PS: This chapter recommends watching with BGM for better viewing, recommending BGM (League of Legends 2018 Global Finals Finals Promotional Song!)

"This is China G Beijing! Welcome to the 2017 League of Legends Global Finals. Summoners at the scene, show your enthusiasm and let us welcome--the team debut!!"

The excited BGM reverberated. Ren Dong, dressed in a brown suit, walked onto the stage excitedly. With the members of IG and SKT standing still, he shouted loudly: "The two strongest teams in the world in our finals. , respectively SKT team, IG--team!!"

"Shout out and welcome them!!"





"Come on, little IG! Little IG rushes to the duck!! IG will win!!~

"Qiu Daddy ah ah ah!!

The Bird's Nest venue is like a boiling stove. As the atmosphere reached its climax, Ren Dong's voice fell, and the scene had already sounded the cheers and shouts that shook the world.

Among them, the number of supporters of the two teams is so high, the enthusiasm is high, and it is shocking!

Ren Dong stood in the center of the bird's nest, surrounded by an oval shape, from top to bottom, densely packed, all people!

There was a sea of ​​people that could not be seen, waves of terrifying cheers, at this moment, even if he was an LPL host and a professional, he couldn't help trembling all over, and his excited teeth were trembling!

There are really too many people. Hundreds of thousands of spectators are gathered here today. This is the S game, no, it should be said that it is an unprecedented feat in the global sports competition. Just the atmosphere and enthusiasm of the scene has already exploded. 90% of traditional sports!

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the passion in his heart that was excited by the atmosphere at the scene. Ren Dong looked solemn. In the finals, everything was classic, everything was history!

Loudly: "First of all, the defending triple crown champion of the global finals, the first triple crown dynasty in history, and the only legendary team in the world - SKT!!"

The cheers were high, and after subduing, Ren Dong said: "Aiming to chase the championship, the top LCK top single, the world-renowned carry player--Huni!"



Huni on the left side of the stage looked at the restless scene. In fact, he was a little suffocated and excited at the moment. This was the first time he had experienced such a shocking scene in his career for so many years.

Hear yourself introducing yourself, raise your hands, and wave them down.

After that, others from SKT also appeared one after another. When it came to the mid laner Faker, the atmosphere of the scene could no longer be described as an explosion.

Although this is the home field of China G, although this is in the bird's nest.

But Brother Li's popularity and status in the world can never be covered up by one home court!

He is the only legend who has countless fans and super popularity in countless scenic spots around the world!

Off the field, everyone shouted Faker's ID. Brother Li's expression was calm and waved.

But at this time, when SKT finished playing, before Ren Dong could speak, hundreds of thousands of spectators were already restless!


"Cherish! Father Qiu is going to kill him today!"

"IG cattle batch! IG will win!

The voice of IG has already sounded, and this terrifying momentum is something that SKT and any other team do not possess!

After all, the home court is the home court, the home court of our country, who can defeat me?!

"Wow. Ren Dong couldn't control his emotions, and shouted loudly: "That's right! The next person to play is the third seed in the LPL division, the biggest dark horse team in this year's S7, and it is also Zeng double kill SSG, LZ, the super hero of the two LCK teams--1~G!!

Because the emotion was too excited, even the tone of voice appeared embarrassingly broken.

But no one cares at this time!

When the word IG sounded, the entire bird's nest had fallen into an inexplicable extreme carnival.

On the big screen in the center of the venue, it has switched to a close-up of Bai Qiu's handsome profile.

"First of all, it is what we all look forward to the most and like the most. This year's S7 has performed exceptionally well, with gorgeous and dazzling play and attack, and his personal ability has broken through the sky--Cherish!!


"Qiu Dad!!"


"Cherish I love you!!"

"Cherish wants to carry today too!"

"Qiu Daddy is so handsome! Qiu Daddy will win!"

Bai Qiu's ID is like a stimulant. As soon as he exited the scene, hundreds of thousands of viewers went completely crazy. For a time, the atmosphere instantly overwhelmed the five previous SKT people.

Even Brother Li has no such momentum!

Perhaps this has the factor of the home field bonus, but it is still shocking!

Bai Qiu, who received hundreds of thousands of fans on the stage and hundreds of thousands of audiences around the world worshipped and baptized, is still reverberating BGM, which symbolizes triumph and war.

At this moment, his whole body trembled inexplicably, and his calm face concealed indescribable excitement and excitement.

It was a kind of throbbing from the depths of his soul, which made his whole body's blood burst out at this moment!

Brother Li, who was not far away on the other side, noticed something and glanced in the direction of Bai Qiu. On the other side, Bai Qiu just happened to look over.

The eyes of the two met in the air, their hearts moved inexplicably, and then they separated.

Brother Li looked back, and on the way, the exquisite Summoner trophy placed not far from the two sides was fixed, and there was unprecedented heat and obsession in the depths of his eyes.

What about the home court, how high the cheers are today, how deep is the despair at the end of the game.

I'll destroy it all with my own hands and get this trophy back!

At this time, the rest of the IG had also finished introducing, and Ren Dong shouted enthusiastically: "Welcome to Invictus Gaming (IG's full name) again!!"

"Heroes, chasing legends!"

"2017 League of Legends World Championship, now--start!!


The words are over, the LPL division has been looking forward to the battle for 7 years, and the battle of the LCK division to dominate the defending legend has officially begun!

Hundreds of thousands of people at the scene held up the aid objects in their hands, and the camera showed them, and then gradually moved away and disappeared.

The dark big screen lights up.

A rhythmic BGM prelude sounded.

Rookie-Individual walking in the pavilion aisle in the dark, with his back to the camera, Rookie's ID shines brightly.

"I think they have an invisible power. Even if SKT loses, because they are SKT, they can still come back."

