Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 263: The Oriental Dragon, Shaking the World (3/5 for subscription!)

PS: This chapter suggests that it is better to watch with BGM, and BGM is recommended (Netease Cloud Search: The legend never goes out!)

The entire Bird's Nest scene has fallen into an unprecedented climax and carnival in the exclusive opening of the S7 finals.

Especially the last scene where Ren Dong and the other LPL audience commented and hosted to cheer for IG together.

It really is that thousands of stars have gathered together, and hundreds of millions of people are looking forward to your triumph.

It's just that the audience didn't have time to express their excitement and enthusiasm, and the next second, a more terrifying victory covered the entire venue.

But after seeing the darkness on the big screen, when the camera turned, a face that was very familiar to all Asian fans came into view--

That is the famous Asian superstar, Zhou Jieba!

"People who speak different languages ​​all over the world love League of Legends." Zhou Jieba stared at the camera and said word by word: "But no matter which language you speak, we will all stay in League of Legends and be our own. legend!"

When the words are over, the accompaniment with ancient charm has already sounded. In front of hundreds of millions of audiences around the world, Zhou Jieba sang the theme song specially written for the League of Legends S7 finals this year - "Hero" without stage fright.

After finishing the composition, Zhou Jieba was already sitting beside a piano.

Smooth your hands and place them on the piano keys.

One after another familiar and unfamiliar notes echoed throughout the venue.

The next moment, an incomparably high female voice suddenly sounded.

All the audience in the audience, and all the audience watching the game at the moment in the world, when they heard the accompaniment and the female voice, they got goosebumps all over their body and their scalps were numb. This is--

2017 Global Finals Theme Song, "Legend Never Extinct"!!

Famous foreign female singer, Chrissy Kesdanza walked from the backstage to the center of the gorgeous stage, holding a microphone in her hand, without wearing earrings throughout the whole process, using her most classic voice to give the stage soul, also pull Opened the prelude to the S7 finals competition!

The classic melody is reverberating, and the theme song of S7 is definitely the most classic song since the S competition was held for 7 years.

Just listening to the prelude brought the minds of countless audiences around the world back to the past.

IG's first appearance in the play-in match, IG, FNC, and C9 broke through the competition side by side.

In the bloody battle in the group stage, the EDG round of 16 was eliminated in a shocking shock, and 7 shed tears and collapsed in despair.

There is the high-spiritedness of RNG's zero seal of Samsung, and the excited carnival of FNC's survival theory.

In the peak matchup in the quarter-finals, the MSF Rabbit team showed its sharp-edgedness, which once forced SKT, a historical and legendary dynasty team, to a desperate situation.

Then to the LPL Gemini in the semi-finals

There used to be a colossus standing on the top of the sky, and the five rounds of fierce battles changed the emperor's life!

The big devil of S7 seems to always be the darkest shadow in the LPL competition area. He has been dominating the LPL and has been ruling the world!!

There is also IG's shocking three-to-zero LZ, those eager eyes that are excited and tearful.

During this period (cgfa), countless teams had broken dreams, joys and sorrows, and joyous songs and laughter.

EDG's dream was broken in Wuhan.

RNG's dream is broken in Shanghai.

And IG's dream is far from over!!

They have reached the final point, and now they are only one step away, only one step away, they can cross the Conferred God Stage, let the world change the dynasty, and establish a brand new dynasty!!


The BGM has come to a climax, and the female singer has also come to the center of the stage, bending down. Under the amazing flexibility, it is the carnival of hundreds of thousands of audiences.

This atmosphere made her tremble and shocked her even more!

At this moment, she suddenly realized that she was not facing a group of audience, but a group of believers!

A group of fanatical and desperate believers, the desire to survive is already visible to the naked eye, and the 7-year expectation has long been hidden!


The stage was filled with smoke, and a huge and exquisite summoner trophy occupied the entire background wall of the stage. It was two or three meters high and was slowly pulled up from the bottom of the stage.

