Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 217: Tens of millions of popularity, breaking the personal record of Weibo (2/5 for subscrip

When IG leveled the LZ crystal base and determined the outcome of the game, the outside was already boiling.

IG, actually won LZ in the S7 semi-finals!

To be honest, before this game started, no one was really optimistic about IG.

Globally, it is a miracle that 10% of people are optimistic about IG!

This is not an exaggeration. Although the audience of the LPL division is the largest in the world, one thing must be clear--

Optimism and support are two completely different meanings!

It is true that IG is its own team in the LPL division. After RNG was determined to be eliminated by SKT, IG became the only hope for everyone in the LPL.

The only seedling of the whole village.

Therefore, the national audience no longer needs to doubt the support of IG.

This is definitely the one with the highest attention and topic in the history of IG's team building for several years!

Because looking around them, there is no one who walks side by side with them!

This is a bit cruel and true, but this is the reality. If EDG and RNG were not eliminated one after another, where would there be IG?

But with such a high level of support, how many people are really optimistic about IG?

Even the IG club's own people have even said in private that IG's 57th ceremony this year has the best life and the worst life.

Fate is the best, because their groupings are too good, and their opponents are too weak.

If the fate is not good, in the group stage, IG seems to have used up all its luck.

In the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and even the finals, 1G's opponents are a step higher than them, and they are suffocating everyone.

Death Race!

And it is such a death schedule that any team from the world will get out of the way, IG. actually won LZ

Still closed!

For a time, the entire network has been a sensation.

"Win! IG!!"

"IG beef batch!!"

"My God, Father Qiu, isn't this Jace too handsome?"

"?? What's the situation? Why did you see IG on the hot search list? Could it be that LZ has three to zero IG so quickly?"

"Turtle, just connected to the Internet upstairs, don't know IG won?"

"IG won? The dog son has to pay for rumors, is it a dream to win?"

"? Shabi? If you don't believe me, see for yourself, I never tell Shabi too much.

On the Internet, all kinds of heated discussions go around.

In fact, many people didn't watch the game at all, not only did they not watch it, but they didn't even open the anchor platform today. Fully alive as a primitive.

It doesn't matter the audience.

Although the S7 semi-finals started, the attention has surpassed the previous year's S competition finals, but as the LPL team at home, it was only a third seed that lasted to the end.

The previously unknown IG!

And what about their opponents?

Liz ah!

3/1 of the summer split smashed SKT's LZ, a new super dynasty.

This was originally a showdown without suspense. After RNG lost the game, some viewers who were disappointed and even heartbroken to the point of leaving a psychological shadow did not dare to face the reality today.

Because they were afraid, afraid that IG would also lose, and that their hope of seeing LPL waiting for 6 years was completely dashed.

So today everyone would rather be a primitive than go to a game!


Not watching the game does not mean not surfing the Internet.

What's on the hot search?

What the hell is this 1000+ popularity?


IG won?

I saw it on the Weibo hot search list at the moment.

It took less than five minutes for IG to level the LZ base, and the hot search of #IGzero seal LZ# actually appeared 1000W of popularity out of thin air!

Behind it is a dark brown explosion word, completely fried!

This terrifying heat directly caused the originally stable Weibo server to experience a slight lag, vaguely implying some paralysis.

It's not that Weibo can't withstand the 1000W heat. In fact, even if it is five times, Weibo is no problem.

The point of the problem is that the hot search review has risen too fast!

Ten million in less than five minutes, even the world's best server can't guarantee stable consumption!

For a time, the Weibo staff were shocked, and the leader quickly greeted the battle-hardened programmers and began to maintain the system server, which stabilized the situation.

When the situation stabilized, the leader let out a sigh of relief and said with lingering fears: "My God, this IG is too popular, it is 1000W in an instant. This does not mean that at that moment, there were at least 1000W searches. Searching for IG?"

"Mr. Li, don't you know about S7?"

"I know, but what the hell is IG?" The leader scolded speechlessly.

But as soon as he said the words, he heard a young lady who was doing maintenance work next to him exclaimed: "Fuck!!"


The beauty is foul language, isn't it?

"What's the matter, Xiao Wang, I didn't tell you?" The leader frowned and was about to speak.

Xiao Wang turned back and stammered: "No, no, Mr. Li, it's this Cherish, this Cherish."

He hesitated for a long time, but didn't say anything.

This time everyone was attracted by curiosity, and looked over.

As a result, from this look, everyone's reaction was exactly the same as that of the beautiful little Wang, and they were collectively stupid.


"I'm going, what the hell, how much is this. 1200w?! Who is this Cheirsh?" A middle-aged programmer pointed at the data monitoring center with a confused look.

But looking at the data monitoring center interface at the moment, the news that IG, who was still in the first place before, won LZ is still there, and it will be 1230W.

And below him, is a dazzling ID--Cherish that suddenly came up like a meteor!

1200W full heat at the rear.

The whole Weibo official staff are in love.

"Ch(Qian Zhao jerish, don't you know?" A young colleague couldn't help but said, "Brother, are you afraid that you are living in ancient times?"

"Huh? Is he hot?"

"No, it's not that he's not popular, too." At this time, the leader came back to his senses, and the Shinto Taoism looked at the crowd with a bit of waste: "He's exploded! Explosion!"

"The popularity of this person has jumped, and some popular traffic has exposed love affairs before, but it is not so outrageous!"

It really exploded.

The Weibo staff got the news right away because they were insiders.

But not long after, everyone in the outside world also saw this shocking scene.

But see just below #IGzero seal LZ#, a hot search appeared without warning, and then it was a terrifying and crazy increase!

1200W.1250W.1300W Hall!

Officially surpassed the IG family, and reached the top of Weibo's hot search!

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