Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 249: Global sensation, Bird's Nest, here we come (4/5 for subscription!)

"Three to zero LZ?!

I don't know who said that.

But as soon as these words came out, the already crazy scene suddenly fell into a state of Tibetan madness!

It was at this moment that Jian Ji, who had hacked to death three people in a row, still did not stop her pace~!

To be precise, IG's counterattack is not over yet!

I saw that after Poppy's death, there were no LZ- people on the side of IG's top assistant and AD.

But there is no wild area here!

As early as the moment Jian Ji and Luo came over, Rookie and Ning Wang also came here,

However, Rookie is very spiritual. After watching Jian Ji rise to sixth, he immediately realized that this is a perfect counterattack time.

The whole person trembled with excitement, and without hesitation, he took Ning Wang and got into the opposite wild area.


Then I met directly with the LZ bot lane duo who originally wanted to come to support!

This time it is really a needle-point to Maimang, and Mars hits the earth.

Because the LZ bot duo are all together, they won't be killed for a while.

But I can't die, but I was stuck by IG's Nakano!

After Jian Ji hacked Poppy alive, the mood of the LZ bottom duo felt like they had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

This wave, something big is going to happen?!

Something big has happened!

When Bai Qiu's sword girl chopped Poppy to death, they connected seamlessly, turned around and walked towards the wild area.

Luo and EZ followed closely behind him.

After reaching the wall, Jian Ji's Q skill directly passed through the wall, and Konishi's EZ also jumped up directly with a good E skill.

Directly meet the LZ bottom duo who are entangled with IG Nakano at the moment!

Then there are no more words, and the fire starts directly!


"LZ! This wave of bot lane duos is also stuck!"

"Ah! IG, you can kill! Father Qiu, Jian Ji can continue to kill!!

"I can't get away! This wave of LZ--all have to die!!"


The atmosphere of the scene almost exploded, reflecting the fierce and bloody battles on the field.

It is said to be intense and bloody, but in fact, after Jian Ji and EZ came up and the four IG gathered, the LZ bot lane duo fell into a situation of being besieged.

Totally desperate!

Bai Qiu's Jian Ji took the lead and took the lead in sticking to the robot with residual blood. He was also rude to this robot that used to be crazy about him.

After a few seconds, the robot fell directly to the ground.

"IGCherish killed LZGorillA!


Four kills!!


"The robot is dead! Four kills!! Jian Ji, got a four kills?!" The doll jumped up in excitement.

At this scene, everyone has gone crazy!

"Is there five kills?! The last one, there is a small cannon, can this wave of swordsmen get five kills?!"

"is it okay?!!

The words fall.

On the field, the Rat King, who watched Jian Ji complete the four kills, has already started to retreat back desperately.

But it was too late, Jian Ji had already stuck with him!

Bai Qiu chased after a few steps, a Q skill and a small cannon narrowed the distance, and at the same time A dropped a flaw.

On the other side, others on IG are also gathering small cannons.

There was no way to do anything except his own crispy cannon, but a face-to-face, the state came directly to Silky Blood.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Give five kills! Give five kills!"

"Stop stop stop stop!!

The IG team completely exploded at this moment, and the teammates shouted one by one.

The movements of his subordinates have all stopped.

Only Bai Ziqiu.A made the last blow!

A click.

The last small cannonball blood line emptied in an instant - fell to the ground.




Group off.

Five kills!!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh everyone on IG stopped and Xiaopao was hacked to death!! They want to let Jianji get the pentakill and let Cherish get this Pentakill! This is what 1G owes him before!!"

"Jianji, got a Pentakill in the key game of B05 of the 2017 World Finals semi-final! Five kills!!"


"IG! IG!

"Qiu Dad!!"

"Five kills!! Sword Immortal Five Kills, Qiu Dad Niu Bu!!

In an instant, when the most imposing and domineering reminder sounded in the entire Summoner's Rift—

The entire Oriental Sports Center fell into extreme madness in an instant!

Five kills!

No matter where it is placed, even if it is an ordinary rank game or a silver game, it is an achievement where personal honor reaches its peak!!

The charm of five kills, but anyone who has played LOL knows this.

...for flowers...0

To put it horribly, there are only five opponents in total. When you kill five, in a sense, it means that you fight five, and you won!

Isn't that crazy enough?!

And Bai Qiu got five kills in the crucial round of B05 in the S7 semi-final at the moment, this is not crazy, it is completely crazy!!

"Cherish!! This player, in today's B05, has completely proved himself!!" Doll's excited voice trembled, spittle flying: "Show to the global audience what is the top order and what is real LPL order!"

"It's terrifying! This five kills! My God, Jian Ji has operated several waves throughout the whole process. Miller is also completely crazy, and directly shouted: "Cherish--completely consecrated!!"


"Conferred God! This wave of LZ was destroyed by the group, we already have a big advantage! This game, IG, is really hopeful - three to zero LZ!"

After the words fell, the atmosphere off the field could no longer be described as an explosion.

The feeling of witnessing history with one's own eyes has become stronger since the end of this wave of team battles, as IG's advantage has grown and time has passed.

Yes, after this wave of team battles, the advantages of IG can no longer be described as advantages. This is already a little bit of a crushing trend!

LZ found a perfect opportunity to split the team battle, three battlefields, after the original fight, they would directly attack the customer.

But no one would have thought that a sword princess would actually shake the three battlefields of LZ with the power of one person.

After this wave of losses, the momentum of the entire LZ team has actually collapsed.

Until this moment, everyone in LZ came over in a trance.

It turns out that they are really not good at playing underdogs.

In the face of IG whose momentum in the team has reached the peak in the history of the team at this moment, and in the face of the overgrown Jian Ji, LZ has been losing ground, and there is no way to do it.

In the last wave of team battles on the high ground, Bai Qiu Jianji directly came to force a one-for-two, and almost dropped the small cannon in seconds, completing the one-for-three.

The other IG teammates followed closely and directly destroyed LZ.

When the game time comes 25 minutes from the game start time.

IG, leveled LZ's crystal base for the third time today.

With a score of 3/0, LZ was eliminated with a strong clean sheet.

promoted to

The finals of the 2017 Global Finals, in the Bird's Nest!!

For a time, a global sensation!! And.

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