Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 265: Drinking ice for 7 years, hard to cool and warm blood (5/5 for subscription!)

"Hello! Welcome to the final scene of the 2017 Global Finals. This is the China G Bird's Nest. Hello everyone, I am the commentator of this game!"

"I'm Miller!!

"I am .PDD!

Bird's nest, commentary seat.

With the conclusion of the 2017 Global Finals, which is the most grand opening ceremony in history, after a few words from the commentary in front, the camera came to the commentary.

The three LPL gold medal commentators appeared in front of the camera with a smile on their faces.

Everyone's faces were flushed at the moment, and their energy was obviously more than a few grades higher than usual.

Obviously, after the unparalleled opening ceremony just now, the emotions of several commentators have been completely ignited.


"Wow. It's really too flamboyant." The doll let out a long breath, feeling the noise and boiling of hundreds of thousands of people at the scene, and couldn't help saying: "Today, hundreds of thousands of people really gathered together!"

"It exploded, it really exploded." Next to "120" Miller said: "Today's bird's nest is too explosive!"

"Yes. And to be honest, although I knew before the competition that there would be an ancient dragon, I was still shocked just now. I can only say that this year's S competition is just two words - the card is good!"

"Card face." The two of them nodded with a smile.

"Of course" the baby changed the topic and returned to the topic: "After the grand opening ceremony, everyone has been looking forward to the decisive battle for a whole year, and even for several years, and it will be staged soon!"

"It's finally here." Miller looked a little complicated: "We've really waited too long for this day.

All LPL viewers have been looking forward to the home game and the Bird's Nest match for an unknown time.

Today, it's finally here!

"I am very excited." PDD smiled beside him: "Because today, our LPL team is also shortlisted for the finals of this tournament!

"Yes!" The baby's tone was high: "IG, against SKT! This year's most peak matchup is about to be staged!


Hearing the voice of IG, some audience members at the scene couldn't help but shouted like crazy.

That is, at this moment, the cheers suddenly increased.

Everyone looked, it turned out that the members of IG and SKT had already entered!

When they entered, the huge and splendid Bird's Nest stage, one by one VR projections, like heavy hammers, appeared one after another out of thin air!

Wow!! Meow!

The starting player profiles of the IG and SKT teams, including the team's historical achievements and honors, are all presented in a very visually stunning form to the eyes of the global audience!

"Wow... Seeing this, the commentators in each competition area exclaimed.

Baby said: "This. Today's opening format is also unprecedentedly cool, then we can see the historical information of the two teams 1G and SKT here,

Having said that, he suddenly stopped.

It's not that I don't want to say it, but that some people don't know how to say it, which is embarrassing.

Because compared with SKT on the left, it is extremely brilliant and disdain for the impressive achievements of the world, IG. on the right can really be described as tragic.

Miserable, so miserable.

SKT's players, on the exquisite VR giant projection, are a series of international honors, the team's historical achievements, aside from the championship of their own league, there are five or six international championships alone!

The resumes of three of the global finals champions are like the scorching sun, the brilliance of light, and all the people who stabbed are in a trance.

Look at IG again.

Blank, blank.

Except for a few words, and a few cup championships outside the Pheasant Professional League, there is not even a championship in the LPL division.

Too f*ck

At this moment, all LPL viewers felt that the director was an undercover agent sent by LCK, and it was like this, and he would be publicly executed?

But in fact, everyone completely misunderstood the director.

This opening has been set a long time ago. This is also the most grand S competition this year, or even seven years. This is the only treatment and indicator for the finals. Others, such as the semi-finals and the top eight, are not even eligible. .


IG's past experience is too pale. Compared with SKT, it is really like a battle between a scholar who has no power and a peerless master.

The audience who saw this information for the first time couldn't help but feel a sense of trance--

IG, do you really deserve to play in the finals with SKT?

This team has not even won the championship in its own division!

"Uh, it can be seen that SKT has completely crushed 1G in the past results." Although Miller was very complicated in his heart, he still said: "I don't need to say that, the triple crown champion, everyone knows it."

"Yes, but I want to say something here." Baby said: "Although IG has not achieved good results in the past, and even has no experience in international competitions before, it is still the same sentence, this year's IG is really strong!

"Really strong!"

PDD nodded very seriously and said: "The current IG and the previous are definitely two teams. Their player strength and upper limit are also the best in the world at present. Even the top laner Cherish, I think he is already the world's No. 1 laner!"


As soon as these words came out, the sluggish atmosphere at the scene was relieved, and Bai Qiu's fans screamed,

"That's right!" When Bai Qiu was mentioned, Doll and Miller were also refreshed.

This is the most explosive superstar in S7 at present. Compared with Li Ge, the limelight is even better!

"Cherish's duel with Huni today is also a highlight. At the same time, everyone knows that since the introduction of Cherish this year, IG's overall combat effectiveness has improved significantly.

Miller said: "Anyway, the game is here, the weak have been eliminated, only the strongest can stand here, now the players in the front are ready, not much nonsense, let us enter today's game together. The first game on top of the world!!"

The words fell, and the director's camera switched.

The 2017 global finals, the first game of B05, officially begins!

In this game, IG is on the blue side and SKT is on the red side.

As soon as they came up, SKT did not hesitate to ban Jace, Jian Ji, and finally the Spear of Vengeance.

Two ban orders!

Even if it is not on the red side, it is unknown if the three bans are placed!

SKT has obviously studied IG, and with their status and identity, they can still give face like this when playing IG." They banned two top laners, which is also the most terrifying thing about SKT.

Never be proud of victory, never be discouraged by defeat.

IG was very surprised, but after reacting to it, they still followed the routine, banning the strong version of Lu Lu and Du, and finally added a hand of Galio.

5.0" Galio! This ban is very beautiful! When everyone in LPL saw Galio being banned by IG, they sighed proudly.

Miller said loudly: "You can't give it to SKT Galio, you can't give it to Faker's stage, this point, we already have blood-like experience in the semifinals!"

"Yes, in that case, what would IG choose first? This game of SKT is a bit targeted, Cherish, the two best players in the semi-finals are gone, IG is in the blue Fang, do you want to help Cherish - grab a hero?"

As soon as the baby's voice fell, IG on the blue side directly helped Bai Qiuliang to help a hero.

One that no one thought of -- the unpopular hero.

Will "cut them to pieces!"

Desert Butcher, Renekton.

Nicknamed, Crocodile!!

PS: The last chapter was locked in a small dark room again, crying to death,

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