Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 177: You just press forward, with me behind you, you just run forward with me behind you (2/

Hit the road.

Jian Ji's sudden wave of cards of level 6, the residual blood of Nuo's hand instantly fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

But Cuvee is worthy of being Cuvee. Although he has been pinned down for a while, except for the first-level wave, he has not died again.

This is very important!

I saw that when the light on Jian Ji's body just lit up, Cuvee's whole body was agitated, and the hairs rose, and there was almost no hesitation, and it flashed decisively!

Call to the ground.

Remnant blood Nuo hand flashed directly back to the defense tower.

There is still a small blood line on the body. This state, when facing Jian Ji alone, flashed, no one thought of it.

So decisive!


Bai Qiu muttered, this Bono hand is like a bird frightened, after dodging under the defense tower, plus the opponent's state, it's really not easy to kill.

It seems that you can't underestimate the heroes of the world, and you can't be happy just because of a few solo kills.

Bai Qiu understood in his heart.

Outside, the commentary of the competition areas around the world is also a pity.

"It flashed, Cuvee's wave is very decisive, and the reaction is very fast, then there should be no chance to kill!" The doll shook his head and said: "This is too stable."

"It's really stable. Since Cuvee died once at level 1, it's actually just a loss of soldiers. When the IG jungler has been targeting the top lane, it's actually very scary." Shen Chao couldn't help but said: "If it continues like this, Bad for IG.

"Because we have only had some advantages in the top lane so far, and the jungler has always been in the upper half of the jungle, and the experience and economy are not as much as the opposite wine barrels.

in the game.

The decisiveness and steadiness of Nuo Shou brought a certain degree of pressure to IG.

The pressure mainly comes from the overall situation. After the first-level team played an advantage, Samsung's response tactics were handled so well that IG so far has been somewhat disadvantaged.

On the road, Nuo Shou had to choose to go home after Jian Ji was upgraded to the sixth level. Even if he was in a good condition, he did not dare to continue to replenish his troops.

Nuo Shou went home, and the game situation became calm again.

But this time it didn't last long. Not long after Nuo Shou returned home, something happened in the upper half of Samsung's wild area!

This wave of changes was mainly caused by King Ning.

King Ning has been wandering in the upper half of the jungle, and now he is a lot behind Ambrose. After seeing Nuo Shou back, he subconsciously wanted to go to the opposite half of the jungle.

At the same time, he was also eager to open the game situation, wanted to find a rhythm, predicted the current position of Ambrose, and wanted to find trouble for Ambrose.

In the end, it didn't matter. When the blind man first arrived at the blue buf pit, he saw a barrel full of blood staring at him with a smile.


been discovered?

King Ning was stunned, and before he had time to react, he suddenly saw not far behind, a half-blooded Syndra who was supposed to go home suddenly appeared!


King Ning's whole body was jolted, and under the curse, he knew something was wrong!

This wave of him was discovered in advance, and Samsung is scolding him!

Whoops, "King Ning! The vision that Samsung set up just now sees the blind man. This wave of wine barrels and Syndra have been waiting for him in the wild!"

Seeing this, the doll frowned and said, "Can you go? If you don't go this wave, the blind will die!

"I can't go anymore, Samsung has a plan, Syndra's vision is blocked when she returns to the city, IG has no idea that Syndra didn't go back!"

On the field, IG really didn't know that Syndra didn't go home, because Rookie went back together after seeing Syndra returning to the city before.

But at the time, no one thought that Samsung was waiting for IG here.

In the current situation, IG has lost all aspects except for the top lane. Once the blind man dies again, the death of the jungler will cause IG's rhythm in the early stage of the game to be directly ruined!

"I'm T!!"

Cuvee instantly saw the opportunity to make up for the oppression. Nuo Shou, who had just returned home, hadn't walked a few steps, and TP went directly to his wild area, blocking the blind man's back path!

It's TP!! It's the blue square! This Bono hand is working directly?!" The doll wailed: "The clockwork TP is not good, then in this case, the Bono King is gone!"

"Too anxious, this Bonin is a little anxious...

on the field.

After the promise of the hand TP, the blind man was basically sentenced to death.

However, King Ning didn't want to wait for death, and still wanted to run away from the field.

Just after a few steps, he was succumbed to the skill E of the wine barrel of the head of the Ambition. After that, Syndra immediately took the QE, and the control was perfectly connected.

After a single output, after the full-blooded blind man regained his freedom, most of his state was already gone!

It was at this time that Nuo's hand TP landed, and without saying a word, he went straight to the blind man who was surrounded and beaten!


King Ning scolded, W was used when he was going around his field of vision just now, and he could only grit his teeth and show a flash.


The blind man blinked away, but the three Samsung members were still very close to him.

The front hand of the promise was used with a Q, and it even scratched the blind man directly!

The state has dropped again, and it has come to silk blood!

I'm going to die! "It's not necessary for this Bonin to flash, anyway, it's all dead, it's a waste!"

Miller stared at the big screen, watching the blind man in a panic and a flash of death, the whole person was not well.

At this moment, I saw that the director's camera suddenly turned, and it was very abruptly given to the road--

A sword girl, I don't know when, has come to the outside of the river, just walked to the exit of the wild area, and was very close to the blind man who escaped.


Miller was stunned: "Jianji, why did Jianji come here, is this coming to save King Ning?"

"No. No, all three of Samsung are here, Ning Wang Si Xue, and Jian Ji will die alone if they come here! This wave is a bit unreasonable, right?"

In this state, even if Jian Ji has an advantage, it is impossible to 1v3!

But they couldn't figure it out, but IG did it.

"W me! Can you W me?"

Bai Qiu looked at the blind man who was on the verge of danger, and said to King Ning in a fast-paced voice.

"Don't come here, you are the only point of advantage, if this wave also dies, we won't be able to fight at all." King Ning said with some guilt.

"Stop the ink, is this you? Isn't this dead?

Ziqiu said, "Can you do it?"

King Ning paused, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"


The next moment, the blind man who had been running in a straight line suddenly turned left.

(by Li Zhao)

After seeing Jian Ji, the Nuo Shou E skill that was worried that the blind man would run away directly emptied!

Move and twist off the promise hand E!

Then, without saying a word, go directly to the limit distance, W to Jian Ji!

Instantly distanced himself from the three Samsung who were chasing him, and then continued to run forward without looking back!

"Run! The blind man hides from E! W Jianji!! Does King Ning have a chance to escape this wave? Righteousness!"

"Jianji really passed! I went, I cried, is this the brother LOL. But you went over to pick up the blind man, what should you do?"

Seeing this scene, everyone felt both feelings and despair in their hearts.

Because of this wave, the blind man ran away, but what about Jian Ji?

Cherish has been completely glued to the Samsung three!!

"This, Jian Ji is the only point that IG has an advantage now. This wave of death is actually not as good as a blind man. It's too bad..Fuck!"

Miller didn't finish his words, watching everything that happened in the next second on the field, suddenly slowed down.

"Jianji, this Jianji, what is he doing?!"

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