Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 188 : Gorgeous Tianxiu, a shocking scene (3/5 for subscription!)

Watching Shanglu Qinggangying keep approaching Shen in the first tower of Samsung Shanglu, the audience was instantly stunned.

This is to. Level 2 jumping the tower?!


"This is too outrageous!" The doll looked bewildered, and said anxiously: "No.. What is this wave of blue-steel shadows going to do? He is going to enter the tower!

In the rank bureau, there are often some secondary arrests or tower jumping.

However, these are low-end rounds, generally a slightly higher segment, even if the so-called military training is to be carried out, it will not start from Level 2 or even Level 1!

Because of the game of LOL, the terrifying damage and mechanism of the defensive towers in the early stage determines this factor.

In the early defensive tower, when a laser was output, the small half of the blood was gone, and it was not impossible for it to be brittle and half in the state.

In this case, whoever wins will die!

What's more, Qinggangying itself is only half of its state now. At this time, if you enter the tower, you don't have to be careful, and the defense tower can kill him!

"It shouldn't be. Qinggangying doesn't need to be careful when entering the tower in this state, and he was killed by the defense tower. This wave should be damned!"

Before Miller could finish speaking, he suddenly uttered a foul language.

I saw that on the field, when Qinggang was about to reach the bottom of the shadow defense tower, King Ning's blind man also came around from the other side.

It appeared directly and dignifiedly behind the first tower of Samsung's top road, blocking Shen's retreat.

Looking at this 057 posture, even a fool can see it--

In this wave, IG Ueno is going to jump the tower!

Or residual blood level two!


Cuvee's Shen was stunned when he saw this scene, but after reacting, he was not angry but happy.

"The opposite side is crazy, you dare to cross me now, there is no line of troops, this is a chance!"

"Are you in good shape?" Ambition, who was in the lower half of the jungle, glanced at it, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, but he still asked.

"No matter how bad my state is, I can't be killed by the enemy's second-level residual blood and no troops!" Cuvee said silently: "If I'm going to die, I'll buy a piece of tofu and kill me."

"Don't be careless,

"Come here, the blind people come around, this wave of IG is really going to move!" Outside, the commentators of the world's competition areas have also been aroused by various emotions.

Although his heart is very complicated, Miller is still staring at the big screen: "How to say, it should be the blind man to fight first, but although Shen's state is poor, Cuvee has flashed, and IG has no troops in this wave.

"Isn't this wave too good a chance, go! The blind man has entered the tower!"

On the field, King Ning's blind man just came around, and after receiving Bai Qiu's reply, he walked into the defense tower first.


The defensive tower instantly turned red, and hatred directly targeted the blind intruder.

Seeing this, Cuvee immediately retreated forward to prevent the blind man from touching him. After all, Shen is not in a good state now, and there is a green steel shadow not far away.

To Qingsteel Shadow.

Qinggang Ying also entered the stage!

When the blind man was attracting hatred, Bai Qiu also walked into the defensive tower for the first time.

Shen was also very close to this side because he was afraid of being touched by the blind man, so as soon as Qinggangying came in, he was very close to Shen who was still bloody.

In this state of Shen, once it is EQed by Qinggang Ying, it is estimated that people will not die.

However, the more it is like this, the more the psychological quality and state of the top international players will be revealed.

In this case, Cuvee not only did not panic, but was extremely concentrated, his eyes fixed on the blue steel shadow that was getting closer and closer.

As long as Bai Qiu starts, he will move.

Otherwise, if you move first, there will only be a dead end.

Bai Qiu, who was entering the tower opposite, also seemed to know that crossing the tower must not waste time.

Even one more delay, Qinggangying and Blindman may send a double kill.

So less than a second after entering the tower, Qinggangying moved directly!

A section E started, hooked directly to the wall above at a right angle of 90 degrees, and then the second section E had already taken off...

This is the moment!!

Cuvee's pupils, who had been staring at Qinggangying's movements, shrank suddenly.

Hand speed and response are almost at the extreme, flashing in seconds!

Call to the ground.

The next moment, when he saw it, he flashed (cgfa) directly from his original position.

The direction of the flash is not the rear, but the reverse flash, directly in front of the defense tower, and the Qinggang shadow flashes behind!

Not far from the defense tower, before Cuvee entered the tower, the blue melee soldier who had deliberately attacked with a knife was completely dead.

Shen dodged Qinggangying with this wave of flashes, and Qinggangying would surely die.

And after he flashed over, he could just eat the experience, as long as this melee soldier was killed, Shen would immediately be promoted to 2!

Blind people will die by then!

That's right, this wave of Cuvee is not to escape, IG Ueno has given such a big opportunity, he wants to fight back under the tower, double kill!

Only bastards will run away when they are caught more and more, but for those who operate strangely, there is only one thought in their hearts - I want Tianxiu!!

It's a pity. It all came to a halt very quickly.

I saw that at the moment when Shen flashed in the opposite direction, before he had time to raise the knife in his hand to reach the soldier who was close at hand, a pair of cyan high-heeled shoes was like a divine weapon descending from the sky.

Oncoming, almost synchronously on Shen's face!

With a playful sound, it reached Shen, and at the same time shattered Cuvee's endless fantasy!

The severely disabled Shen was stunned, and the word "dizziness" appeared on the top of his head.

The person was stunned on the spot by the second stage E of Qinggang Ying!

"??!" Cuvee's brain, which was still thinking fast a second ago, was blank in an instant.

"Ouch!! Qinggangying! Anticipate the E flash!! The Shen who arrived at the flash!! This wave of anticipation has arrived!!" The commentators of the competition areas around the world were also instantly stunned.

But the next moment, Miller reacted instantly and said excitedly: "This Bo Shen has been sanctified! Shen is gone! Can you kill it?! Shen!!"

"I go!"

Inside the defensive tower.

It's been a while since Cuvee, but the audience from God's perspective saw it clearly.

This wave of green steel shadows is at the same time when Shen flashes, and the second stage E directly predicts the reverse side in the air, accurately predicting the flashing position of Shen!

After dizzying Shen Shen with one kick, the already disabled Shen state dropped a bit.

Bai Qiu has been connected to AQA's tripod in seconds.

Shen state completely came to silk blood.

However, Cuvee also recovered from the dizziness at this time, and his eyes were almost subconsciously staring at the remnant blood soldiers not far away.

The next moment, the soldier was killed.

A white light flashed on Shen's body, and he was promoted to second level!


At the same time, Qinggangying's second stage Q has also jumped off.

Just because of the upgrade to restore some blood lines, the blood lines are emptied directly!

The timing is just right, and the damage calculation is just right.

Not much, not much.

Fall to the ground!

"IGCherish killed SSGCuVee!

Successfully completed the second-level tower jumping single kill!


The global audience went crazy in an instant!

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