wave. Can this win?!"

"Are you crazy?"

At the same time, on the field, looking at the sword girl who came over to cut him, the head of Ambrose had already seen the blind man in the lower half of the jungle, making sure that the jungler on the opposite side was not on the road, and Cuvee reacted.

Laughed straight away.

One thing to say, he has seen madness, but he has never seen such madness!

Together with you, the jungler is not here!

Why don't you let me play psychological tactics?

Without the jungler, Nuo Shou is not afraid of Jian Ji, just like a top match, in fact, when a first-level pair fights together, as long as Jian Ji’s weak position is not good, Nuo Shou can kill the opponent!

"court death!"

Cuvee's eyes jumped, and Nuo's hand went up directly to prepare to go to A Jianji.

However, just as he walked over, he saw that Jian Ji, who had lost the flaw in A, had already turned around one step earlier.

Although the distance of a U-turn is very small, it is a bit fatal for short-handed broken hands.

For a while, don't go out at all.

It was at this time that the second flaw on the side of Nuo's hand was refreshed, and Jian Ji, who had been running all the time, immediately turned around, full of alcohol, and slashed with A on the side.


The second flaw was played, and the state of his hands dropped again.

But at the same time, Cuvee also finally arrived at Jian Ji.

There was a layer of bleeding effect on Jian Ji's body, Nuo Shou immediately wanted to make a second knife, but when he raised his hand, he found that Jian Ji had actually distanced himself from him again!

At this time, the fools saw that something was wrong.

Cuvee scolded: "Xiba! You are a top sword girl, walk on water?!"

In this version, it is really rare for Shangdan Jianji to walk on water. This talent can only be accelerated in the river!

After reacting, he immediately used his Q skill without hesitation.

You keep running, I see if you eat my Q or come back!

This move was so effective, Jian Ji saw Nuo Shou Q, and immediately turned around and got close to Nuo Shou again.


The outer circle of Nuo Shou's Q failed, but Jian Ji was already close to Nuo Shou's face.

"Damn, run away!"

Cuvee scolded angrily, raising his hand to prepare for Sword A.

I mean. At this moment, he saw that Jian Ji, who had just been close to his face, had already passed a Q skill and pulled it directly behind Nuo's hand.

The third flaw that was just refreshed behind Nuo's hand was played out!


Three consecutive flaws A came out, and Nuo's hand only touched Jian Ji once throughout the whole process.

"What's the situation?! Jian Ji! I dropped a tortoise, and I actually made three flaws! Can Nuo hand catch this Jian Ji?!"

The doll's eyes widened, and she said with a look of astonishment, "No... it's a bit outrageous, isn't it, brother?"

"It's up again! The sword girl is up again!!"

in the game.

After being hit by Sword Ji A three times in a row, Cuvee subconsciously continued to chase, but of course he couldn't catch up. When the fourth flaw was refreshed, it happened to be right in front of Nuo's hand.

Jian Ji turned back immediately, and the fourth flaw A came out!


Now Cuvee's whole body is numb, and the level 1 duel was made four flaws by the opposite sword girl A, this is still a hair!

Without any hesitation, Nuo turned his hand and wanted to run towards the top lane 5.0 line.

But it was already too late to run.

Because Jian Ji was originally in front of Nuo Shou, Nuo Shou had to pass by Jian Ji's side if he wanted to run!

Seeing this, Bai Qiu didn't say a word, didn't pull any more, just stuck to Nuo's hand and stood up to the opponent.

Cuvee wanted to fight back, but it was impossible to stop and fight.

But if you run, the opposite sword princess will stick to it again,

Until this time, Cuvee was horrified to discover that he didn't know when, the position of Jian Ji was so deadly.


With a wailing cry in his heart, Jian Ji's fifth flaw came out, and the state of his hands was already bloodshot.

A-down again.

The blood line was emptied and fell to the ground.

"IGCherish killed SSGCuVee!"

Solo kill!!

Crazy all over the place!

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