Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 179: The world stands up, the collective explodes, is there such a team in this world? (4/5

in the game.

Jian Ji counterattacked in a desperate situation, and finally paused to wait for Samsung Ueno to appear, and then highlighted the action of exploding fruit, which instantly detonated the entire scene!

In the noisy and crazy scene, Jian Ji had already bounced out of the wall.

But the IG team logo on the head is still shining and dazzling.

Like a slap in the face of Samsung, the moment I saw this sign, the scene of Guangzhou Gymnasium - no movement!

Samsung also moved.


No one can understand the suffocation of being killed, being shown off, and finally being run away.

Especially in the world's largest S competition stage!

How many things did this sword girl do in one wave?

Extreme rescued the blind man with blood, Extreme W perfectly blocked Syndra's ultimate move, and then counterattacked.

When he finally escaped, he didn't forget to wait for them. Just to show them the sign.

As the saying goes, murder must be punished.

But where is the f*ck heart? It's just heartless!

Bai Qiu, you have no heart!!

"Kill him!! Just flash!!"

Rao is as steady as the head of the security, and he is also angry at this moment.

I shouted directly in the team voice, and the wine barrel flashed first!


"Flashing! The wine barrel flashed directly!!"

"An Sect Leader is on top! This time he wants to keep Jian Ji, and Samsung is very serious about killing!"

"But Bono didn't flicker!"

On the field, the barrel flashed after him, but Nuo Shou was speechless, because he was forced to flash out by Jian Ji when he was laning before, and this wave couldn't keep up with the barrel at all.

Nuo's hand didn't follow, the wine barrel was feeling lonely just now, and one person couldn't catch up with Jian Ji for the time being, so he could only drive the other party to the river.

It just so happens that the hand goes straight out of the exit, which can directly block Jian Ji!


"Arrived? Drive him directly to me!!"

Ambrose shouted.

The assistant Niu Tou who had swam to the middle and supported him was trying to block King Ning's bloody blind man, but when he heard the words of Sect Master An, he immediately turned around and rushed over here.

Auxiliary support is here!

In an instant, the three of Samsung gathered again, and the wine barrel chased behind Jian Ji's butt, chasing him to the bull's head!

"Niu Tau... CJJ has come here for this wave of support! Then Samsung is determined to keep Cherish's sword girl!"

From the outside world, watching Samsung's mad pursuit, all the competition areas around the world are also stunned.

To be honest, is this wave of such a big fight really profitable?

"It seems that killing Jian Ji will earn you money! Sect Leader An's thoughts are still very clear." Miller's excited face instantly became anxious again: "In that case, Jian Ji didn't dodge, and there is no way to survive. deliver?!

The voice did not fall, but I saw a heavenly sound wave suddenly appeared, and it hit a river crab that had just been refreshed for a while!

The next moment, the blind man Ning Wang, who had recovered some state after taking the medicine, flew over with a second stage Q!

Blind man, back again?!

The blind man suddenly came back, instantly stunned everyone.

Because this wave of blind people are still in a precarious state even if they have taken medicine!

This wave was made because of Jian Ji's cover and sacrifice, King Ning had escaped for a long time, and now he came back, didn't he give it away?

Just as the audience around the world was stunned, they saw that Jian Ji, who had been running forward, also swept forward with a Q when the blind second section Q was still flying.

It's not hitting people - it's also the river crab that Q has just refreshed!


A Q fell, and Jian Ji was no longer running away, but turned around and continued to output to the river crab.

AEA made three strikes.

At the same time, the second stage of the blind man's Q fell.

Under the superposition of damage, the state of the river crab disappeared in an instant.

Upon seeing this, King Ning received the punishment in seconds.


He Dao Zhao died, the blind man's body lit up--

He, who has been stuck at level five, has moved up to level six!!


"Oh my God?!"

The doll opened her mouth instantly: "IG Ueno wants to ..

Before the words were finished, the wine barrel that Samsung was chasing at the front had arrived, and when he was facing Jian Ji, he was about to throw his Q skill!

King Ning said nothing, just raised his hand and kicked!

A library!


Before Ambition had time to think about the Q skill, the man was kicked by the blind man, and at the same time, he knocked down the Nuo Shou and Niu Tau behind him at a tricky angle!

The three of Samsung took off together. Taking advantage of this time, IG Ueno continued to run forward without looking back!


An aperture fell.

That's Sapphire's redemption!


"My mother!! IG! IG!!" The doll held his head, and the whole person went crazy: "This pair of Ueno!! I just want to ask, who else?! Who else?!"

"King Ning, Cherish! IG Ueno's perfect cooperation with this wave, helping the blind to rise to Liu Duanren, and Baolan's redemption"

…… ask for flowers…… 0

"You protect me well, and I will keep you safe forever! I cried this time, how about you?!"

"Blood is back! IG Ueno can leave this wave! We can all run!!"


Who said to run?

"Are you there?! Go f*ck, guys, go back and kill me!!

The IG Ueno remnant blood duo, who were running away from the river, had no plans to run at all.

From beginning to end, they have no intention of running!

"I have arrived!!"

"I'm here too!"

Since the beginning of the war, he has been madly rushing here, even at the expense of flashing Rookie who was on his way and Baolan who also swam over, and finally arrived!

It has not yet reached the river, and it is still far from the frontal battlefield.


But as long as people arrive, that's enough!

Rookie clockwork handed the ball directly to Luo next to him.

Baolan aside, the two of them are still far from the frontal battlefield, but it doesn't matter!

Luo directly flashed to get closer.

At the same time, Bai QiuQ, who was running at the front, turned better, and immediately a Q narrowed the distance again and adjusted to an optimal position.

In the next moment, Baolan went directly to the limit distance, a period of EE to Jianji!

Overwhelmed by shock, the leaves do not stick to the body!

In an instant, Luo came to Jian Ji, and Ning Wang on the other side also touched his eyes with a W, and took the initiative to approach the three Samsung three who were rushing frantically here!

"not good!!

Ambrose shrank sharply in pain, but it was too late.

Baolanluo's second-stage E directly placed E on the blind man who also adjusted his position.

Another super-far displacement.

In less than a second, Luo came directly to the three of Samsung!

Without any pause, W is grandly debuting to grab it!

All this is too fast, the three of Samsung have no way to hide, and the hands and wine barrels without skills have no chance to hide!


The three were lifted up precisely by Luo and knocked into the air!

Before landing, Rookie at the extreme distance has already pulled down his big move!!


Samsung three people are like bungee jumping in place, people are in the air, they have been vacated for the second time!

The terrifying damage of the Clockwork Horror's ultimate move broke out in an instant, as large as three people!!

In an instant, a perfect team battle with the limit to the limit was played.

The scene.. exploded!! and.

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