Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 248 : Shake the Heaven and Earth, True God Bai Qiu (3/5 for subscription!)

"Jianji! Come out! This wave just ran away like this?!"

"Luo is here too, OMG. What did I see? Can this all run? Cherish!! This player is exaggerating!!"

Oriental Sports Center.

Along with Bai Qiu Sword Fairy, a manipulative show that could be called the Heavenly Show of the Century, a Blood Sword Fairy abruptly took Luo Gi, who was already mortal, out of the wild.

At this time, Jian Ji and Luo have completely distanced themselves from the small cannons and robots in the wild area. Under a few large displacements, the other party can't catch up!

Not only that,

When Jian Ji and Luo suddenly flew out from above their wild area, the LZ Ueno duo who were frantically gathering fire on EZ on the bottom road were suddenly dumbfounded.

It's easy to say that this wave of Jianji came alone, but - he brought a Luo!


Before he could react, Bai Qiu, who had already landed, spoke quickly and calmly commanded: "Go directly to W! Drive them!!



Bao Lan suddenly shuddered, and almost as soon as Luo Gang landed, he had already raised his W.


Luo Jinghong passed the gap, and under the grand appearance, not far from here, the LZ Ueno duo who were about to take away EZ's head were directly lifted up.

The next moment, before the two of them fell, Bai Qiu's sword princess was already rushing towards him.

103 is facing the wine barrel closest to him, already a big move that has just been upgraded!

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

Jian Ji leveled A, A dropped the flaw in front of him, and then did not stop, the position has come to the top of the side, and the E skill is turned on and then A-down.

Then, without waiting for the reaction of the wine barrel, direct a good Q skill to the side, straight through the opponent's body, and at the same time, the third level AA comes out!


The third flaw is broken.


Cuzz's eyes widened, his face instantly pale.

But it was all too late.

This wave of Jian Ji and Luo Dao was too abrupt, and Bai Qiu's hand speed was too fast!

He didn't give the barrel any chance to react at all, and at the last Ping A also fell impressively.

A click.

The dull sound came, the green light bloomed, and Jian Ji A showed the last flaw of her ultimate move!

la la la

Almost at this moment, a lotus flower seemed to be blooming under Jian Ji's feet, and the blood-returning formation was directly shot out, and the state's blood bar rose wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

That's right, this wave of wine barrels just died!

Jian Ji had the equipment and level advantages ahead of the whole game, and at this moment, it finally broke out!

The terrifying damage to the extreme has also been shown to the audience and commentators in various major regions around the world watching the game at the moment!

A wine barrel with only half of its blood, the speed of light is reduced by seconds, and there is no room to fight back!!

"IGCherish killed LZCuzz!"


Double kill!!



"Keg: Immediately dead! My God, what did I see? Jian Ji! Cheirsh! Four times in one second, four times at the speed of light, this wave directly kills Cuzz in seconds!!"

OMG "! Cherish! Sword Princess is level 6! What damage is this?! What hand speed is this?!"

"What happened? How did the barrel die?!"

The sound of the kill notification sounded, and the commentators in the competition areas around the world were stunned for a second. After they reacted, they went crazy in an instant!!

This wave of Jian Ji's damage exceeded everyone's expectations!

In a situation that was supposed to be fatal, not only did he run away, but he actually killed him?!

No, not anti-kill!

The next moment, before it was too late to utter the shock in his heart at the moment, Miller widened his eyes, stared at the big screen, and roared in an excited tone: "Poppy!! Poppy is here! This Poppy was crushed by Jian Ji. Two levels, the barrel is gone, and this Poppy--is going to die?!!"


"My mother, isn't it..." The doll has fallen into a trance.

The situation on the field will not be stagnant and affected by the reactions of the outside world.

After Jian Ji dropped the wine barrel at the speed of light in four seconds, Brother Han Zi was completely stunned.

He (cgfa) couldn't think of why the situation that had been guaranteed to win would suddenly become like this.

The appearance of Jian Ji and Luo was so sudden and incredible, in fact, Khan hadn't reacted from the beginning.

At this moment, the death of the wine barrel made him forcibly regain his senses.

The bottom lane was originally a siege of EZ with Barrel and Bobby, and the situation on other lanes was also a good news.

But Mao Luo is not dead, nor is Jian Ji dead?

Whoever took it if he didn't die, now that the wine barrel is gone, let's not talk about the three people around IG, just a sword girl who relied on the ultimate move to return to the blood formation, and Poppy can't beat it!

The flash is not good, the skills have been used, this wave

Can't run?!

Khan was in disbelief, this result is really outrageous, but sometimes, the reality is so outrageous!

Luo rushed over to the two of them just now, and Konishi EZ took advantage of this time to distance themselves.

Jian Ji has already bullied her, taking the lead, ready to hack Poppy to death.

When the man saw this, he gritted his teeth and couldn't catch up with EZ, so he hit Luo!

He wants to change someone! Even if he dies, he will have to pull a back.

Otherwise, this wave will be completely gone!

Brother Manzi's wish was destined to be an extravagant wish. Baolan was not a vegetarian after all. At this moment, he had fully understood the intention of Bai Qiu's wave, and he was so excited that his mind was blank, and the basic reaction was still there.

Seeing that Poppy started to fight back like a mad dog, Luo didn't panic, a Q skill hit him, and then he got closer to Jian Ji, his body flashed a green light, and his state recovered!

At the same time, Jian Ji has also made three swords, and the terrifying damage has exploded, and Xiaoxi in the distance has also started to turn back and output frantically to Poppy.

Beat up the drowning dog!


Seeing this, brother man couldn't hold it any longer, and let out a whimper.

The next moment, Jian Ji's last sword fell.

"IGCherish killed LZKhan!"


Three kills!!

Several serious and heavy reminder tones sounded one after another.

At this moment, there was a brief silence in the entire Oriental Sports Center.

In the next second, it suddenly boils!


"Dead! A Triplekil! Three-kill Jian Ji!! Flying immortals from the sky, a sword coming from the west!! This wave of Cherish actually got a triple-kill!! In this wave of LZ, all three were hacked to death by Jian Ji already?!"

"OMG! Cheirsh!! The strongest top laner in the world, he is! He is!!"

"LZ has been completely blown up!! No way! Once this wave is over, Jian Ji is already unstoppable, we - we must win!!"

"Three to zero LZ?!"


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