Looking down from the camera, everyone was shocked that today's Bird's Nest stage has been transformed into a real giant Summoner's Canyon!

Two star-studded flags floated down the sides of the stage.

The wind was blowing at the right time, and the huge flags of IG and SKT were flying in the wind on the stage.


"IG! IG!

"SKT! SKT!!"

"Fuck?! What?!"

The screaming of the audience suddenly stopped, because the high BGM suddenly disappeared, and they were also stunned.

That's right, it's stupid!

But at the moment when the BGM disappeared, outside the huge bird's nest, there was actually--

A huge, blue-purple dragon appeared!

It is four or five meters high, with white feathers on its back, and one horn on the top of its head, and both eyes are blood-red. Just prostrate on the wall of the bird's nest, it gives people a very visually shocking feeling.

Unfamiliar and familiar.

This is.…

Ancient dragon?!!

The ancient dragon has come out?!



"Fuck?! What did I see? Ancient dragon?!

"f*ck?! What's the situation? Such a huge ancient dragon actually appeared in reality?!"

"My God. Is it true? Can I see it at the scene? Am I stupid?!"

For a moment, the global audience watching the live broadcast was immediately stunned, and a brief blank appeared in their brains.



At this moment, the ancient giant dragon squatting above the bird's nest seemed to realize something and roared angrily towards the field.

Then he took a few steps above the bird's nest, and the heavy footsteps were like a heavy hammer, hammering in the hearts of every spectator watching the game.

As if to tell everyone - it's true, a living ancient dragon!!


The next moment, the giant dragon after galloping, fanned its wings, and swooped directly towards the auditorium of hundreds of thousands of people in the Bird's Nest!


"Fuck! Don't step on me!"

"I f*ck, I'm stupid!!"

"Aah!! Ancient Dragon!! Ancient Dragon!!"

"OMG. God, what did I see? Is this true?! Ancient dragon?!"

Countless spectators at the scene saw the ancient giant dragon flying towards them through the big screen, and they screamed with excitement, and some young ladies closed their eyes because of fear.


Of course, the ancient dragons won't really step on them. All this is a VR projection, and the scene can't actually be seen.

Still, the buzz it all created was unparalleled.

The ancient dragon flew around the entire Bird's Nest Square, and finally settled in the center of the stage.

Roared at the global audience again and flew out of the bird's nest

until it disappears!


"Fuck!! Cow batch!!"

"Can you really see it there?

"I shouldn't see it"

"This is too pompous."

"The best S game in history, it's really too pompous!"


"Why not at the scene, ah! I regret it, I want to go to the scene!

"Historical scene, too f*ck handsome!!"

"OMG. I was actually worried that I would be captured by the ancient dragon!"

The ancient dragon has disappeared, but all the audience has gone crazy at the moment!

At this time, the climax BGM sounded again.

In the high BGM.

From both sides of the stage, with the appearance of the team flag and the Summoner's trophy, the ancient dragon's inspection, IG and SKT, one left and one right, came out of the backstage in turn, from top to bottom.

Following them out were countless backup dancers in red and blue soldier costumes.

These dancers stepped out quickly and stood in sequence according to the map of Summoner's Rift.

Wherever the IG and SKT people passed along the way, these soldiers all knelt down on one knee, at this moment, as if they were welcoming their king!

Until the two sides completely meet on both sides of the stage, it is settled.

On the entire huge and splendid stage, one piece has already been taken.

Except for the members of 1G and SKT, everyone has already fallen to the ground and worshipped their gods!

Today's protagonist is here!

At this moment, the atmosphere has been pushed to its peak, and the last climax of BGM has already fallen.

"Welcome to Beijing!" Ren Dong stepped onto the stage with a flushed face and shouted: "This is the scene of the 2017 Global Finals, Beijing-Bird's Nest!"

"Decisive battle, the official start!!",

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