Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 243 : One sword, famous all over the world, one sword, ruined (3/5 for subscription!)

"Jianji! Q is over! The card is here! The card is here!!"

"My God, blind vision! This wave of Jian Ji's blind vision has actually blocked LZ!!"


"OMG.. how is this possible?!"

The moment when Jian Ji blindly saw a Q skill pass through the wall.

The three-footed green front flickered with cold light, and the competition areas around the world went crazy!

Also crazy, there are also question marks all over their heads, and their faces are dazed, the LZ Nakano remnant blood duo who are on their way at the moment!

In the next moment, Jian Ji had already slashed at the nearest large remnant wine barrel with a sword.

Then without stopping, the flaws are refreshed, and then A-knife!

The condition of the already crippled wine barrel declined, and Cuzz came back to his senses instantly.


"Why did Jian Ji appear here?!"

Come back to God, but Cuzz is completely stupid now.

Goosebumps all over his body instantly appeared because the wine barrel was in a dangerous state, and without any hesitation, he directly shouted: "Kill him!! Kill Jian Ji!!"

Next to Syndra, he didn't need to say anything, and he had already started to frantically output against Jian Ji.

It's a pity that everyone has only one level in this wave.

Moreover, LZ has just finished the first-level regiment, and Syndra's first-level learning is the E skill.

Don't say that the skill CD is not as good as 103, even if it is good, there is no harm.

The situation of the wine barrel on the other side is similar. With the E skill not good, he can only subconsciously face the sword Jiping A who is close to his face.

But Biping A.

Who was Jian Ji afraid of?

Bai Qiu resisted the damage of Syndra and the barrel, and after taking the second attack from position A, another flaw was just refreshed, just right in front of him!


The second flaw A came out, Jian Ji had dropped to a state of great disability and recovered a blood line, and at the same time, the wine barrel had also been completely cut to the point of blood!



Seeing this scene, Cuzz's brain buzzed.

Already know that this wave is about to die.

The E skill is still three seconds away from the CD, and the flash is gone. In this position, I can't run at all.

Sure enough, the next moment, Jian Ji cut down with another sword.

The silk-blood wine barrel was emptied directly and fell to the ground.


Solo kill!!

In the presence of Syndra, kill the barrel!

Dead! The wine barrel is gone! This wave of swordsmen, Cherish! Blind vision!! Blind vision!! Precisely predicted the position of LZ Nakano, Q used to forcefully kill the wine barrel!"

"My God (cgfa) what did I see?!!

The doll shouted in disbelief, and Le was nervously said next to him: "But this wave of Cherish is going to die!! Syndra is not far away, and Jian Ji's state is already bloody!!"


in the game.

This wave of Jian Ji's actions is unbelievable and shocking.

The consciousness was so strong that everyone exclaimed.


LZ is two people together after all.

Jian Ji was in a bad state before, but now she is resisting the damage of LZ and the two of them, and forcibly came over to hack the wine barrel to death, but her state has already reached blood.

And Bai QiuQ and Blink are gone, and there is no way to leave through the wall for the time being. Syndra is not far away, and there is still a small half of blood, so he can live and die!

"Avenge me! Avenge me!!"

After the death, Cuzz shouted in a daze.

BDD also gritted his teeth, his square face full of killing intent.

Who gave you the courage to come over with blood and kill my jungler in front of me?!

You are not dead this time?!

As soon as the thought came up, when he saw the sword princess who had just been hacked to death on the field, his position also came to the side and bottom of Syndra.

This position is very close to the wall, and it is impossible for the unskilled Jianji to go out.


Almost at the death of the wine barrel, the moment Jian Ji walked here, a brand-new explosive fruit that had just been refreshed appeared leisurely!


BDD's eyes narrowed.


The next moment, Jian Ji already fell with a sword, and precisely slashed on the newly refreshed explosive fruit.

With a click, Silk Blood Sword Princess was bounced up by the elasticity of the explosive fruit, jumping over the wall from the lower half of LZ's wild area, and returned to the river where she had crouched before.

Afterwards, there was no stagnation at all, and without looking back, he ran towards the distance in the opposite direction.

BDD wanted to chase, but Syndra didn't show up now, not even eyes.

After Jian Ji jumped down, LZ completely lost the sight of this Silk-blood Jian Ji.

Across a wall, it is like a galaxy across.

Can't chase the opponent, let alone hit!


"Break Fruit! Pop Fruit Refreshed?!"

"Run! Jian Ji! Click on the burst fruit! This wave--Cherish just left like this?!"

"What the hell! Cherish, what the hell is this?!!"


Seeing Jian Ji who had evacuated safely from the field, the commentators in the competition areas around the world were dumbfounded.

Miller roared with a look of disbelief: "This is all possible!! This is all good! Cherish, is this wave all good?!"

"I'm stupid! This wave of Cherish, Jian Ji, is so numb!! Forced to kill the wine barrel and shot back, it was a success! This wave of Jian Ji succeeded!"


The audience at the Oriental Sports Center was also stunned at the moment, and all kinds of crazy question marks were already swiping on the barrage of major live broadcast platforms around the world.


"What the hell?!

"My mother, Father Qiu! Father Qiu!!

"Jianji?? This is Jianji?"

"No, this is too outrageous, isn't it? Can this be run? I was shocked by LZ dishes!"

"LZ is a jerk, it's this sword girl who is too outrageous, Qiu Dad!! Smoking!"

"Is it okay to place the first order in history?"

"?? First in history? Turtle, Han started to cross the line? Hurry up and die!"


The crazy reaction of the audience all over the world indicates how shocking and outrageous Jian Ji's operation is.

Even the IG teammates were stunned when they saw this inexplicable single-kill prompt.

"Brother, are you running on horseback?" King Ning said with a stunned expression, "No, how did you do it?"

"Perspective hanging?

"Fortunately, I almost died." Bai Qiu said something, his face as serious as ever.

"No, who are you pretending to show, but you're smiling." King Ning couldn't help but said, "Just pretend, and don't smile when you show off?"

"It's time for a smile, as soon as this wave is over, the opponent's single blows up, and you took a head at the beginning. Brother man can't stand the pressure if he wants to resist!

in the game.

When Jian Ji got this wave of heads, LZ, who was already suffering from blood loss, suddenly turned into a huge loss.

Especially the top single guy, who just finished his escape from Tianxiu, saw that Jian Ji had an extra head for no reason.

just feel--

When people sit at home, disaster comes from heaven!

How to fight this?

Is today really the day that I, Jin, are ruined?

S6 has LCK Peanuts tyrannical, with one kick out 4396, S7 has LPLCherish three hanging hammer Khan, one sword is ruined?!

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