Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 187: Alarming the four, bloody hammer (2/5 for subscription!)

Is it really a fairy?

I saw that I was on the road at the moment. When the director shot was given, the top orders on both sides had already landed, and for some reason, they were entangled again!

Do it!

Mainly, Qing Gang Ying is pressing Shen to fight, and the first level has passive Qing Gang Ying, which is very cheap in exchange blood, and Bai Qiu went home and directly made up a Dolan sword, which is ahead of the opposite Cuvee in terms of equipment.

In this way, with Bai Qiu's laning style, it is naturally impossible to make the opponent comfortable.

As soon as the TPs on both sides landed, Qinggangying pressed up fiercely. With the help of the passive and the equipment's lead, when the director shot came over, most of the cautious state was gone.

But in the same way, Qinggangying himself was also set on fire by the enemy soldiers, and he lost half of his state.

Seeing the top two still fighting against each other, everyone at the scene was stunned by this bloody scene.

"This wave, won't you have to kill again?!" Doll looked surprised.

But in the next second, Miller shook his head and said: "It should be withdrawn, this Bo Shen and Qing Gangying both have flashes, so they should not be able to kill each other.

Sure enough, among the two fighting each other on the field, in the end, Shen, who was in a worse state, couldn't hold it any longer. Cuvee finally chose to recognize him and retreated directly in his own army without looking back.

Seeing this, Bai Qiu's Qing Gang Ying didn't seem to be enjoying himself, but actually took a few steps forward and continued chasing Shen Ping A.


"Xiba, it's too much!" Cuvee yelled, but since he had already chosen to retreat at this time, he definitely couldn't turn back and fight against Qinggangying, otherwise, in his state, this wave of flashes might be gone!

So all the audiences around the world saw an extremely shocking and strange scene.

At the beginning of the game, on the upper route, a green steel shadow directly crossed the line to chase Shen Luanhammer. Shen did not dare to fight back at all, so he could only keep retreating.

It wasn't until he walked under the defense tower that Qinggangying stopped. After a pause, just in the middle of everyone's doubts, a silver-white shining IG team logo suddenly appeared on the head!


Whoops, "Cherish! Highlighted, this wave of green steel shadows is chasing Shen Luanhammer, and finally has a symbol!"

"There is a spirit of international competition, friendship is first, competition is second, say hello, there is nothing wrong!" Miller watched this scene, his emotions were up and down, and his blood burst out!

The doll next to him was also completely dumbfounded: "No, it's too fierce, what the hell, it's only one level, even if it's a head ahead, it's not going to fight like this, right?

"Indeed.. Cherish is a little too fierce now. Even Shenchao couldn't help nodding: "In fact, Qinggangying didn't make much money after this wave, and his state has become very bad, and he is afraid of being caught!

"But... maybe this is Cheirsh, this player's laning style is really the most special in the world..

in the game.

Qinggang Yingliang retreated after finishing the bid. Although Cuvee's Shen gritted his teeth in hatred, there was nothing he could do.

He learned Q at the first level, and there was no way to keep the opponent in front of the defensive tower, and even if he kept it, he couldn't beat it.

A wave of bloody to the extreme end of the lineup, everyone thought that this wave of rhythm was completely over.

However, when I saw that the blind man on IG had just finished playing the jungle and was approaching the upper half of the jungle, the scene that had just calmed down immediately became boiling again!

"King Ning came over, do you have an idea for this wave? Do you want to catch it at the second level?" Miller stared at the big screen excitedly: "Is there a chance?"

Is there a chance?

Of course it doesn't.

At the moment on the road, Shen was suppressed from the moment he was launched, Qinggangying was one blood ahead of Shen, and completely suppressed the opponent, and quickly grabbed the second level.

After reaching Level 2, Bai Qiu tried several times to find a chance to go up and consume with caution, and even single-killed the opponent.

Unfortunately, no chance was found.

Even if he controls the line, Cuvee will immediately choose not to make up the knife, as long as he can get experience.

Bai Qiu tried to push the opponent out of the experience zone, but

At present, his lead is far from that level. Even if he has a wave of laning, he will definitely not be able to squeeze out the experience zone.

At the same time, he also clearly felt that Cuvee's ability to withstand pressure and defense was too strong. In this Samsung life-and-death battle, the opponent who had been fighting with him all day has also erupted into the strongest Strength.

Not good to kill!

"No chance." King Ning looked at the laning situation and couldn't help but said, "The opposite is a bit stable."

"Yes, except for the first wave, I can't consume him at all." Bai Qiu also acknowledged Cuvee's performance: "It's a bit difficult..

"I'm here to see if there is a chance, you can act, don't worry." King Ning said.

At this time, the blind man also came to the upper half of the wild area, and deliberately circled his field of vision.

What King Ning didn't know was that he was still seen by the vision that Cuvee put before him when he walked to the triangle grass.

No one paid attention to this eye position before, because it was not placed in the grass, but against the wall, but at this moment, an eye position made Samsung instantly see the position of the blind man!


Shen, who was still lingering in front of the defense tower, immediately indented the tower without hesitation.

"Discovered!" Miller frowned: "This wave of blind people was seen by Samsung's eyes!"

"Cuvee's eye position has made a contribution."

The doll couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "It has to be said that Cuvee has done a great job of laning pressure and awareness, leaving no loopholes and opportunities for IG at all!

"Then it's a pity that the blind man is discovered, I'm afraid this wave can't be caught.

in the game.

Seeing Shen's decisive retreat from the line to the bottom of the defensive tower, IG Ueno knew that the blind man must be found on the opposite side.

"How?" King Ning asked subconsciously.

Bai Qiu looked at Shen, who had already been treated as a big crippled by himself after the first wave, and actually kept "G" on the opposite side.

"You can try (Li Zhao) try..

Ning Wang said with a stunned expression: "I'm going, how can I kill this?"

"I said try it, do you dare?"

"Grass, there is nothing that I, Gao Zhenning, dare not do, you command!" King Ning heard the sound, and immediately said decisively.

He has always been licking blood with the tip of a knife, which coincides with Bai Qiu's, so it's no wonder that the two have the same odor.

"Okay, I'm up!"

When Bai Qiu finished his words, Qing Gang Ying had already crossed the line of soldiers and walked straight towards the defense tower of Samsung - walked over!

"Qinggangying, what's the situation? Is this wave of Cherish going to block the tower?"

Miller stared, and after looking at it for a while, he said with a confused expression: "No! Qinggang Ying didn't want to block the tower, he was already walking in, Cherish. He wanted to - jump over the tower?!



The entire audience was instantly dumbfounded.

What the hell? Level 2 jumping tower?!

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