Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 247 : A Sword Comes to the West, Flying Immortals in the Sky (2/5 for subscription!)


Miller's voice fell, and the scene of the Oriental Sports Center, which had been in a sluggish atmosphere, also erupted in shocking cheers.

This TP of Jian Ji gave them a glimmer of light in the darkness.

It is a pity that this light of dawn has not lasted long, and it has quickly dimmed.


The director's camera suddenly switched to the road in seconds, and the global audience immediately discovered--

The current state of Jian Ji is very poor!!

Only then did Miller suddenly come back to his senses.

The Sword Princess just now, after forcing Poppy back, never returned home!

The defense tower is too injured, and the current state of Jianji is a bloodline of great disability!

In this state, TP is down, and then look at the position of Jian Ji's TP, there is LZ's bot duo, and there is LZ Ueno who has been chasing EZ's fire.

Even Syndra is on his side...

This is not a big remnant who has entered the opponent's encirclement.

Fall into a box and send your head a thousand miles away?

For a split second, Miller's emotions hadn't fully lifted up before he wilted.

"Hey, Jian Ji. Why is this wave of residual blood from Cherish?" The doll next to him also looked dumbfounded, and his face instantly turned pale as paper: "No, no, no, this wave of IG panicked, Cherish's residual blood T down, in this position, Jian Ji may have to give another head when she comes down!"

"Then this wave is not zero-for-two, zero-for-three, IG--completely exploded?!"


The sudden changes on the field made all the audience at the scene bewildered.

Listening to the miserable words of the commentary at this moment, LPL audiences and fans also followed suit and put on masks in pain.

No, is this wave really panicking?

I don't know if IG is flustered or not.

But LZ went crazy after seeing the state of Jian Ji and his TP position.

"Win! Brothers, the fight is back! The whole fight is back!!"

In the lower half of the river, the man who was about to take away EZ's head trembled with excitement and shouted loudly.

"Kill Luo, Luo is going to die! This Poirot is going to die!"

Xiaopao in the wild area also shouted wildly, Baolan Luo has already reached a state of crippling, and wants to run, but there is absolutely no way to go.

"Don't worry, this wave kills Luo, and Jian Ji will also die!" Gorilla narrowed her eyes and followed the small cannon to output Baolan.

"Luo is gone, and EZ is dying. IG has no way to support this position in Nakano. Syndra has already run into the field of vision.

"OMG.LZ!! LZ! They fought back! After three games in silence, they finally broke out at this moment! This is LZ, this is the world's No. 1 team we know'!"

"Jianji's TP hasn't been canceled yet? In Jianji's state, this wave of TP is only giving one more head, and Cherish seems to be getting a little better now.

in the game.

Looking at the TP that Jian Ji still has not canceled, the commentators of the world's major competition areas are in an uproar.

LZ combined vertically and horizontally, under the perfect linkage and cooperation, the explosion of IG has been unstoppable.

What's the use of this wave?

is that useful?

Soon, everyone will know whether it is useful or not.

When Baolan's Luo was the first to be beaten into a fifth state, Bai Qiu's Jianji finally arrived late and TP landed.

As soon as he landed, Bai Qiu immediately walked towards Luo, who was caught fire above.

Just now Baolan endured the explosive hammer of the LZ bot lane duo, and the whole person was stunned by the hammer.

The front is the opposite tower area, Luo can only run towards the wild area below.

Because of this, when Jian Ji TP got down and took a few steps, she was very close to Luo.

How about close?

"Is this person crazy, and dare to come over?" Seeing this, Gloria laughed directly, and glanced at her Q skill at the same time.

CD. Just turned up!


Without further ado, the robot hooked directly towards Jian Ji who came up from the side with a tricky Q skill.

But for this, where will Bai Qiu, who has been prepared for a long time, get hit?

At the moment when Robot Q started to move, Jian Ji, who had been approaching here, suddenly turned her head.

The robot's Q skill directly passed Jian Ji.

Move and twist away the robot Q!



