Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 189: Global uproar, crazy scene (4/5 for subscription!)

"Dead! Shen is gone! Qinggang Ying, got the head, successfully jumped the tower and killed Shen!!"

"Second-level leaping tower! OMG.Cherish! This show has reached my **!!"


With the sound of the kill prompt, the Guangzhou Gymnasium went completely crazy!

It was really successful!

Level 2 jumping the tower is still a wave of solo kills!

Because, the blind man has never encountered this Shen in the whole process, it is completely Qinggangying who is operating and outputting alone!!

Even King Ning didn't even have an assist!

Such a scene that breaks the logic and breaks the routine makes all the audience's emotions instantly elevate, and then boil!

"Cherish! Qinggangying: The LPL commentary seat, the doll Miller Shenchao looked at each other, they were all stupid.

After reacting, the doll instantly boiled:

"It's terrifying, reverse prediction E! Cuvee was actually killed!"

"Then this wave, the blind man is still fighting the tower, and the Qinggangying is also residual blood, won't it be replaced?!"

in the game.

This wave of crossing the tower is complicated to say, Bai Qiu and Cuvee are also intriguing, but in fact it happened only for a moment, an operation.

Now that Shen died, Qing Gangying also immediately walked out of the defense tower.

The state of his body is very poor, as long as the hatred of the defense tower locks on him at this moment, Qinggangying is basically certain to die.

However, King Ning on the other side was still carrying the tower. At the moment, he was standing on the edge of the defense tower. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even mean to come.

The first laser has fallen, and the second laser of the defense tower has also locked the blind man.

Qinggangying's reverse E flash was originally aimed at the defense tower, so it was very close to the defense tower. Taking advantage of this time, Bai Qiu walked out directly.

Almost at the same time, King Ning saw that Qinggangying had left safely, so he stopped pretending and also exited from the edge of the defensive tower.


The second laser fell, and the blind man was directly beaten to blood.

But not dead!!

Not only did he not die, he didn't even pay for flash!

Perfect over the tower! Perfect fit!!

"Ah ah ah!

Seeing this scene, the scene immediately burst into terrifying cheers and applause.

"Not dead! The blind man resisted twice and covered the retreat of the residual blood Qinggang shadow. In this wave, IG Ueno cooperated perfectly, and completed a wave of almost impossible secondary towers!"

"My god," the doll said loudly, "What the hell is Qinggangying? It's too scary! This wave of Cherish is actually a single kill! The blind man came all the way, and the only effect is - he resists the tower!"

"Yes, King Ning didn't even get an assist in this wave!"


"Is there anything more outrageous than this?"


The boiling on the spot continues.

Qinggangying and the blind man's second-level extreme leaps over the tower, everything has reached the limit, turning the impossible into a possibility. On this global stage, is there anything more maddening than this?

"Really, this wave of Cheirsh is really showing off." Even Shen Chao, who has always been very calm, couldn't help but say at this moment: "Actually, this wave of Cuvee's operation is also very exciting, he waited for the Qinggang Shadow before he flashed. , and the flashing position.

"I don't know if you have noticed. Before Shen died, he was promoted to level two. Cuvee probably passed this position on purpose. That position is the limit of experience. If Cheirsh didn't predict Shen's flashing position, When Shen is promoted to Level 2, Qing Gangying and Blind may die here together."


To be honest, everything went too fast just now, and everyone really didn't pay attention to such a lively scene.

But it doesn't matter if you didn't notice it. After the director replayed it, everything played slowly in the replay, and the top players on both sides had a wonderful game and duel in a few seconds, all of which confirmed Shenchao's statement.

Cuvee, really have ideas!!

This wave of his death is not because of his own dishes, but because the opponent is too strong!

"My God, it's terrible." Doll and Miller looked at each other and exhaled: "It really makes my scalp numb."

"This is the world's top top single. The game between the two sides, one step behind, one mistake, is basically another ending."

"But fortunately, Cherish has proved that he is stronger! In this wave, we will take another head, and now Qinggang's shadow has just started, and he already has two heads!!"

"Fuck, brother! Is this all right?!" At the same time, as a qualified anti-tower person in the IG team, King Ning witnessed the whole process of this outrageous operation, and everyone was stupid.

"It's okay, it's mainly because you are good at resisting towers." Bai Qiu said perfunctorily.


Why does this sound so wrong?


"Turtle, these are two heads, Qiu Daddy, take off!" The atmosphere in the team was lively, and Rookie opened his mouth and called Daddy.

Bai Qiu:"

in the game.

After this wave, Qinggangying really wants to take off.

For Cuvee, this wave is a fatal blow, but for IG and Bai Qiu, it is pure blood earning!

It is very difficult to climb the tower in the early stage, but as long as it is successful, the harvest is also great.

Shen was killed again not long after he went online. Cuvee used his TP on the wave, and this time he couldn't even get his TP online.

After Bai Qiu exited the tower, he began to push the line of troops wildly, and the line of troops that had been pressing forward quickly pushed into the defense tower.

After returning to the city to make up for the status and status.

As for Cuvee, this wave is expected to lose at least one wave of lines, even if it was not made up before the launch..


On the road, within a few minutes of the start, there is a tendency to collapse again!

It is no exaggeration to say that after this wave of operations, Qinggangying on the road has occupied a very large advantage on the line!

After seeing Qinggangying online again, with two luxurious Dolan swords and a small long sword on the equipment bar, Cuvee was numb.

"Xiba! What the hell is this equipment!"

Sect Master An next to him said quietly, "When did you buy a piece of tofu?"

"Brother, I really don't blame me for this wave, the opposite is too outrageous." Cuvee wanted to cry without tears.

"Hey, keep playing, we really can't afford to lose this game." Ambrose sighed softly, ignoring Cuvee's cry.

Hearing the sound, Cuvee, including everyone at Samsung, had a solemn expression on their faces.

Yeah. Really can't afford to lose.

Before it was replaced, a little disadvantage in the early stage was nothing to an old fritter like Samsung, which was in operation and in the later stage.

But now, the fact that the head of Ambrose can say such a thing proves that he is really nervous.

"I must stand still!"

Cuvee gritted his teeth and said, his mood was unprecedentedly firm.

He didn't dare to imagine what kind of terrifying situation it would be if they were really beaten 3-0 by IG.

Then just do your best to stay on the road!

"But, you want to be steady, have you asked Cherish?!"

Watching the tragic scene that happened on the field, the doll said with an aura like a rainbow: "Now this Qinggang Ying, Shen can't beat it at all!!"

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