Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 246: Creating Miracles, Saving the World (1/5 for subscription!)

"IG Nakano blocked Syndra?! In this wave, we can kill Syndra! We can kill BDD!!

"Then it's not a loss! Luo is replaced by Syndra, and the assistant is replaced by the mid-laner, we are not at a loss!

in the game.

Seeing the IG Nakano duo who achieved full marks for their resilience, there was a burst of crazy cheers at the scene.

Luo was surrounded by robots and small cannons, but Syndra on LZ's side was also blocked by IG's Nakano!

Before the prince, EQ was used to hurry, and there was still a few seconds of CD. Rookie took the lead in chaining Syndra with E. The damage of IG's middle and wild is much stronger than LZ's bottom lane now.

A face-to-face with Syndra is a desperate situation.

Called back?


At this moment, a red TP light beam suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, the director's camera quickly switched to the LZ spring.

Poppy, who just returned to town - TP!

And it's hard to die, the location of TP is not in the two small team battles in the bot lane, and 26 is in a grass on the bottom lane of LZ.

this location,

Miller glanced at it, and instantly a very bad premonition rose in his heart: "That's not right! Poppy went straight to the bottom of the road this wave, and this position is right behind EZ!"

"The wine barrel is also here! This wave of LZ junglers came very quickly, and they all came to the first tower in the bottom road!"

"EZ. Konishi is blocked this time?!"

in the game.

The situation of the game is always fickle, and the speed of this change will increase in a straight line as the strength of the two teams increases.

IG and LZ are undoubtedly two of the top teams this year. The battle between these two teams is in such a desperate game that is enough to create history and advance to the Bird's Nest. .

That's right, the desperate game is no longer a life-and-death game, it's a desperate game between the two teams!

Xiaoxi's EZ and Luo walked into the first tower of LZ's bottom road just now, but at this moment Baolan has been hooked away by the robot partition.

Nakano is now in the jungle, a thousand yards away.

In the bot lane, EZ is alone.

It used to be nothing, but now.

LZ's Ueno is here!

"Never mind me, I have E!"

While shouting, Xiaoxi exited the defense tower, wanting to approach the river and get a little closer to his teammates.

But at the moment of E, Cuzz's wine barrel is a pre-judgment E skill, which directly and accurately stuns EZ coming from E!

One-handed prediction of the E skill instantly made all LCK fans go crazy!

EZ was trapped in a wine barrel, Poppy TP landed, and in a flash, LZ Ueno began to focus fire on EZ.

Konishi has a crispy skin, and the state begins to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Eyes are gone!


"No, what's going on with this wave?! Xiaoxi is going to die?!" Doll's eyes widened, looking at the three battlefields in Summoner's Canyon at the moment, his eyes were a little dizzy.

There is no way to not get dizzy, even the director of this wave knows the key to this wave of battle, which will definitely affect the direction of this game, and has already cut the shots into three.

The situation of the three battlefields at the moment was broadcast live to the global audience in real time.

Originally, IG had the upper hand just now. Rookie and Ning Wang's god-level temporary reaction forced LZ to exchange mid laner support with 1G.

But at this moment, the arrival of Bobby and the wine barrel directly added an EZ to IG's chips.

2 for 1...

What a loss!

"Can't Jian Ji TP? Is Cherish's TP good?!" The doll looked at the status bar of the upper road, and quickly wailed: "It's not good! I almost used Bo Jian Ji's TP to go online, LZ- -This wave is a TP difference that stuck with Jian Ji!!"

"IG is missing one person in this wave!!"


on the field.

The TP of Jianji on the road is still a few seconds away. These few seconds are indeed deliberately blocked by LZ. It seems that a few seconds are very fast, but sometimes, these few seconds are often enough to decide a wave of team battles, and even the entire game. Competition situation and victory!

"Kill EZ and Luo first, both of them will die!!"

The voices in the LZ team shouted wildly.

BDD next to him also shouted: "I ran away!!"


Outside the field.

Syndra, who was caught fire by IG-people before, is now half-blooded and looks like she is about to die.

But at this time BDD has also been out of control, and Syndra is madly retreating.

Prince Ning's EQ improved, so he thought that EQ would pick up the opponent in the past, and BDD would definitely die by then.

But when the prince just started EQ, BDD reacted very quickly, and directly connected with QE, instantly hammering down the prince who started EQ--

Syndra QE interrupts Prince EQ!!

Face to face interrupt!


This wave of operations is too showy, and it directly shows BDD's super personal ability to perfection.

It was this wave that gave BDD precious time to escape. Syndra flashed directly and distanced himself from everyone on IG. Rookie's enchantress wanted to chase, but it didn't work, and it didn't reach level 6.

For a while, Syndra escaped to the limit like this!


"Sindra, bite the kiss, what's this fight? BDD actually ran away this time?!" Outside, the commentators of the major competition areas around the world were also dumbfounded.

The doll reacted and wailed--

As soon as Syndra is gone, LZ will not die alone, but IG will die two!

Zero for two?!

Under the advantage of being replaced by zero for two?!

After "Ah, IG is going to be replaced by Zero 103 in this wave, Miller", his lips trembled when he saw it: "This. LZ's this wave is so good!"

Yes, this wave of IG did not make any mistakes at all, it was completely the temporary reaction and operation of LZ on the opposite side.

It is also this wave that directly caused IG to fall into a desperate situation.

In the three battlefields, they fell into a disadvantage in an all-round way.

IG Nakano looked at Syndra who had escaped, and continued to chase after him unwillingly. They were too far away from the bottom lane in this wave.

If you kill Syndra, you can stop your losses, but if you can't even kill Syndra, then this wave...


Once back before liberation, the advantages accumulated by relying on the first-level regiment in the early stage will no longer exist!

"I'm done, my TP is ready!!

At the same time, Bai Qiu's IP finally changed, and he directly downloaded his own IP.

And the position is also very special and tricky, directly TP in the center of the lower half of LZ's wild area.

Here, if you look at the floor plan from God's perspective, Jian Ji's TP is in the center of the three battlefields--the most center!


"TP is over!! Cherish, Jian Ji's TP has finally turned around!!"

"Jianji! Can this wave turn the tide?!" Seeing the TP from his own family, Miller's originally sluggish expression instantly cheered up, staring at the big screen:

"The current Sword Princess is the fattest BOSS in the audience, Cherish, can this wave create a miracle?!"

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