At the same time, Bai Qiu's position also came to the limit distance of Luo's skill E.


No need for him to shout, Baolan knew that she would die regardless of whether she saw Jian Ji, but she still subconsciously thought about the skill.


Luo, who was still in blood, jumped into the air in an instant, and went straight to the position of Jian Ji.

"You can leave after E? Don't you want to die?" Seeing this, Second Elder Xuan Ming reacted, but he was not in a hurry at all.

This wave of Jianji and Luo are both crippled, and they are still in their own wild area, how do you go?

"Get ready to take the car!" On the other side, Bai Qiu also said to Bao Lan.


The next moment, I saw that Luo E had not yet landed, and when the person was still in the air, a yellow light flashed under Jian Ji's feet.

It's not running in the forward direction. If you flash normally, you won't be able to run at all, because there is LZ's Ueno right now outside the wild area!

This wave of Jian Ji flashes in the opposite direction from the side!

The whole person came to the top in an instant, a position in the shadow of the field of vision!

Here, there was no one before, but now, a bloodthirsty Syndra just passed by here.



BDD looked at Jian Ji who suddenly flashed over the wall, and the whole person was instantly dumbfounded.

There was no time to react at all, the next moment, Jian Ji directly swung down with a sword.


Syndra's blood line was instantly emptied, and she died instantly on the spot!

"IGCherish killed LZBDD!"

"Syndra! Sword Princess flashed! Directly gave Syndra a second?!"

"Forgot the law?! What's the situation? How does Jian Ji know that Syndra is here?!"

The world's major competition areas were also instantly dumbfounded. The doll's eyes widened, and before he had time to say more, he saw a flash of white light on his body the moment Jian Ji hacked to death Syndra--

He has been stuck at the limit of level five, and now he has finally upgraded to level six!

"Fuck. No way, Miller glanced at Jian Ji's position, and suddenly an extremely terrifying thought arose in his heart.

follow me!!

The next moment, this terrifying thought became a reality!

I saw Bai Qiu reminding Bao Lan again at the moment when he rose to sixth.

Luo's E skill is about to land, and Jian Ji has already passed through the wall with a Q skill.


The whole person moved a distance for the second time in an instant, and Luo, who was about to land, followed the target Jian Ji, immediately turned his body in the air, and continued to fly towards Jian Ji.

But he was definitely not going to land.


I saw that at the position where Jian Ji Q came over, a burst fruit appeared!

Here, the explosion fruit will be refreshed!

There was no hesitation at all, the small cannons and robots not far ahead had already rushed over, but it was too late at this time.

Bai Qiu slashed the explosive fruit with a sword.

A click.

Jian Ji operated smoothly throughout the whole process, without any pause, the whole person has already taken off again.

Directly from the wild area surrounded by LZ, it ejected directly to the bottom road.

At the same time, Luo, who had been following Jian Ji in the air, immediately followed.

When Jian Ji came out of the wild area, Luo also settled down!

Two people---the extreme escape, ran out!

Get away safely! (Well done)!


The visual effect of this scene is too exaggerated, Jian Ji and Luo are just like trapeze people in the whole process, bells and whistles, almost heavenly show.

It directly led to a brief blank in the global audience at this moment.

"Fuck! F*ck!

"Jianji!! Jianji and Xiaopao ran out! OMG what the hell is this?! What did I see?!"

After reacting, I didn't even have time to say more.


At the moment when the two of IG came out, not far ahead, at this moment, LZ's Ueno duo were frantically focusing fire on EZ.

Xiaoxi's EZ couldn't hold on anymore, only blood was left.

But both Jian Ji and Luo came.

And Jian Ji is now,

Miller only glanced at it, and goosebumps all over his body.

"Jianji is level 6 this time! Jianji is level 6, LZ Ueno is here! This wave - can you kill it?!"

"Jianji! The damage is very high, and now Jianji is leading the audience!"

"Go on! Go straight on! Damn it, what kind of damage is this?!"

Cherish! A sword is coming from the west, and the heavens are flying, this wave - makes me look stupid!"

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