Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 218: Completely out of the circle, Qiu Daddy smokes (3/5 for subscription!)

How explosive is Jess in this game?

According to an old viewer who later experienced S7:

"When IG won the first game of LZ, the ID Cheirsh started to explode.

"Qiu Daddy, the title used by everyone to smear Cheirsh fans, has also become a compliment, and he has gone abroad completely!

Go abroad completely!

This is Bai Qiu's first achievement after IG finished LZ.

As we all know, any career that is liked by others or works seriously has a circle.

As small as the circle of friends between people, as large as the circle of each industry.

These circles may be big or small, but they all have one thing in common --

That is, as long as it is a circle, there will be limitations and shackles.

Even if it is the largest circle in the world, the same is true!

Nothing is what everyone expects and what everyone loves.

That's what the gaming world is like.

One of the peak industries that has developed rapidly in recent years, e-sports has been unpopular in China for a long time.

Although as everyone's ideas become more and more open, more and more people accept the matter of playing e-sports.

Many people born in the 80s and 90s have grown into the main force of society, and the concept of e-sports has come to a time when everyone has to accept it.

Even according to rumors, next year, that is, 2018, e-sports will officially fall into the list of competitive sports in the Asian Games.

Become 087 - an international sports competition worthy of the name!

But breaking the norm is often accompanied by more terrifying resistance.

The e-sports circle is in China G, and it is far from reaching the national scope.

Bai Qiu's popularity has only been in the e-sports circle in the past. To be honest, Bai Qiu, who has played very few games and has no honor, is not known to many people.

But now.. when Bai Qiu "breaks the circle at the speed of light in one second", all this has changed.

Many people who haven't seen Bai Qiu before, and even some people in the e-sports circle, have to see him now!

So hot!

As an example, the e-sports circle and other circles are small circles of "specific nature", then the platform that can be known and familiar to the public is the "big circle" of people all over the country and even the world!

And now... Bai Qiu has been exposed in this big circle without any cover.

In this way, which can be called a brutal collision, the reckless shock is shocking.

"My God, who is this man?"

"It looks good and has a temperament, it's my dish."

"Father Qiu!! You don't know Father Qiu?"

"Qiu Daddy? Who? I really haven't heard of it, and I never pay attention to the shackles in the e-sports circle..

"Science, this person's ID is Cherish. He is the strongest top laner in the history of the China-G division. He is full of operational strength. He reached the semi-finals in this year's global finals. There is only one team left in the China-G division. Cheirsh is 1G's top laner!"

"IG. I know, it's Principal Wang's club, right?"

"Understood, I don't pay attention to anything else, but he is really handsome and has become a fan."

People who have never met Bai Qiu before, at this moment, either voluntarily or forcibly, have to know each other!

I saw the hot search term #CherishJas#, which immediately topped IG's original team's hot search not long after it appeared, and came to No. 1 strongly.

Clicking in and taking a look, in less than ten minutes, the number of pageviews has directly exceeded 100 million+.

The hottest Weibo below is not an IG club, nor is it an e-sports media.

On the contrary, it is a name that everyone is very unfamiliar but familiar with recently--

A small group!

Many people in the e-sports circle have heard about this popular anchor who has recently exploded on Douyin and Dou Shark continues to dominate, but...heirsh won the game, Jess's hot search, how can I click on it to display it? Is it a group?

With this kind of curiosity, when everyone saw the latest Weibo posted by Tuantuan in the first five minutes, they immediately understood.

But seeing this Weibo is only a few words, but (cgfa) is full of program effects--

"Dad, smoke!"

Daddy, smoke!!

The picture below is a handsome makeup photo of Bai QiuS7, but at this moment, a ruthless killer with no emotion, was forcibly stuffed a cigarette in his mouth.

A small hand beside him wanted to turn off the lighter.

Give the boss a cigarette!

This picture is so magical.

It's not like no one has called Bai Qiu's father before, after all, his father's length is too strong to be soft.

However, I used to just shout, but no one lit a cigarette for Dad!

Especially with Bai Qiu's expressionless face in the makeup photo, it looks like a big boss is coming.

For a time, this magical breakthrough instantly became popular.

And as time went by, it became more and more popular...

First from Weibo, then to Tieba, then to Douyin, Kuaishou, B-battle, and even to national-level media forums such as Zhihu Tianya.

This picture can be seen everywhere, with the previous sentence--

Daddy, smoke!

So classic!

In addition to this stalk that has become the most popular throughout the year as soon as it came out this year, there are also various Jess fronts and middles such as "zhongmen sniping", #Khanexpression#, #domestic first order# and so on. The explosive performance of Carry in the later period has also been made into an emoji picture for the first time.

Exploding one after another!

But anyone who sees these GIFs has only one thought in mind--

Holy crap, is this still human?

"Mom, Father Qiu! Is this Jace number one in history okay?"

"The number one in history is exaggerated, but I didn't expect Cheirsh to be able to beat Khan in a matchup."

"Khan's expression made me laugh to death, haha, autistic!"

"The god of domestic top orders is definitely not a cover!"

Am I the only one who thinks that .cherish is actually stronger than bro?"

"+1, it turns out that it's not just me who has this idea. I have watched all the games on IG. I just want to say that the current Cherish is far from the limit. No one knows how strong he is!"

"From now on, I will be Qiu Xiaozi! Qiu Dad! Smoking!!"

"Come on, light a cigarette for Father Qiu!

Various discussions, in this short moment, instantly ignited the entire Internet.

Even on a global scale, after the game ended, there was a lot of turmoil.

But the storm was destined to be short-lived.

The domestic madness did not last long, and then gradually stopped.

It's not that Bai Qiu gets cold after a few seconds, but...

Game 2 of the day - to start!

In the semi-final B05, a victory is short-lived after all. Everyone knows that only if we truly win today's victory will we have the last laugh.

However, if you really do that, you can refer to the sensation that IG only won one game today.

It's like winning a game, if IG really advanced to the Bird's Nest today.


The picture is so beautiful, I can't imagine it!

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