Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 242 : Holding a three-foot green front, slaying ghosts, demons, Buddhas and gods (2/5 for su

Is he still showing?

How to show?!

in the game.

At this moment, after successfully escaping the death triangle grass, the LZ people had already collapsed to the bottom of the first tower of their own bottom road.

Although they were defeated, they had completely distanced themselves from everyone on IG and came to a very safe location.

IG-Everyone saw this, and they all broke up a long time ago.

This wave has no chance to kill again, the line of soldiers is about to go online, IG is also afraid of losing the line, and they have made enough money in this wave.

But Jian Ji's abnormal behavior made everyone stunned and a little confused.

Why don't you go back?

Not only did she not go back, but Jian Ji had already left her teammates alone at this moment and walked towards the river.

"Jianji. What is Cherish going to do this wave? Do you still want to do something?" Miller stared at the big screen, glanced at the position of everyone in LZ at this time, and shook his head: "No chance. LZ is in this position, Jianji is in such a state. Poor, let alone one person, even if everyone in IG chases after them, there is no chance to kill them."

on the field.

Jian Ji's current state is very bad. After the previous life and death show, although she did not die, as the target of the LZ people's fire, she could not maintain a safe blood line.

In this state, to put it in a nasty way, if LZ retreats later and encounters this sword girl in the river, he can completely fight back and recover the loss of his first-level regiment failure!

Everyone couldn't understand it, and everyone on IG was a little bit in heat.

"Brother, what did you just say?" Ning Wang said with a look of surprise: "Kill? Kill--who?"

"I don't know." When asked by King Ning's soul, Bai Qiu's answer was also very speechless.

do not know,

I don't know you kill a ghost, why does it sound so unreliable?

"But the opposite Nakano must go this way..

As Bai Qiu spoke, Jian Ji had already arrived at the river wall, which was also behind the wall in the lower half of LZ, and not far to the right was the river grass on the bottom road.

this location,

"Isn't it, buddy, we don't have a vision, don't go across from this side, or if there are many people, you can send it when you go there." King Ning was right.

He already understood what Bai Qiu wanted to do.

However, this is simply not realistic.

Not to mention what accidents will happen in the state of blind vision.

Just the opposite LZ is not a fool.

In the case of someone's own residual blood, how can you be alone? In this state of your sword princess, once there are two people on the opposite side, you will be killed!

This wave has made enough money, and there is no need to take such a risk.

Hearing the sound, Bai Qiu didn't speak, because at this moment his energy and attention were extremely concentrated. He glanced at the place where LZ disappeared last, and began to count the time silently in his heart.

"Jianji, in this position, squat here and don't move!"

At the same time, everyone outside could vaguely see what Jian Ji wanted to do.

Then. Everyone couldn't help being a little surprised.

"No, at this position, does Jian Ji want to squat and kill alone?" The doll's eyes widened, and she asked with an incredible look: "Is this possible?"

"Jianji is in this state now," Miller said hesitantly: "Do you have eyes? You can put your eyes in first to see. If LZ really has an order to go this way, there may be a chance.

The next second, I remembered and said speechlessly: "No, Jian Ji's eyes were stuck in the triangle grass just now, how can it be so fast, this wave should not be possible."

"How can someone play like this, LZ residual blood won't go this way, and even if he walks, he won't be alone. Moreover, Jian Ji is not dodging now, once over the wall, there is no place for people to run, and it will be given away in vain. Human head!"


The situation is very clear, even a person who doesn't know how to watch the game can see the key to this wave.

Put everything else down, it's just a matter of vision, tell you and me, in the case of blind vision, what can you do even if someone walks under your nose?

"It's a bit outrageous. I've explained it for so many years, and I haven't seen this kind of play. It's not scientific. How could the opposite side come over, blind vision!"

"Jianji is sure not to return to the city? This wave of top lanes is about to come up, and now the doll who might lose the lane if he doesn't return, looked at the troops that were already online and sighed: "Cherish. This wave is unnecessary, send it?"

Before he finished speaking, the doll was instantly dumbfounded.


I saw that on the field, among the LZ people who retreated to the first tower on the bottom road, the small turret with residual blood returned to the city, and Poppy on the top road was also reading the article.

The rest of Syndra and the barrel, hesitantly, the barrel is in good condition, and Syndra is also ready to use TP to go online, so they are not in a hurry. The two of them walked into their wild area from the back of the first tower in the bottom road.

Then it moved directly to the position below the toad, and approached the middle and blue buff pits.

As everyone expected, although everyone knew that there would be no accidents, the caution of the professional players allowed the two of LZ's residual blood to walk in the wild area together, making the already extremely safe environment more secure.

There will be no surprises!

But the so-called accident will not happen, but often there is an accident!

In this wave, where LZ Nakano was walking, Jian Ji was squatting below!


"Come here! LZ, this wave is actually here!?" The doll said with a horrified expression: "My God, isn't it, Cherish! This wave actually predicted the direction of LZ Nakano?!"

"I'm stupid!" I remember opening my mouth in shock: "This...

For a long time, he didn't speak.

This scene is really too weird, obviously it was Jian Ji who squatted over first, and there would have been no fluctuations, but LZ actually came over the next moment.

Can this person control the consciousness of the other side?

Of course not.

There is only one explanation for that.

Seeing Jian Ji who was still very confident on the field, squatting outside the river wall, Miller's scalp was numb and said: "Jian Ji, Cheirsh is really conscious of this wave!! In this way, Jian Ji can predict that LZ will come over, but Can you kill?!"

on the field,

Although Jian Ji predicted LZ's movement, but in front of him was a vast darkness (good), without any vision at all, this kind of situation..

Miller stared at the big screen, his breathing became short at this moment:

"LZ has two people in this wave, but the barrels are in poor condition! Any chance?! Cheirsh!! This wave is completely blind!

"How is this possible.

"Come, come! LZ Nakano has come, and this is the position. If he is going to pass, will Jian Ji still not move?!"


When the words fell, LZ Nakano had just reached the overlapping position with Jian Ji, and Bai Qiu, who had been still, silently recited to zero in his heart.

Eyes jumped instantly, without saying a word, Jian Ji directly passed the wall with a Q skill.


With a coquettish roar, the sword princess dressed in silver, holding a three-foot green blade, slaughtered the devil, the gods, and the gods!

The time point card is extremely accurate, and it appears directly in front of the LZ residual blood duo who are about to walk past!

Cut down with a sword--

The whole world is shocked!!.

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