Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 191: Tsing Yi Sweeping Blade, This Is The Blood Strip Disappearance (1/5 For Subscription!)

The game time is ten minutes.

Samsung, who has always been stable, suddenly found a wave of opportunities to catch the blind in IG's own wild area.

To be honest, just this wave of rhythms can actually tell how strong Samsung's overall collaboration and strength are.

Ambition's elusive appearance can be called a perspective-like awareness. First, he helped Cuvee to stabilize on the road, and secondly he found an opportunity to kill IG's jungler. If Samsung left smoothly, the newly born Canyon Pioneer would probably be gone.

By then, Samsung had completely turned things around.

The lead of 2,000 economy is actually not too exaggerated, especially when facing the LCK team.

The economy of 10,000 can be turned around, let alone 2,000?

"Samsung. This wave is so good, so the blind man was killed in battle, IG bot lane has already come, can you stop it? Several LPL commentators were depressed for a while.

Among the three people of Samsung, the prince and the rock sparrow are not in good condition.

The IG bot lane duo also approached the wild area at the beginning of the battle, and now they have just passed through the triangle grass.

However, the position of SSG's retreat in this wave is close to the exit of the jungle area in the middle, which is completely opposite to IG's bottom road.

On the frontal battlefield, Rookie-26 Galio couldn't stick Samsung three people at all.

All of a sudden, the three of Samsung are going out!

"I can't stop it, this wave of Samsung is going to run away, huh?!"

Before the words fell, the TP of Qinggangying on the road finally lit up!

The location of TP is also very good, it is the only way for Samsung to escape!

"Qinggang Ying! TP is here! Cherish has TP in this wave, so he can come down and stop Samsung and the others!" Seeing this TP beam, the LPL commentators suddenly became more emotional and full of hope.

"It can be stopped! This position is very good! Cherish, this wave of positions directly took Samsung's life!"


At the same time, the people of Samsung who were running away also saw the TP beam.

However, there was no panic as he imagined, and there was even a smile on the face of Sect Master An.

"get ready,

The Samsung people continued to move forward, with no intention of changing their direction.

And just when they had just reached Qinggangying TP's eye position, Bai Qiu's Qinggangying finally landed.

But almost as soon as he landed, Brother Crown, who had been in the back and deliberately looking for a position, finally adjusted his position and brought up the big move with a half-blind field of vision!

Cowboy flavor.

The rock sparrow's stone is slow and abrupt, but the angle and position are perfect to the extreme.

The continuous stone slow instantly takes the rock sparrow as the base point, at a forty-five-degree angle, and passes through the lower half of IG's wild area!

It was like a raptor crossing a river, forcibly creating a long wall in the wild area.

The next moment, I saw IG Galio, who had been chasing after the Samsung group, and the bot duo who just happened to be reunited with Galio. They flew and were pushed back to their original position--

A wall stood in front of them, directly blocking their pursuit of Samsung!

Rock sparrow big move, block the road!


"Rock Sparrow! The big move is blocked! No, this wave is wrong!" Samsung's tactical change this time, the sudden change of the situation, caught everyone by surprise.

The doll said with a look of astonishment: "Samsung never wanted to run from the beginning to the end, they actually wanted to seduce Qinggangying to take the initiative?!"

"No, then... flash! The mouse in Xiaolongkeng flashed directly!"

Before he finished speaking, I saw that when the three of Samsung were beating Qinggang Ying, at the Xiaolong Pit below everyone's side, the Samsung bottom duo had also come over, and they handed over the two flashes without hesitation!

People immediately came to the top of the Xiaolong Pit.

And Samsung Ue Nakano three people will reunite!

At the same time, also joined the battle of gathering fire blue steel shadow!

In a flash, five people from Samsung gathered in the lower half of IG!

"Fuck, be careful on the opposite side, they are not trying to run, they want to kill you!" OB Ambassador Ning Wang saw clearly and reminded sharply.

But now it's too late.

Qinggangying has just come down from TP, and it stands to reason that he can forcibly hold Samsung and wait for his teammates to come over.

But the road blockade by Iway directly caused other IG teammates to be blocked halfway, even if they flashed now, it is estimated that they will not be able to make it, not to mention the AD has not flashed in the bottom lane.

In an instant, Bai Qiu's Qinggang Ying was alone and helpless. As soon as he TP came down, he was directly attacked by five people from Samsung!


Seeing this scene, even a fool will understand that Samsung's wave is definitely premeditated. This point of Qinggangying is getting fatter and fatter now, as long as Qinggangying is caught and Bai Qiu is stopped, then Samsung will truly turn over and become the master in this game!

Clear thinking, clear tactics, perfect coordination!

At this moment, Samsung's tactical ideas and terrifying strength are vividly reflected. They are far from being comparable to those opponents that IG has encountered before!

Under the concentrated fire of five people, even the very fat Qinggang Shadow, the moment he landed, his state was like being swallowed by someone, and he fell rapidly.

After Bai Qiu reacted, Qinggangying had already reached one-fifth of the state, and it was completely disabled!

"Oh, Qinggangying. Cherish will be given a second by five people from Samsung in this wave!" Several times the situation changed, Miller's face was a little distorted: "No, this Samsung is too outrageous,

"How do you say, now Qinggang 070 Shadow is going to die. What the hell?!"

The doll was agitated: "What's the situation?! Qinggangying moved!"

in the game.

I saw that Qinggangying finally moved after the residual blood reacted, but instead of running away, it was a rock sparrow who started to take the residual blood.

In the state of the crown brother, Bai Qiu is sure to kill the rock sparrow first.

However, Qinggangying's intention is too obvious, and Cuvee's wave has completely erupted with terrifying strength and reaction. When Qinggangying's second stage E end was on the way, Shen suddenly flashed and directly blocked the rock sparrow. in front of you!

With a kick, Shen, who was in a full state, was brought to him.

Rockfinch is safe and sound!

"Sun?" Bai Qiu was stunned, but at this moment, he didn't have time to hesitate, and directly sent out AQA Timayat AQ six feet at the speed of light.

As the fattest spot in the game, at this moment, Bai Qiu's damage exploded!

Shen Xian was already pressed by Qinggang shadow like a grandson. As soon as these six feet came out, the blood line in full state was instantly emptied at a speed visible to the naked eye. When he reacted, it was unexpectedly...

about to die?!

"Fuck! Blue Steel Shadow! Seriously! What kind of damage is this?!"

Miller said with a confused look: "No, this is the disappearance of blood bars?!"

"Shen this wave is actually going to die?!"


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