Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 176: Famous all over the world, the classic road duo (1/5 for subscription!)

"Dead! Nuo Shou was directly killed by a first-level solo!!"

"My God, what the hell is this? Are you really killing it?!"

Guangzhou Gymnasium.

With the sound of the single kill prompt, the scene suddenly burst into crazy cheers!

Solo kill!

First-level single kill, in the quarter-finals of the S competition, against Cuvee, complete the first-level single kill!!

The commentators from all competition areas around the world looked at each other, and their emotions had been raised by Jian Ji's wave of thrilling solo kills.

"OMG.Cheirsh, he completed the first-level solo kill! How did this sword girl get the solo kill?"

"No, this cheirsh, this pulling makes me look stupid, has the opposite Nuo hand touched Jian Ji all the way?" Can you make a long-handed short-handed effect?

"..." Miller was also speechless.

This wave of Jianji first-level solo kills is indeed a bit artistic, mainly because everyone is first-level, and they are all short-handed fighters. You didn't let Nuohand A bleed and rage all the way, but you made five or six flaws.

Just f*ck outrageous.

Pulling "It's so good, and 26 and we didn't pay attention just now, Cherish's game is water walking," Shen Chao couldn't help but said: "This is. Did you have the idea of ​​a single kill? Before the game Is it alright?"

"Ah ah ah!!" Hearing the sound, there were already crazy cheers from the field.

"That's it, Nuo Shou died once when he went online, and the laning is not easy to play!"

in the game.

The top lane Cuvee-level was killed once as soon as it was launched, which is really not very easy to play.

Don't tell me if he died once, he used TP in the last wave, and this time he died.. No TP in his hands!

This means that Cuvee is going to at least have a big wave of troops!

On the road, experience is above everything else. Once you are overwhelmed, you will never be able to turn around.

"What's going on?" Seeing this, the head of Ambrose, who was holding a fire just now, looked at Cuvee speechlessly.

Cuvee opened his mouth, but could only spit out a few words: "The opposite, the opposite to me."

"This person is not weak, he has already lost a game, he can't be careless, understand?" Sect Master An said with a frown.

Switching to the top of the road, Sect Leader An took a deep look at Jian Ji with Cherish ID on his head. He no longer had any underestimation in his heart, only solemnity and attention remained.

"Play it after you go online, and I'll catch him."


Ambition's so-called arrests were unsuccessful afterwards.

Because after Jianji on the road gained the upper hand, King Ning, who had formed a certain tacit understanding with Bai Qiu, immediately shifted the focus of the early rhythm to the top road.

If Samsung wants to capture Jian Ji, IG must agree!

It's not that you are the only jungler, King Ning doesn't eat dry rice!

So Sect Master An came several times, but was persuaded to retreat by King Ning's anti-squatting.

After failing to catch the top lane for the second time, Sect Leader An also had a fire in his heart.

Are you really going to hit the road duo?

Stop catching!

With his eyes fixed on King Ning's death, Sect Master An decisively gave up targeting Jian Ji.

And to deal with King Ning's stupefied, experienced head of Ancestor, he also has his own unique insights.

I saw that in the next time, King Ning was still wandering in the upper half of the wild area, but the wine barrel appeared in the middle, and directly grabbed the clockwork of the reverse pressure line to give a flash.

A few minutes later, IG's bot lane, who gained some small advantages because the first-level team opponent lost a flash, were both caught and killed.

Samsung's rhythm has gradually leveled off.

The gap between Ambrose and King Ning was also reflected.

Compared with the operation, the current King Ning may be able to compete with Sect Master An, but in terms of consciousness, overall situation, including variability, Sect Master An, who is at his peak, completely overwhelmed King Ning.

After such a few waves, Samsung's rhythm has not only stabilized, but even the alignment of the middle and lower lines has some small advantages!

"Ambition is still Ambush, Samsung has not been affected by the first-level regiment at all during this time." Seeing this, Miller couldn't help but sigh: "The rhythm is too good!!

"The rhythm is good on the one hand, mainly because Samsung lost the two flashes, and now it's getting better. In this way, the first-level group IG didn't seize the opportunity to continue to snowball the rhythm, except to get a head. Keep up." Shen Chao said in detail.

"Yes, but Doll never raises the popularity of others. Even if it is the case, he will pick a direction that is beneficial to himself and say in a high tone: "But it is an advantage for us to be on the road! Here, Cherish is already completely pressing Cuvee. beated!!"

Hit the road.

Compared with other online situations on the court, IG really has the advantage on the road.

And it's a big advantage.

One death at the first level plus a wave of soldiers is really too traumatic.

After Cuvee went online again, he did not get the help of Ambrose, but instead recruited the opposite jungler King Ning.

After several times, although he failed to forcibly cross this promise, the huge pressure also made Cuvee feel a sense of restlessness.

This is simply suffocation of being targeted and crushed online.

Now that the game time is almost six minutes, the opposite Jianji has 57 knives, and the promise has only 25 knives!

A fill-up knife that was fully pressed by half!

Not to mention that Nuo Shou was not afraid of Jian Ji in the early stage, and even faintly won before the sixth level.

The ID of Cuvee alone was suppressed by half to make up for the knife in the early stage, and everyone couldn't accept it!

"Top lane. Cherish's laning is really good, and he actually overwhelmed Cuvee-half of his fills!" Miller looked at the number of top lane's fills, and his mood was much better.

There are also some emotions.

Once can be said to be lucky, or other factors.

But what about the second time?

This is the second time Cherish has hit Cuvee in the lane today!

057 Single kill, pressing the knife, this is the place that most reflects the strength gap of the laning players.

Bai Qiu basically did it all!

"Chiersh. After today, I am afraid everyone has to re-evaluate the strength of this top laner. He may be the most underrated player in S7 this year, he is really strong!" The European commentator shook his head.

Everyone knows this is not a lie.

In the past, when I played top orders in other regions, even if I had a bigger lead, it would still be the same.

But this is LCK! Opposite is Cuvee!

It is no exaggeration to say that Bai Qiu's online performance is enough to make him famous all over the world as long as he keeps it up!

It was at this time that Jianji Shanglu once again found a wave of opportunities. Taking advantage of Can Xuenuo's efforts to make up the line, Geng Zhun had a chance and went straight up!

This Q is not the Q Xiangnuo hand, but the sports car soldier next to him.


The artillery soldier was killed by Jian Ji Q, and Bai Qiu's body flashed white light--up to six levels!

Then, without saying a word, he rushed over to Nuo's hand!


"Hey, let's go! Sword Princess has risen to the sixth level! This wave is going to be a solo kill?!"

The doll's tone suddenly went crazy: "Cheirsh! Are you going to stand up when IG's rhythm is behind?!"

"Really drop the hammer Cuvee? Keep going, after this game, Cherish is going to be on fire!!"

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