"It's this kind of power that's so mysterious...

In the withered maple forest, all SKT members were dressed in fiery new team uniforms, standing together with arms folded and looking directly at the camera, with unparalleled confidence and arrogance on their faces.

The camera cuts, on the other side of the maple forest, the river stream flows, quiet and quiet.

The five IG people formed a long snake formation, standing on the other side of SKT, and looked at each other from a distance.

At the center of the ten of them, is the Summoner's Trophy that is enough to make everyone in the world go crazy, dream about it, and strive for it all his life!

Brother Li took the lead and started walking slowly towards the trophy.

Bai Qiu also took the first step.

Immediately afterwards, the camera switched rapidly, the rest of the SKT players followed Li, and the IG team followed behind Bai Qiu.

All of them have very clear goals, they are all moving towards each other, the goal is each other, and it is the summoning trophy master!

"Our only option now is to play better than them

Bai Qiu's nice and clear voice-over sounded.

The rhythm of the BGM is accelerated, and the shots are switched rapidly.

Ten people from IG and SKT, the ten strongest players in the world who have gathered the attention of hundreds of millions of viewers around the world today, the camera swiped one by one, and everyone is looking down, sideways, or looking directly at the camera.

The postures are different, but they all show that the young man is fresh and angry, his spleen is cloudy, and his spirit is high.

"This is the first time I have entered the World Championship Championship." Huni put in his pockets and looked into the distance, his tone was full of fanatical anticipation and fiery: "This will also be the most important game of my life."

"A lot of people outside say that we got this far by luck, and now I think we are lucky.

In the dark jungle, the fog filled the air, Ning Wang sat on the bench, and gradually raised his head with the rhythm of the BGM.

"But whether it's luck or not, we'll tell everyone the answer today!

In addition, "good luck, sometimes it is also part of strength!"

The red wine glasses are swaying in the luxurious villa hall. Five people from SKT, including the coach horse, are all sitting on the golden table. There are exquisite and elegant Western food in front of everyone's table. Everyone's wine glasses are filled with orange red. 's liquor.

…………For flowers……0

Chatting and laughing, full of energy.

At this moment, they are like gods incarnate, overlooking all living beings, and mocking the mud-legged 1G who are trying to challenge their dynasty with disdain.

"Everyone wants to beat them, but it's really hard to do.

Bao Lan tilted her head, her tone a little longing and a little cowardly.

"So far, no one has actually done it and succeeded!"

As soon as the camera turned, Brother Li looked up at the sunset in the sky, and his tone was flat, just like the king attitude he had always left to the global audience: "I don't think I'm invincible, in order to win, I've been thinking about how to do it. better.

"I have won all the world finals championships since I played. As long as we advance to the S competition, I will always win the championship. If we win the runner-up this time, it will be a lifelong regret."

After the words fell, the shots of IG and SKT people alternated with each other, and finally returned to darkness.

BGM is also gone.

Just when everyone thought it was all over, a roaring voice suddenly appeared.

"IG!! They have broken through themselves, and they have broken through the best history of LPL in recent years!!"

"Five kills! Cherish! Five kills Cherish, OMG, this sword girl, no one can stop him! Cherish is a god!! IG, is the team that has been most attacked by Xiaomin this year!!"

"IG!! They double-killed the LCK team, two three-to-zero, which is an unprecedented feat! This is a glorious history that is enough to go down in the history books! Now, they have defeated LZ, and they have set their sights on - Summoning Teacher Trophy!!



The disappearing BGM suddenly rises, the picture recovers instantly, and the blood and passion explode at this moment!

"Any team that tries to take down SKT fails in the end. But we won't.

Bai Qiu rode from the bench and walked down the steps.

Below, other IG teammates have been waiting for him for a long time!

Everyone walked forward together.

The SKT crowd on the other side also approached again.

The rhythm of the BGM accelerated, and Little Peanut leaned against the tree: "Last year's World Finals was a lifetime regret, I really, really want to win that Summoner's trophy.

"Winning is like a dream, but we did it, I dreamed that we won the championship, and I also believe that we will achieve this dream today." Rookie said with a smile.

"If our team wins the triple crown, I don't think any other team will be able to break this record, as if you are writing history, which is an unprecedented honor for me and makes me shudder!"

SKT support Wolf's tone was trembling.

Everyone in SKT has come to the Summoner trophy, this trophy for them,

Close at hand!

"In the past 6 years, our division's performance in the S competition has been unsatisfactory. At that time, I saw the LPL team being slaughtered again and again, and those famous players sat on the chairs, Yan Pai cried, weeping, this scene, I will never forget it. ."

Bai Qiu sits still, looks directly at the camera, and continues with an unprecedented paranoid tone in the flat, as if he is narrating a simple fact:

"At that moment I was thinking, if I can be the go-to game, I have to win everything. Now that the trophy is in sight, I have to consider if this will be the only chance I have in my life. I believe in the glory of the LPL in the past, All LPL players have contributed greatly, so I also have to take up the heavy responsibility-recasting the glory of the LPL, my generation is bound to!"

When the words fell, everyone in IG was already close to the trophy and looked at each other with everyone in SKT.

The picture is suddenly empty, and the BGM is completely over.

Brother Li lost his teammates, and Bai Qiu was the only one left.

At this moment, it seemed as if there were only the two of them left in the world.

A red robe is like fire, and a white robe is like snow.

It's like a duel between two ancient top knights.

Or a confrontation of fate, or a challenge to the gods by the god tester.

The footsteps of the two took a step forward, and the distance between them was already close at hand.


The picture stopped, and the picture of the two looking at each other was enlarged, eventually occupying the entire big screen--

disappear, end.

The fist-heavy sign fell.

2017 World Finals - Officially Begins!! And,

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