Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 282: Luck is the humble speech of the strong and the excuse of the weak (2/5 for subscriptio

"Welcome back, here is the final scene of the 2017 World Championship - the Bird's Nest!"

"have not seen you for a long time!!

bird's nest.

The LPL commentary booth, with the start of the second game, the three LPL commentators also appeared in front of the camera with bright smiles all dressed up.

As soon as it appeared, the doll's sentence "Long time no see" caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

"Really long time no see? It's only about ten minutes?" Miller smirked and looked at his partner next to him.

"As the saying goes, if we don't see each other for one day, if every three autumns, we don't see each other in ten minutes. Is it okay to say a word, is there something wrong?" The doll's tone was very excited, and all the LPL audiences were in the mood at this moment: "Furthermore, everyone Waiting for this game! We can't wait, it's been a long time and it lives up to its name!!"



"IG! IG!

"Qiu Dad!! Little IG will win!

"Little IG rush!

When the words fell, countless LPL fans off the court were like a bloodbath, shouting proudly everywhere, and the scene was very explosive.

During this short break, obviously not only the outside world, but also in the center of the game and the scene, the atmosphere here also came to the most explosive stage.

IG won the first game, and they watched the whole performance, and they watched the closest distance!

Everyone is looking forward to it, expecting that IG can continue to maintain the state of the first game and continue to give them unprecedented surprises!!


Seeing such an explosion at the scene, the commentators of the competition areas around the world also shook their heads and sighed, with some shock in their hearts.

It seems that under the home of the Bird's Nest, the S7 has really become a phenomenal craze.

Just standing on the scene, before the game starts, can feel the heat and madness of the scene.

"The second game, it's starting." After the shock, Miller exhaled and said loudly: "This is today's match point battle, IG, as long as we win this game again, we can lead 2-0. SKT, and in the history of the S competition, there has never been a team that has succeeded in chasing two and three on the stage of the finals!"

"Even SKT is no exception!

PDD replied aggressively: "In other words, as long as we win this game, the success rate is really infinitely close to 100%!!"


After the words fell, the scene went crazy!!

There is nothing more shocking and more shocking than the words "Bird's Nest Holds the Cup"!

These four words are enough to represent everything, no need to say more!

"That's right, then before the start of this billion-dollar match point battle in the finals, IG, and SKT, also have something to say to each other, let's take a look...

The words fell, and the director shot was given to the big screen.

The figure of SKT's top single Huni appeared on the big screen, with the iconic comma bangs, people are also very confident, with some arrogance in his tone: "Well. In the finals against IG, in fact, we think this year may be the least challenging. one finals.

"The reason why IG can advance to the finals proves that the gold content of this year's S competition has decreased. Although many people are now advocating the inspiration of IG, personally, I don't think IG is really strong. They have gone all the way. There was so much luck."

"As for Cherish, the so-called No. 1 top laner in the world, before the championship of the S tournament is settled, will it be--too anxious?"




"Turtle, it really is Hu Bawan, this hatred value is full!"

"One thing to say, I think not only Huni, but everyone in SKT should have this idea. This team has always been honeyed with confidence."

"..they have confidence. Well, the triple crown team, to be honest, IG wins one game doesn't mean anything..

"?? Hanza is here to deliver again? At this time, there are still people who support the LCK team?"

After Huni finished speaking, the barrage started a chaotic battle.

Where there are many people, there are rivers and lakes, and now the attention of S7 can no longer be described by many people, it is simply - hundreds of millions!

On the big screen on the other side, after Huni finished speaking, Bai Qiu also appeared.

Calm as always, but still looks a little cold.

"Sometimes luck is also a part of strength." Bai Qiu clearly responded to Huni's words and said calmly: "And I think luck is always just a humble speech for the strong and an excuse for the weak."

"As against Huni, Huni is a very strong top laner. Well, I don't know exactly where he is stronger."


Luck is only a humble speech for the strong and an excuse for the weak.

Huni is very strong, I don't know exactly where it is strong.

Is there anything more sarcastic than this? This is simply swearing without swearing.

If it was before the first game, maybe Bai Qiu would be too crazy.

But I saw Bai Qiu's performance in the first game, combined with IG's record of winning SKT, in a moment, two simple sentences, not too aggressive, with Bai Qiu's flat tone, plus a high face cold expression.

There was an explosion right there!

"Wow. Cherish, these words are too murderous!" The doll couldn't help but exclaimed: "Too confident!!"

"What I want is this kind of confidence! I think everyone is familiar with Cherish by now. The most important thing this person lacks is confidence!" Miller said loudly: "And, he also did it, In the last game, he completely crushed Huni!!"

"That's right, then the players in the front are ready, without further ado, let's enter the second game of B05 of the finals today--BP!

After the words fell, the director notified that the BO5 of the second game officially started, and the camera came to the BP interface.

In this game, IG is on the red side and SKT is on the blue side.

As soon as it came up, IG continued to ban people from the previous game, directly dropped Li Ge's Galio, the outside world's first-hand version of Lulu, and the red version of the spear of revenge that must be banned.

The SKI side obviously absorbed the lessons of the previous game, and did not hesitate to ban Bai Qiu's crocodile, sword girl, and sharp change!

Three ban orders!!

Although it was expected that SKT would do this, the global audience couldn't help but take a deep breath when they actually saw this scene again.

Judging from the current situation, even if IG lost the game today, Cherish, who was targeted by SKT, and even all the giants in the world, has already become famous!

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