Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 178 : Startled Guangzhou, who can stop the sword fairy? (3/5 for subscription!)

at the river.

King Ning's blind man couldn't stop after W arrived at Jian Ji, because his condition was too bad, if it weren't for the fact that the closest Nuo hand on the opposite side didn't flash, as long as he flashed over, he would be able to take his head.

And without King Ning, Jian Ji was so far ahead alone, and the three Sanxing people went up and down together, and they couldn't run at all!

"Leave a small family for everyone? It's not necessary!

Miller frowned, this wave of unpleasant words, even if the blind man died, it would be better than the death of Jian Ji.

Jian Ji is the fattest point, once Jian Ji dies, IG will lose even more!

More importantly, when Nuo Shou returned to the city before, Jian Ji didn't go home, which made Jian Ji's condition actually not good.

The full state may be able to hold on for a while and show it off.

How to do it like this now?

No one knows, but the three of Samsung are already crazy when they see Jian Ji taking the initiative to deliver it to the door!

As everyone can see, they want to kill Jian Ji more than the blind!

This is a total surprise!

"Kill Jian Ji! Kill Jian Ji first! Immediately kill him!!" Sect Master An was rarely excited, and hurriedly shouted.

At this time, the three of them had completely drawn close to Jian Ji, and Bai Qiu didn't leave at all. He couldn't leave this wave, and he would be caught up if he left.


"I come!"

The mid laner Crown Brother didn't have much contact with Bai Qiu in the first game. At this moment, Syndra had walked out of the river mouth, and Jian Ji was not far away.

Taking a look at the opponent's state, with Syndra's current damage and a big move, the opponent will definitely be GG!

Without further ado, Geng Zhun has a chance, Brother Crown raises his hand with a big move and directly pours it over!

The two dark orbs behind him, plus the three orbs that come with the ultimate move.

A total of five balls, at this moment, contain endless darkness and burst damage, forming a dazzling meteor in the air, flying towards the Sword Princess of Remnant Blood!

Syndra's ultimate move is very abrupt, and Brother Crown's hand speed is also very fast. In this case, it is difficult for ordinary people to react.

But that's normal people.

I saw Bai Qiu, who had a rough idea of ​​the operation in his heart when he decided to pick up the blind man. The moment Syndra raised his hand, his whole body was jolted, and his reaction speed was so fast that he completely overwhelmed Brother Crown on the opposite side!

Sword Princess W Laurent's heart-eye knife outrageously almost synchronized with Syndra's big move.

tick tick tick

The next moment, Syndra's ultimate move five dark orbs fell one after another like a meteor.

But Jian Ji's body glowed with yellow light, and she was unscathed!

Anticipate W, perfectly block Syndra's ultimate move!

At the moment when Syndra's fifth ball ends, the blocking effect of Jian Ji W disappears simultaneously!

Not much time, not much time!

The card is just right!


"Ooh~!! W!! Sword Princess, W perfectly blocked Syndra's ultimate move!!"

"My God, what a hand speed and reaction, Syndra blocked all the balls! Not a single ball touched him! Perfect block!!"

Seeing this scene, the commentators in the competition areas around the world were stunned for a second, and then went crazy in an instant!

Everyone knows that Syndra's ultimate move is actually very slow, and Jian Ji's w can be blocked, but only for 0.75 seconds.

Five balls, 0.75 seconds, under normal circumstances, one or two will be smashed.

It's rare for Bai Qiu to block all five balls in perfect synchronization with one W directly!

Just before waiting for the audience to react, Jian Ji, who perfectly resisted Syndra's deadly ultimate move, moved again!!

At the moment when Brother Crown was stunned, he neutralized all the damage and was unscathed. Jian Ji, who was stuck by the three Samsung people, did not retreat but advanced, and flashed past and came to Syndra in an instant.

Then give the big move in seconds.

Raising your hand is -AE.

The moment a flaw is played, the second cancels the flat A and then shakes.

At the same time, under the sideways position, he has come to the left side of Syndra, and slashed again!


Two flaws were hit in an instant.


It wasn't until this time that Brother Crown came to his senses, but it was too late for him to react.

Because the hand speed of the opposite Jian Ji is too fast!

Almost at the same time when Brother Crown scolded, Jian Ji was already full of Q skills, and instantly moved from the left side of Syndra to the right side, and a knife has fallen outrageously. (cgfa)


The third flaw!

After that, the body position is pulled to the top of the side, and another knife!


All four are destroyed, and the blood is coming back!!

la la la!

At this moment, the state of Jian Ji, who was originally bloody, began to rise wildly, and green lights appeared on the ground.

At the same time, Jian Ji's leading economic and equipment advantages broke out completely, and the terrifying damage caused the already dissatisfied Syndra to instantly drop to blood!

Without giving the opponent any chance to react at all, Bai Qiu landed the last blow.

A click.

Brother Crown didn't even have the reaction time to flash, the blood line was emptied, and he died instantly!

"IGCheirsh killed SSGCrown!"

Immediately die!!

"Ahhhh!! Cherish! Seconds!! Four times in one second, Syndra was directly killed!!"

"I'm darling! Who can tell me what happened? Why did Syndra die instantly?!"

"Cherish! Terrible! This sword girl's hand speed is terrifying!"

The kill beep sounds.

It was only at this point that the commentators and audiences in the competition areas around the world came back to their senses, and for a while, everyone was dumbfounded.

too fast.

This wave of swordsmen is too fast.

Everyone understands four points in one second, and some players who specialize in sword princesses can also do it.

But never this visual effect.

Because in the perspective of God, what everyone sees is that the sword princess flashed in the past - directly killed Syndra!

How fast is Bai Qiu's hand speed? Even Brother Crown himself didn't react!!


The scene was completely fried at this moment, with strong visual effects and the most perfect international stage, Jian Ji's desperate situation broke four times in one second, igniting the whole scene!

Miller's mood reached its peak in an instant, staring at the big screen and shouting: "Blood formation! There is a blood formation, this wave of swordsmen can run!! Can you walk?!"

in the game.

Jian Ji counter-killed Syndra among the three of Samsung, and the blood-returning formation came out. The state was soaring at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was no longer so dangerous.

And this wave of flashes and Q skills directly distanced themselves from the barrels and the hands.

Although it goes deep into the opposite wild area, but looking at it like this, there is hope to run!

After the show, you can still go, what do you say?

I don't know how to say it, but Samsung or Ueno's eyes are already red with anger.

At the moment of Syndra's death, both the wine barrel and the Nuo hand turned around and charged towards Jian Ji.

Bai Qiu didn't pretend. Although he has recovered some form now, he definitely can't 1v2. He immediately turned around and walked towards the corner of the Samsung wild area.

This corner was a dead end, and Samsung Ueno quickly chased after him.

But, when they came over, Bai Qiu, who had been standing in the ready, greeted them with a smile--

Cool down!

Then click the explosive fruit next to it.


The next moment, Jian Ji flew over the wall--directly escaped from the Samsung wild area!


"Running!! Running!!"


Crazy on the spot!

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