Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 190: The boss descends to earth, the god of war Bai Qiu Qiu (5/5 for subscription!)

in the game.

After the end of the second-level tower jump in the early stage of the road, Cuvee's Shen laning is actually very difficult.

This is not just a matter of a few heads, but the main reason is that the line of troops has lost too much, and the experience is also behind.

Countless truths have told us that the line on the road - even if you die, you can't lose your troops and experience!

Once you fall behind, you will really be hammered in the head the whole way.

Brutal and realistic.

Now Cuvee is accepting this reality.

Because he found that now he really can't beat the Qinggang Shadow on the opposite side.

After Qinggangying went online again, he had three "divine costumes" on his body, but Shen, on the other hand, actually only had the poor Dolan Shield he had when he went out.

There are still two bottles of red medicine left.

It can be said that the equipment is poor, compared with the opposite Qinggangying, it is almost inconspicuous.

In this situation, it is really difficult to stabilize yourself.

Just five minutes later, Shen "Zero Seven Zero" was directly overwhelmed by Qinggang Ying by one and a half grades, and half behind in the repair, and looking at it like this, if no one cares, this gap will expand infinitely with time. .

Fortunately, seeing Cuvee being crushed like this, whether it is out of humanitarianism or humanism, Ambition must come over to help him place the order.

However, there are also skills in helping. Sect Leader An has always had a rigorous plan for arresting people. Logical thinking and awareness, as well as various external circumstances, will be counted.

This time I came to help Cuvee, and I also had the idea of ​​catching Qinggangying to death.

It's a pity that King Ning watched the top lane very well in this game, and with Bai Qiu's awareness several times, Ambition failed to succeed.

Although it didn't work, he still forced to help Cuvee's Shen to eat a few waves of troops.

This way of sacrificing oneself is very helpless, but it has also achieved certain results.

After this wave, Shen's life finally improved a lot.

Of course, this kind of good is compared with the miserable before, at least Cuvee can eat experience now, and occasionally make up a few soldiers.

In the early ten minutes, Shen had completely recovered.

There is no doubt about Cuvee's strong personal ability. In the face of this situation, even if the jungler comes a few times, as long as he can't catch the opponent, he can't do better than Cuvee.

Now Shen is under the pressure of Qinggangying, although his development is backward, but his level can still be bitten. Except for the wave of help from the head of Ambrose, it is really all Cuvee's personal ability.

Even Bai Qiu had to admit that, with the help of the elusive, amazing Ambition leader and Cuvee, one of the top top laners in the world, he really couldn't push it too deep.

"Shen, this period of time has completely stabilized." Miller couldn't help but said: "Samsung, the basic skills are still too solid. In this case, Cuvee can use the wave of support from the head of Ambrose to achieve the current situation. degree, had to admit his personal ability.

"Yes, as an ordinary person, facing the leading Cheirsh, there may be a famous scene of pressing out of the experience zone. After the baby finished speaking, the conversation changed: "But no matter how stable you are now, the disadvantaged situation cannot be changed. !"

"Now we still have the advantage! Besides, Qinggangying is now fatter! At this point in time, Cherish is already a small boss. As long as the team battle starts, the operating space is very large!"

"That's right, and IG has already led the economy by about 2,000! In this game, IG Ueno played so well! The rhythm initiative is still on our side!"


Hearing the sound, the audience cheered.

IG's lead on the field is really solid, and Ning Wang played well in this game, and the rhythm is still in the hands of IG.

Samsung has been very stable during this period of time. It is changing resources with IG, and it seems that it wants to stop losses.

This is the favorite strategy of Samsung and even all LCK teams, and it is no surprise to everyone.

But just when everyone thought the game situation would continue to calm down...

Samsung suddenly launched an attack.

Hit the road here!

Overall, this wave is still Samsung's eternal thigh, and Ambrose has found a wave of opportunities.

In the early ten minutes of the game time, Brother Crown in the middle was beaten into residual blood by Rookie forcibly with his personal ability, and he had no choice but to return to the city to supply.

However, when the article was about to end, Iway suddenly canceled his return to the city.

Because it is stuck in the field of vision, in the perspective of IG, Iwaya has already gone back.

But in fact, Brother Crown has moved towards the lower half of IG's wild area.

Here, Sect Master An has recorded and calculated several times, and predicted that IG's red buff will be refreshed. When the rock sparrow, the two immediately invaded the lower half of IG's wild area.

The calculation was very accurate, the two circled their field of vision, and soon found King Ning who was playing red in the red buff pit.

King Ning didn't realize it in advance, so he just met Samsung Nakano in the wild area.

"Fuck!!" King Ning was shocked.

Rookie in the middle groaned when he saw this, and quickly gave the blind man a big move...

But it's still too late!

The head of Ambrose decisively EQ took the blind man first, and at the same time the light shield on his body was lit--Be careful on the road!

In the blink of an eye, the three of Samsung pointed at the poor King Ning, and the prince and the rock sparrow had already started beating up against King Ning.

Although the development is not as good as the blind man, but the two output together, the blind man was instantly beaten and lost most of his blood.

After he regained his freedom, King Ning kicked two people and wanted to take away the remaining blood of Taki, but Sect Master An responded quickly and took the initiative to block the blind man's Q for Taki.

King Ning couldn't care about anything at this time, the second-tier Q kept up, and the output of the AEA-set was all full.

At this moment, King Ning's well-developed blind man in this game also broke out terrifying damage. After one set, he actually hit the prince who was not in full state to a little more than two-fifths of the state!

While the head of Ambition was frightened, Shen finally landed, and the three Samsung gathered together, and the blind man had no way to survive.

SSGCuvee killed IGNing!"

In the end, Cuvee took the head.

Until now, Galio's ultimate move had just fallen, but unfortunately the three of Samsung just got out of the range of Galio's ultimate move.

"Blind! King Ning was squatted by Samsung in this wave and died! Oops, the damage is so high, but there are too many Samsung people in this wave!

"Galio's big move came down, but he didn't fly!"

Outside, seeing this scene, all LPL viewers wailed.

The doll said incredulously: "Samsung. Why is this wave of people in the wild area of ​​IG!"

"That's it. IG has also come to 5.0, but it's too late.

On the field, the IG bot lane duo started to support after the battle in the wild area. "

It's a pity that after this wave of Samsung killed the blind man, he saw that his condition was not good, and he closed it as soon as he saw it, and had already retreated quickly.

It seems that IG can't keep these people.

Whoops "! This wave of princes is in a bad state, and SSG's middle and jungle are not in good shape. If you come a little earlier, this wave will have a chance to win!"

"Yes, that's it, huh?!"

Before he finished speaking, a blue whirlwind suddenly lit up behind Samsung's retreat--

TP up!

Blue, Qinggangying's IP!!

"T! Cheirsh! Qinggangying, this online boss is down now!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in LPL went crazy: "The location is very good! Can Qinggangying keep people like Samsung?!"

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